I did it again - snuck away for the weekend. Some of my thoughtful friends from our beloved North Syracuse Baptist Church invited me to the annual Girlfriend Getaway Weekend up in Speculator, NY that used to be a staple on my Fall calendar. Who could resist a weekend in the Adirondacks in September with women? Not me, and it was glorious.
I took lots of pictures for you and if you can stand it, even have some sillyness to share. Good luck making it all the way to the end.
I was packed and ready mid-morning Friday. Since I had somewhere to go and people to be with, I thought I should wear a cute fall outfit. A young friend of mine, knowing I love colored tights, once told me I should try them with shorts in the Fall - assuring me it's very stylish. I've never done it, feeling it's a bit of a departure for me but I was open to adventure so I nervously put together this outfit. I was still unsure. In my insecurity, I even broke my cardinal rule of cell phone cameras and took a selfie of the ensemble and sent it to her to double check. Desperate times call for desperate measures when you're home alone.
She affirmed that it was a hit and I should not second guess So....I kept it on.
don't miss the sparkly shoes |
Because we moved from Syracuse almost two years ago, I have spent little time at Destiny, the new super mall. So I made a day of it before meeting the girls to caravan to Camp of the Woods, starting with lunch at Cantina Laredo. It's been recommended as a great Mexican restaurant. I called my good friend, Joanie. You may remember her from
this post. I haven't seen her since that summer visit, so was eager to catch up.
It was the most glorious meal. They make your guacamole fresh...at the table. We scarfed it like it was our job and nearly licked the bowl clean. I ordered fish tacos. Look at it...it tasted as good as it looks. We gabbed and laughed and ate and talked too fast. Before you know it our time was up.
I had a few hours to kill so I checked out the new section of the mall. I had one purchase to make. I'll tell you about that in a minute.
In the first store, as I was browsing a young sales girl looked me up and down and said, "I love your tights. The whole outfit, top to bottom, is exquisite." A little shocked, but secretly delighted, I said, "You don't think I'm too old for it?" She said, "GIRL, you took a risk and it WORKED for you!" That just made me laugh and happy and gave me confidence to continue through the mall. It was not the last time I was stopped for the same reason. Everyone wanted to know where I got the pumpkin tights. In case you're wondering, Target - last year.
So I continued on and found what I was looking for. You see, I have some 'older' women in my life who claim I've made fun of their need for glasses over the years. I don't know what they are referring to. They not only predicted I would need them someday but I am sure prayed it would happen prematurely, and indeed it has. I can no longer read without help. This weekend I would be with these women. It would be the great unveiling and humbling as I revealed myself wearing glasses in public for the first time with this group. So I was off to shop for some cute ones since the pairs I use at home are scratched and cloudy (great dollar store purchases). This is what I found.
Aren't they cute? Makes it a little more bearable. And my friends didn't give me too much guff, which was kind.
Next I found these stores:
a sock store - you could find every pattern and color possible - so fun! |
Once I "got" the name, I giggled. XSRE, get it? Accessory? I like accessories. Xsres, I mean. No, I didn't go in. Sometimes I actually succeed at resisting temptation. |
and sometimes I don't.... |
It was the smell coming from this store, that lured me over. You may or may not remember that I have a passion for frosting. So when I saw this guy, I had a crisis of conviction.
Not a big fan of ghosts, but that's a significant amount of frosting. The perfect ratio for the size of the cookie I thought. I'm not going to tell you what my decision was. I'll leave that to your imagination.
Soon I got tired of the mall and headed off to meet my friends. We had a nice trip up to the mountains. The next day and a half were filled with happy reunions and lots of hugging. So many women I have known and loved for years in one place. Familiarity. Acceptance. Support. Encouragement. Awesome.
The speaker was very good, the food was fattening, but the individual conversations were rich. I loved catching up on their lives.
The "theme" of the weekend for me was parallel with what I learned at Women of Faith just two weeks ago. If you missed it, you can read about that
here. You see, as I scanned the room, I looked at the faces of women, stories I'm familiar with, all with a common thread. With God's help they have
made it through something hard. That spoke to me.
One of my favorite encounters was with a young woman/wife/mom/friend who up until Saturday I didn't know real well. We sat together here and she told me her story.
I was so proud of her for going through something very difficult with little support and some opposition from friends and family. She made hard, right decisions alone - just between her and God. Then I rejoiced with her how God has made all things good (Rom 8:28) in her life.
Sometimes the older women teach the younger. And sometimes the younger teach the older.
A few others shared their stories from the podium. More of the same theme. It was encouraging. Tell your story, my friends. The rest of us need to hear it.
Another favorite moment happened here. This woman has been one of great influence in my life for so many years. A thoughtful friend captured our moment...or should I say moments. I haven't seen her in quite a while and I know it was selfish, but I monopolized her attention for a while. She's a good listener.
Can you get over that fireplace? Oh my goodness. Adirondack perfection.
Sunday morning I bounced out of bed (which wasn't that easy because my very thin mattress was on the floor) because even though I was sad my Girlfriend Getaway Weekend was almost over, I had planned a trip further north to visit my favorite college freshmen and second beloved son. Hey, it's been a month since I've seen him - the longest separation to date and I know I have a longer one ahead, so I indulged myself. I warned you how selfish I can be.
God was generous in showing off His creation on the way.
The pictures don't do justice to the beautiful colors of the leaves or the angels that must have been surrounding me as I took these while driving on winding roads sometimes into oncoming traffic.
Soon I arrived at Word of Life Bible Institute and spent the next 3 and 1/2 hours looking at this face.
We had so much fun catching up, eating, laughing, buying him snacks, etc. We like burgers and milkshakes. I think he was happy to see me too, because he barely made fun of me, which he usually can't resist. I discovered that he's doing just fine without my daily influence, or is it interference? I don't want to talk about it.
Then I started for home where two people said they missed me and wanted me to hurry up.
Before I wrap up this way-too-long and partially ridiculous post, I have to tell you one more thing that I told Ally on the way to school today. To which she replied, "Whatever you say, Mom" with a slight eye roll as she got out of the driver's seat.
After I left Ben, I rode in silence awhile since I had several hours ahead of me. (This is the time when I get sleepy, wish Scott was there to drive me home and wonder, 'Who's brilliant idea was this?') After a bit, I set my ipod to shuffle. Next I began to talk to God. I needed to say thank you for specific things of the weekend. I began with "You simply are too good to me". My voice croaked and I figured I may as well not fight the tears - because they were happy, not sad.
Immediately the songs changed and I heard "Here With Me" by MercyMe start. It's not only my favorite MM song, but the one I recently dubbed "our song" (God and me). He played our song right when I was telling Him how happy and grateful I am for all the gifts He gave me through the weekend. Coincidence? Not to me.
"God, why do you love me so much?"
Then I read in Isaiah this morning a list of promises God has directed toward us and the reason why - because of who He is. You see, I didn't and don't do anything to deserve His love. Neither do you (so take a load off). He lavishes good things on us out of the greatness of who He is. And that is glorious!
Notice it throughout your day - and enjoy them. He loves you!