I have two distinct memories of my father in the kitchen. The first is that almost every night of the week he made popcorn. Not in the microwave and not jiffy pop. He made it the old fashioned way. In a pot with some oil on the stove. I still remember the worn, silver pot he used, the sound from my room where I might have been doing homework, and the smell permeating the house. He even had a special bowl, a big brown wicker-y like one, and we got little ones that required refilling if we ran out.
The other happened on the weekend. Every Saturday morning (I think) Dad made breakfast. Pancakes were his specialty. I remember it usually happened too early and I don't recall an option to skip breakfast to sleep in. He kept bugging us until we got out of bed. But it wasn't just pancakes. He always made fried eggs to go with them. He would assemble his pancakes with the eggs between two. We never called it anything special, but he would make ours that way if we wanted him to. We rarely did.
Of course I initially thought it was gross, but eventually grew to like it. Now to this day, whenever I make pancakes even if they are blueberry or chocolate chip, I fry two eggs (nice & yolky) and slide them in between. My kids still look at my plate kind of funny because they're too skiddish to try it themselves but they probably will....someday. Mmmm so good.
Today I went to a favorite diner with a fun friend. Sometimes I'm a creature of habit and most always am when it comes to eating breakfast out. I usually waffle (pun intended) between two choices. #1. Two eggs over easy, hash browns, whole wheat toast dry. Or #2. Greek omelette w/lots of spinach. This morning was to be no different.
But then I saw something that I've never seen on a menu before. Ever. Anywhere. The Pancake Sandwich. I told my friend the story about Dad and Saturday mornings. I knew I'd better get it.
When I had plowed through half of it, she said, "So does it taste like your Dad's?" I thought and smiled, "Yes". We agreed it was a sweet memory.
Makes me thankful for the years I had him and the memories he made with us kids.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Last Few Adirondack Ramblings
I guess it's taken me a few days to get back here. Of course, I'm home and immersed in real life. The bad news is that my week away had to end, but the good news is that it was so great and the primary goal was reached....bring Ben home.
This will be an incredibly random post, just tying up some loose ends. I checked my phone and found all these pics.
This is the campfire service that Word of Life hosts every week at every camp all summer long. Bible Institute students give their testimonies, camp songs like "Holding Forth The Word of Life" are sung and the Gospel is presented with an invitation to throw a stick in the fire signifying a desire/passion to follow Christ for life.
To be honest, I haven't attended in a few summers but since I was alone, didn't really have anything to do and was in a reflective mood, I walked around the lake and took a seat on a wood bench. These pictures don't really capture the fact that it was packed with families.
Mike Calhoun preached. As my boys would say, "He's the man." He is. He's one of my favorite staff speakers. His message was simple and relevant. When he invited all to come forward, I was delighted and surprised at how many people, young and old, got out of their seats and surrounded the fire. I mean, I'd say 2/3 of the stands were emptied. 2/3!!
I slipped out and walked back to my cabin thanking God for all I'd just witnessed. God is alive and at work giving new life at Word of Life camps and around the world. This is what it's all about.
On my last day, I just sort of wandered around town, taking in the sights. Here are some of them.
Everytime I am here I must stop and visit this roadside shop much to Scott's chagrin. But he wasn't with me, so I did. Aren't these the cutest bears you've ever seen?
I.want.this.guy. He's been on my wish list for about five years now. I can see him on my front stoop or back porch, can't you? However, the pricetag always prohibits the purchase. Maybe someday. In the meantime, I have this photo.
I was surprised to find this old friend. Famous, in my book. It's Bert Britt, former WOL soloist and our wedding singer! It was good to catch up for a few minutes.
Next, I took a few back roads and visited the Adirondack General Store. They serve breakfast. It screams camp. I want to live here.
Fresh donuts!! Worth the trip. I resisted though. Sometimes you just have to say no.
Because it was Ben's last night of camp and he had lots of jobs to do, I was on my own for dinner. I drove around until I found someplace that I thought might be like a diner. In hindsight, I realize it was a bar, but what are you going to do? I had this glorious bacon egg cheeseburger and perfect skinny, crunchy fries. I do not dig fat or steak fries and the egg was over easy. Yummy yolks. So, I sat out on the back deck (alone) to escape the smoke and darkness of the "diner" and enjoyed my book while eating alone. It sounds sad, but I wasn't sad. It was peaceful and quiet.
Then since I was out, I stopped and got a make your own sundae. Delicious. A classic black and white. Hot fudge and marshmallow. Oh my. I only ate about five bites. Turns out it was a little too sweet. Don't tell Scott - he will think I wasted $2.20. I didn't - it was not a waste. More like, just enough.
Saturday morning, I packed my car and cleaned up the cabin and decided since I ate whole grain cereal with skim milk EVERY DAY this week that I would splurge on a fresh, from scratch belgian waffle. (A WOL specialty). It was glorious.
Then I noticed that the bakery had many loaves of english muffin bread for sale. Another favorite that I would beg Drew to bring home whenever he was on break. I bought a loaf or two...or six. Grilled cheese on english muffin bread. Oh yeah.
It occurs to me at this point that I may be leaving the impression that when I'm alone I eat. Hmmm. Something to ponder.
At last, the moment arrived and my boy came off the lake for the last time.
After we stopped for a quick lunch a nap was certainly in order.
I was still kind of bummed that my sons' summer schedules did not cooperate with our family time. Much to my surprise and delight, Scott spontaneously drove us down to Drew to reunite the boys....and get some Krispy Kremes. The boys were the priority, I promise. There's nothing like the five being together, even if just for an hour. The donuts were just icing on the cake. Literally.
A beautiful vacation. God's blessings and gifts are abundant and I appreciate each one. Thanks for hanging with me all week. It was fun to share it with you.
This will be an incredibly random post, just tying up some loose ends. I checked my phone and found all these pics.
This is the campfire service that Word of Life hosts every week at every camp all summer long. Bible Institute students give their testimonies, camp songs like "Holding Forth The Word of Life" are sung and the Gospel is presented with an invitation to throw a stick in the fire signifying a desire/passion to follow Christ for life.
To be honest, I haven't attended in a few summers but since I was alone, didn't really have anything to do and was in a reflective mood, I walked around the lake and took a seat on a wood bench. These pictures don't really capture the fact that it was packed with families.
Mike Calhoun preached. As my boys would say, "He's the man." He is. He's one of my favorite staff speakers. His message was simple and relevant. When he invited all to come forward, I was delighted and surprised at how many people, young and old, got out of their seats and surrounded the fire. I mean, I'd say 2/3 of the stands were emptied. 2/3!!
I slipped out and walked back to my cabin thanking God for all I'd just witnessed. God is alive and at work giving new life at Word of Life camps and around the world. This is what it's all about.
On my last day, I just sort of wandered around town, taking in the sights. Here are some of them.
Everytime I am here I must stop and visit this roadside shop much to Scott's chagrin. But he wasn't with me, so I did. Aren't these the cutest bears you've ever seen?
I.want.this.guy. He's been on my wish list for about five years now. I can see him on my front stoop or back porch, can't you? However, the pricetag always prohibits the purchase. Maybe someday. In the meantime, I have this photo.
I was surprised to find this old friend. Famous, in my book. It's Bert Britt, former WOL soloist and our wedding singer! It was good to catch up for a few minutes.
Next, I took a few back roads and visited the Adirondack General Store. They serve breakfast. It screams camp. I want to live here.
Fresh donuts!! Worth the trip. I resisted though. Sometimes you just have to say no.
Because it was Ben's last night of camp and he had lots of jobs to do, I was on my own for dinner. I drove around until I found someplace that I thought might be like a diner. In hindsight, I realize it was a bar, but what are you going to do? I had this glorious bacon egg cheeseburger and perfect skinny, crunchy fries. I do not dig fat or steak fries and the egg was over easy. Yummy yolks. So, I sat out on the back deck (alone) to escape the smoke and darkness of the "diner" and enjoyed my book while eating alone. It sounds sad, but I wasn't sad. It was peaceful and quiet.
Then since I was out, I stopped and got a make your own sundae. Delicious. A classic black and white. Hot fudge and marshmallow. Oh my. I only ate about five bites. Turns out it was a little too sweet. Don't tell Scott - he will think I wasted $2.20. I didn't - it was not a waste. More like, just enough.
Saturday morning, I packed my car and cleaned up the cabin and decided since I ate whole grain cereal with skim milk EVERY DAY this week that I would splurge on a fresh, from scratch belgian waffle. (A WOL specialty). It was glorious.
Then I noticed that the bakery had many loaves of english muffin bread for sale. Another favorite that I would beg Drew to bring home whenever he was on break. I bought a loaf or two...or six. Grilled cheese on english muffin bread. Oh yeah.
It occurs to me at this point that I may be leaving the impression that when I'm alone I eat. Hmmm. Something to ponder.
At last, the moment arrived and my boy came off the lake for the last time.
After we stopped for a quick lunch a nap was certainly in order.
I was still kind of bummed that my sons' summer schedules did not cooperate with our family time. Much to my surprise and delight, Scott spontaneously drove us down to Drew to reunite the boys....and get some Krispy Kremes. The boys were the priority, I promise. There's nothing like the five being together, even if just for an hour. The donuts were just icing on the cake. Literally.
A beautiful vacation. God's blessings and gifts are abundant and I appreciate each one. Thanks for hanging with me all week. It was fun to share it with you.
Friday, August 16, 2013
The Best Day
I don't see her very often. We've always lived in different towns. We've always gone to different churches. We are from different generations. I consider her a mentor, but call her a friend. I love every single minute I get to spend with her though they are few and far too far between.
About ten years or so ago we were both knee deep in the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) ministry. Though we were both from the Syracuse area and had heard about each other, we hadn't met yet. Until we were in Kansas City (we think) for a MOPS Convention. A mutual friend introduced us. I liked her. She seemed nice enough.
At the end of the weekend in the airport headed home, I saw her sitting nearby and figured she'd be on my flight. I was too insecure to approach her being certain she'd already forgotten who I was. We boarded the plane but soon got off when our flight was cancelled. She saw me as we re-entered the terminal and like a Mom said, "Come with me, let's get on another flight." I gladly followed. It's at times like this in travel that I need an assistant.
Once she got us booked on another flight and having a few hours to kill, she said, "Let's go get some lunch." We ordered (she treated) and she looked across the table straight into my eyes and said, "Now tell me all about your life." I was instantly at ease and did just that. I told her everything I could think of. I was kind of mortified later, fearing she must have been thinking "TMI", but she never let on.
I like the way she tells it, "Instantly we fell in love." Yes. I certainly did. Since then, we snatch small snippets of time together when we can and occasionally share emails. She doesn't text....yet. We've had the glorious privilege of doing some ministry together like speaking to a MOPS group in tandem covering the younger woman/older woman theme.
All these years she's been like a cheerleader to me. Recognizing my gifts, affirming me and encouraging me to get out there and serve the Lord with confidence. She tells countless stories of the Lord's faithfulness to her, her family and others to motivate. She knows the Word and shares it enthusiastically because she believes it and lives it.
She takes an interest in my family. She adores my husband (her words), always sending love to him whenever we meet. She asks about the kids and answers my endless questions on how to raise them to love the Lord. She celebrates all my achievements and accomplishments. She gives sound advice and counsel. She makes me feel important and loved.
And this last year, she carried my burdens. She prayed for me. She checked on me. She continually pointed me to the One who heals broken hearts. She exudes the love of Christ and is the godliest of women.
She goes away every summer to her cottage in the Adirondacks so we always say, 'Let's get together in the Fall'. But when she checked on me last week, I sheepishly but hopefully asked, "Where exactly are you in relation to Word of Life?" She picked up immediately on what I was going to suggest. We made plans that I would come see her for an afternoon this week.
Today was the day. I was excited all week knowing besides bringing Ben home on Saturday that this would be the highlight day. It certainly was.
I drove about 90 minutes further into the beautiful Adirondacks and didn't get lost! Without Scott, that's a pretty big deal. I can't begin to describe the scenery. So I'll show you. One lake after another. Mountains everywhere.
Soon I pulled into her place. Have you ever dreamed of having a cabin or cottage on a lake? I have. And now I've seen it with my own eyes. She came outside to greet me (with her overeager dog) and said, "I'm so sorry the weather is so cold, but I've built you a fire." She built me a fire? Can you picture my facial expression?
I walked in to this totally rustic, log cabin decorated Adirondack-style with a gorgeous stone fireplace crackling away and immediately thought, "I never want to leave. How long can I stay?" She told me to sit anywhere. This was my choice. Could it be? A red and green plaid couch...was this heaven?
We had lunch and gabbed nonstop while she'd occasionally add another log to the fire. We talked about everything. Our husbands, her kids and grandkids, my kids, summer activity here at the cottage, how Scott and I are doing. We talked about weddings and my upcoming role as a mother-in-law and I got her best advice on how to be good at it. Then we talked about sermons and books and the Bible, and all the things God has been teaching us since our last visit. We laughed. We praised God for His goodness to us. We never ran out of subjects. I could have sat here forever.
But we decided it was time to stretch our legs and she showed me around their property. Here are some views from the deck and dock.
I mean, have you ever?
It was too chilly and windy to sit outside so we went back in to the fire and had a snack. Just when I thought it couldn't have been a more lovely day and right before I left to hurry back and bring Ben dinner, she said, "Oh, I want to read you something." You see, she's been reading the Psalms and wanted me to hear the ones that brought me to her mind as she was reading.
Never a more beautiful site. I melted. God has blessed me with a most special friend. I loved seeing her in her place today. And what could be more special and meaningful than to have an older woman you hope to be like someday read God's Words to you? Gifts from God all day long.
"Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled adn pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands so that no one will malign the word of God."
Titus 2:3-5 In the flesh.
It was the best day.
And it completes my first list of 10,000 gifts.
About ten years or so ago we were both knee deep in the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) ministry. Though we were both from the Syracuse area and had heard about each other, we hadn't met yet. Until we were in Kansas City (we think) for a MOPS Convention. A mutual friend introduced us. I liked her. She seemed nice enough.
At the end of the weekend in the airport headed home, I saw her sitting nearby and figured she'd be on my flight. I was too insecure to approach her being certain she'd already forgotten who I was. We boarded the plane but soon got off when our flight was cancelled. She saw me as we re-entered the terminal and like a Mom said, "Come with me, let's get on another flight." I gladly followed. It's at times like this in travel that I need an assistant.
Once she got us booked on another flight and having a few hours to kill, she said, "Let's go get some lunch." We ordered (she treated) and she looked across the table straight into my eyes and said, "Now tell me all about your life." I was instantly at ease and did just that. I told her everything I could think of. I was kind of mortified later, fearing she must have been thinking "TMI", but she never let on.
I like the way she tells it, "Instantly we fell in love." Yes. I certainly did. Since then, we snatch small snippets of time together when we can and occasionally share emails. She doesn't text....yet. We've had the glorious privilege of doing some ministry together like speaking to a MOPS group in tandem covering the younger woman/older woman theme.
All these years she's been like a cheerleader to me. Recognizing my gifts, affirming me and encouraging me to get out there and serve the Lord with confidence. She tells countless stories of the Lord's faithfulness to her, her family and others to motivate. She knows the Word and shares it enthusiastically because she believes it and lives it.
She takes an interest in my family. She adores my husband (her words), always sending love to him whenever we meet. She asks about the kids and answers my endless questions on how to raise them to love the Lord. She celebrates all my achievements and accomplishments. She gives sound advice and counsel. She makes me feel important and loved.
And this last year, she carried my burdens. She prayed for me. She checked on me. She continually pointed me to the One who heals broken hearts. She exudes the love of Christ and is the godliest of women.
She goes away every summer to her cottage in the Adirondacks so we always say, 'Let's get together in the Fall'. But when she checked on me last week, I sheepishly but hopefully asked, "Where exactly are you in relation to Word of Life?" She picked up immediately on what I was going to suggest. We made plans that I would come see her for an afternoon this week.
Today was the day. I was excited all week knowing besides bringing Ben home on Saturday that this would be the highlight day. It certainly was.
I drove about 90 minutes further into the beautiful Adirondacks and didn't get lost! Without Scott, that's a pretty big deal. I can't begin to describe the scenery. So I'll show you. One lake after another. Mountains everywhere.
Soon I pulled into her place. Have you ever dreamed of having a cabin or cottage on a lake? I have. And now I've seen it with my own eyes. She came outside to greet me (with her overeager dog) and said, "I'm so sorry the weather is so cold, but I've built you a fire." She built me a fire? Can you picture my facial expression?
I walked in to this totally rustic, log cabin decorated Adirondack-style with a gorgeous stone fireplace crackling away and immediately thought, "I never want to leave. How long can I stay?" She told me to sit anywhere. This was my choice. Could it be? A red and green plaid couch...was this heaven?
We had lunch and gabbed nonstop while she'd occasionally add another log to the fire. We talked about everything. Our husbands, her kids and grandkids, my kids, summer activity here at the cottage, how Scott and I are doing. We talked about weddings and my upcoming role as a mother-in-law and I got her best advice on how to be good at it. Then we talked about sermons and books and the Bible, and all the things God has been teaching us since our last visit. We laughed. We praised God for His goodness to us. We never ran out of subjects. I could have sat here forever.
But we decided it was time to stretch our legs and she showed me around their property. Here are some views from the deck and dock.
I mean, have you ever?
It was too chilly and windy to sit outside so we went back in to the fire and had a snack. Just when I thought it couldn't have been a more lovely day and right before I left to hurry back and bring Ben dinner, she said, "Oh, I want to read you something." You see, she's been reading the Psalms and wanted me to hear the ones that brought me to her mind as she was reading.
Never a more beautiful site. I melted. God has blessed me with a most special friend. I loved seeing her in her place today. And what could be more special and meaningful than to have an older woman you hope to be like someday read God's Words to you? Gifts from God all day long.
"Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled adn pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands so that no one will malign the word of God."
Titus 2:3-5 In the flesh.
It was the best day.
And it completes my first list of 10,000 gifts.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Rich Bible Study and Girls Lunch in Lake George
It was wonderful to wake up to sunshine and blue skies today. A little cool, but I don't mind putting a sweatshirt on one bit.
I wrote home and this is how it went:
So I guess we won't be seeing what's going on there. Ahem.
This is the place we meet each morning. Doesn't it just scream Adirondack?
We had some seriously rich Bible teaching today from Dr. John Barnett. He pastors a church in Kalamazoo, MI. I took notes like crazy. Do you mind if I share some of it with you? I hope not. You know I can't keep good stuff like this to myself. Don't skip down for pics yet. I promise you'll benefit. THIS is why I try to get myself (and my family usually) here every summer.
The only people that will be in heaven will be God's servants (those who want to do the will of God). Also disciples - ones who are learners, followers, seeking to be like their Teacher.
How can we be sure we are going to hear, "Well, done good and faithful servant"?
By staying filled with the Spirit.
Seek God's control. Surrender our daily life to God's control.
How do we stay controlled by God?
1. Stay filled with the Spirit. Eph. 5:18
2. Don't grieve or quench the Spirit of God. Eph. 4:30
What it means to grieve or quench the Holy Spirit
Grieve - (to cause God) to be sad, heavy sorrowful, distressed
Quench - to extinguish, stifle, retard, choke (His work in me)
That gave me enough to think about right there.
How does one grieve the Holy Spirit?
1. We dry up inside. We should have streams of life giving water (comes from the filling) gushing out of us (John 7:37,38)
2. We get bound back into old sins (Rom 8:13)
3. We get distant from God, can't feel His presence (Rom 8:14-17)
4. The fire goes out on the altar of our heart (1 Cor 6:19,20) Everything we do should be a constant offering of fragrant worship to God.
5. We begin to feel lost (2 Cor 10:20-22)
6. Our words begin to kill (2 Cor 3:5-6) We can even use God's Word harshly
7. We start to wander (Gal 5:18)
8. We get fruitless (Gal 5:22)
9. We get fearful and defeated (Eph 6:17) The Sword of the Spirit doesn't work if the Spirit is grieved.
10. God's Word makes no sense (1 John 2:27)
Do any of those describe you, friend? No worries, it's happened to all of us. Here's the good news: How to get back on track/ heal your relationship with the Holy Spirit
1. Respond by repenting.
2. It's always one step back to God no matter how many steps away we are. Can I get an AMEN?!
3. Resurrender to His will again.
4. Ask to be refilled.
5. Start going through life again singing "Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me."
We sang it at the end of the message. It was so beautiful.
I don't know what you're thinking, but that's good stuff. There's always a way back to God and it's only one step away. Let's be intentional about being filled with the Spirit daily and become much more sensitive about grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit daily. With His filling, we don't have to do it anymore. It really is that simple. I'm in, are you?
I called Scott this afternoon and told him how much I enjoyed this message. I told him it was in the way this pastor delivered it. You can see it's a very confrontational and possibly uncomfortable, convicting message but he spoke it with humility, gentleness, kindness and care for each one listening.
I wondered if this is the way Jesus preached. I can't wait to hear him again tomorrow.
Next, the girls packed up their things and moved out of the cabin! It looks so empty now. We travelled down to Lake George so we could go to a foo foo girly lunch place that I know of, complete with a gift shop.
They sold lots of yummy goodies too like these:
They reminded me of my friend who describes many things with the word "wicked". Jojo bought a few and gave me one. It was wicked delicious.
Wicked rich.
Wicked smooth.
Wicked satisfying. Kind of like today was.
Tomorrow will be another adventure. Going on a road trip about another 90 minutes deep into the Adirondacks to visit one of my all time favorite people. I'll tell you all about it.
I wrote home and this is how it went:
So I guess we won't be seeing what's going on there. Ahem.
This is the place we meet each morning. Doesn't it just scream Adirondack?
We had some seriously rich Bible teaching today from Dr. John Barnett. He pastors a church in Kalamazoo, MI. I took notes like crazy. Do you mind if I share some of it with you? I hope not. You know I can't keep good stuff like this to myself. Don't skip down for pics yet. I promise you'll benefit. THIS is why I try to get myself (and my family usually) here every summer.
The only people that will be in heaven will be God's servants (those who want to do the will of God). Also disciples - ones who are learners, followers, seeking to be like their Teacher.
How can we be sure we are going to hear, "Well, done good and faithful servant"?
By staying filled with the Spirit.
Seek God's control. Surrender our daily life to God's control.
How do we stay controlled by God?
1. Stay filled with the Spirit. Eph. 5:18
2. Don't grieve or quench the Spirit of God. Eph. 4:30
What it means to grieve or quench the Holy Spirit
Grieve - (to cause God) to be sad, heavy sorrowful, distressed
Quench - to extinguish, stifle, retard, choke (His work in me)
That gave me enough to think about right there.
How does one grieve the Holy Spirit?
- falsehood - telling any lies
- anger
- occult - giving Satan an open door in your life (ex. movies, video games, books that you allow in)
- theft
- slander - rotten talk, coarse talk, a sharp tongue that cuts others up
- bitterness - not accepting what's come into your life as (ultimately) for your good
1. We dry up inside. We should have streams of life giving water (comes from the filling) gushing out of us (John 7:37,38)
2. We get bound back into old sins (Rom 8:13)
3. We get distant from God, can't feel His presence (Rom 8:14-17)
4. The fire goes out on the altar of our heart (1 Cor 6:19,20) Everything we do should be a constant offering of fragrant worship to God.
5. We begin to feel lost (2 Cor 10:20-22)
6. Our words begin to kill (2 Cor 3:5-6) We can even use God's Word harshly
7. We start to wander (Gal 5:18)
8. We get fruitless (Gal 5:22)
9. We get fearful and defeated (Eph 6:17) The Sword of the Spirit doesn't work if the Spirit is grieved.
10. God's Word makes no sense (1 John 2:27)
Do any of those describe you, friend? No worries, it's happened to all of us. Here's the good news: How to get back on track/ heal your relationship with the Holy Spirit
1. Respond by repenting.
2. It's always one step back to God no matter how many steps away we are. Can I get an AMEN?!
3. Resurrender to His will again.
4. Ask to be refilled.
5. Start going through life again singing "Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me."
We sang it at the end of the message. It was so beautiful.
I don't know what you're thinking, but that's good stuff. There's always a way back to God and it's only one step away. Let's be intentional about being filled with the Spirit daily and become much more sensitive about grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit daily. With His filling, we don't have to do it anymore. It really is that simple. I'm in, are you?
I called Scott this afternoon and told him how much I enjoyed this message. I told him it was in the way this pastor delivered it. You can see it's a very confrontational and possibly uncomfortable, convicting message but he spoke it with humility, gentleness, kindness and care for each one listening.
I wondered if this is the way Jesus preached. I can't wait to hear him again tomorrow.
Next, the girls packed up their things and moved out of the cabin! It looks so empty now. We travelled down to Lake George so we could go to a foo foo girly lunch place that I know of, complete with a gift shop.
They sold lots of yummy goodies too like these:
They reminded me of my friend who describes many things with the word "wicked". Jojo bought a few and gave me one. It was wicked delicious.
Wicked rich.
Wicked smooth.
Wicked satisfying. Kind of like today was.
Tomorrow will be another adventure. Going on a road trip about another 90 minutes deep into the Adirondacks to visit one of my all time favorite people. I'll tell you all about it.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Making the Most of a Rainy Day
Woke up to rain this morning. Which makes me very happy that I packed these babies. Yup, wore them most of the day. Would've made my kids and husband proud to be with me.
Started the day at the lodge to get some hot coffee and found this. What a gorgeous fireplace. I could sit here for hours. I'd like one in my next house just like this. Please note that white lights and pine trees are lit and festive any time of the year.
Notes from the Bible teaching today:
"We condemn sin outside the church but allow sin inside the church. This is why we've lost our witness in the world." That's a hard truth.
"When God is silent it's a sign that He's trusting you with a bigger vision of Himself that He's about to reveal." That's motivating!
Good reminders that God is powerful. All powerful. He is at work. He is working out His plan for the world and for us.
The girls and I took it easy this afternoon since it was damp and rainy and cool. I finished the first book I brought and am eager to get to the next.
When it started clearing up a bit before dinner, I walked around the campground and took some photos of my favorite spots. It was sweet to see all the kids riding their bikes and playing. I reminisced about all the summers our kids have been here doing the same things. Made me a little sad, but ultimately very grateful that this place is part of their stories.
Love these tall pines. Enjoy.
Then it was time to head over to the Island with dinner for Benny. I got two cheeseburgers and fries (they were mediocre at best). I was waiting on the dock for the 6:00 boat when it began to pour. So it was a wet ride over. Just going to be that kind of day, I guess.
Tonight we hung out in the boat house and played cards. He won. I don't like losing very much. But I like him so it was ok.
Tomorrow the girls leave me. What will I do then? Stay tuned.....
Started the day at the lodge to get some hot coffee and found this. What a gorgeous fireplace. I could sit here for hours. I'd like one in my next house just like this. Please note that white lights and pine trees are lit and festive any time of the year.
Notes from the Bible teaching today:
"We condemn sin outside the church but allow sin inside the church. This is why we've lost our witness in the world." That's a hard truth.
"When God is silent it's a sign that He's trusting you with a bigger vision of Himself that He's about to reveal." That's motivating!
Good reminders that God is powerful. All powerful. He is at work. He is working out His plan for the world and for us.
The girls and I took it easy this afternoon since it was damp and rainy and cool. I finished the first book I brought and am eager to get to the next.
When it started clearing up a bit before dinner, I walked around the campground and took some photos of my favorite spots. It was sweet to see all the kids riding their bikes and playing. I reminisced about all the summers our kids have been here doing the same things. Made me a little sad, but ultimately very grateful that this place is part of their stories.
Love these tall pines. Enjoy.
Then it was time to head over to the Island with dinner for Benny. I got two cheeseburgers and fries (they were mediocre at best). I was waiting on the dock for the 6:00 boat when it began to pour. So it was a wet ride over. Just going to be that kind of day, I guess.
Tonight we hung out in the boat house and played cards. He won. I don't like losing very much. But I like him so it was ok.
Tomorrow the girls leave me. What will I do then? Stay tuned.....
Beach Day and a Dinner Date
This is my home for the week. It's a small but cute cabin.
And here's a favorite perk. If you buy the campground mug you get free coffee all week. They even deliver it to your cabin first thing in the morning. Works for me!
Every morning we have two Bible sessions. I really enjoyed the first speaker especially. Here are a few goodies from what he taught.
When Christ returns, all that will matter will be were we good and faithful servants? A servant does the will of another. Bottom line - we are not here to do what we want, but to do the will of the Father.
In salvation I am regenerated. In regeneration, God transforms my heart. Ez. 36:26,27
When I understand God's grace, it teaches me to deny sin and it energizes me to live a new life.
Deny ungodliness everywhere in your life.
The fruit of the Spirit is a personality transplant. Christ's for mine. **The more I love Him, the more I surrender to Him.
Sanctification is a behavior modification process. It should be longterm change. People should see us changing throughout our whole life and remark about it. (ex. You are kinder than you used to be. You are more generous than you used to be.) Always changing for the better. See ** above.
I should have an increased frequency in my response to God (obedience) and a decreased frequency of living the way I was before He came into my life.
Say the following statements aloud when you need a reminder.
God said all my sins are gone.
I am white as snow in His sight.
God has forgotten all my sins.
Jesus will never condemn me for my sins.
I couldn't get out of that meeting fast enough to get alone and pray. The first thing I said was, "Lord, there is no end to how much I need you. And there's no end to how you can meet my needs." Truly, as it says in 1Peter, He has given us everything we need for life and godliness. Now we just have to do it.
After lunch, the girls and I headed to the beach. You can see it was the perfect day for it.
Ben can't leave the Island since it's the last week of camp, so we've struck up a plan. I come over at 6pm and bring him dinner. Today's choice - the best pizza ever.
The bears add a nice Adirondack touch, I think.
Next stop - boat dock. I was met by this stylish dude.
and then we feasted. And it was soooo good.
We sat in two big Adirondack chairs overlooking the basketball court and the lake and spent a few hours talking about his summer experience and the books he's read. I love this kid. And then we walked back down to the dock, his arm around me all the way and he said, "I'm glad you're here." I said, "What are we doing tomorrow?" He shrugged and said he didn't care. I said, "Same time, different food?" He laughed.
It's a date.
And here's a favorite perk. If you buy the campground mug you get free coffee all week. They even deliver it to your cabin first thing in the morning. Works for me!
Every morning we have two Bible sessions. I really enjoyed the first speaker especially. Here are a few goodies from what he taught.
When Christ returns, all that will matter will be were we good and faithful servants? A servant does the will of another. Bottom line - we are not here to do what we want, but to do the will of the Father.
In salvation I am regenerated. In regeneration, God transforms my heart. Ez. 36:26,27
When I understand God's grace, it teaches me to deny sin and it energizes me to live a new life.
Deny ungodliness everywhere in your life.
The fruit of the Spirit is a personality transplant. Christ's for mine. **The more I love Him, the more I surrender to Him.
Sanctification is a behavior modification process. It should be longterm change. People should see us changing throughout our whole life and remark about it. (ex. You are kinder than you used to be. You are more generous than you used to be.) Always changing for the better. See ** above.
I should have an increased frequency in my response to God (obedience) and a decreased frequency of living the way I was before He came into my life.
Say the following statements aloud when you need a reminder.
God said all my sins are gone.
I am white as snow in His sight.
God has forgotten all my sins.
Jesus will never condemn me for my sins.
I couldn't get out of that meeting fast enough to get alone and pray. The first thing I said was, "Lord, there is no end to how much I need you. And there's no end to how you can meet my needs." Truly, as it says in 1Peter, He has given us everything we need for life and godliness. Now we just have to do it.
After lunch, the girls and I headed to the beach. You can see it was the perfect day for it.
Ben can't leave the Island since it's the last week of camp, so we've struck up a plan. I come over at 6pm and bring him dinner. Today's choice - the best pizza ever.
The bears add a nice Adirondack touch, I think.
Next stop - boat dock. I was met by this stylish dude.
and then we feasted. And it was soooo good.
We sat in two big Adirondack chairs overlooking the basketball court and the lake and spent a few hours talking about his summer experience and the books he's read. I love this kid. And then we walked back down to the dock, his arm around me all the way and he said, "I'm glad you're here." I said, "What are we doing tomorrow?" He shrugged and said he didn't care. I said, "Same time, different food?" He laughed.
It's a date.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Destination Reached. I Made it to the Mountains.
Left at 8:25 a.m. (after a quick tire fill - big thanks to my husband for following me to the gas station and filling them up). 225 miles. 3 and 1/2 hours. Destination reached.
Since it is Sunday and I missed church, I took it upon myself to conduct my own worship service right there in the front seat. It consisted of shuffling through my ipod a grand assortment of MercyMe (of course), Matthew West, Matt Redman, Nicole Nordeman and more. I sang to God all the thanks that was in my heart. I listen to music loud you might remember.
So I especially loved the freedom of singing as loud as I wanted to without comments from the peanut gallery. I didn't have to hear the things I usally do, "You're not on key. Nowhere near the notes. Please, don't whistle along. Don't quit your day job. Kinda pitchy, dawg." And my personal favorite, "You're weird, man". I think God liked it. Especially when 'our song' came on. God and I have a song. It's named Here With Me. It makes me happy everytime I hear it.
Now, before I go any further, I want to assure you that I packed everything I need for my week away.

As promised, I left a to-do list for the ones I left behind. Reasonable, I think. I wouldn't want them to get bored and watch tv. Unacceptable!
Don't feel too badly for them. I did make cookies before I left. Well, ok, Ally made them, but I stood there teaching her how. And I bought oreos! Doesn't happen all the time, folks. Double stuff.
Now, back to the road trip. I don't think I was gone one hour before I got this text.
Fresh guilt for a new day!
He wasn't sure if he could be at the boat dock because he might be in church. Turns out he couldn't make it so because he knows gift giving is my love language, he left me this package. That's my Benny. So thoughtful.
I went to the laundromat and took care of that little project, delivered them to his cabin and sat down in an Adirondack chair with a book and waited for him. I saw him first and he didn't see me (guess he expected me to still be folding laundry), so I whistled my "Come here, Mommy's calling" whistle. It worked. How I love that face.
Spent a couple of hours with him then headed to the Campground to meet my friends. Here are 3 of us at the cute place we went for burgers and milkshakes. Appropriately named The Main Street Ice Cream Parlor. A good dinner. Kind of fattening.
And that's the end of the first day. Amen.
Since it is Sunday and I missed church, I took it upon myself to conduct my own worship service right there in the front seat. It consisted of shuffling through my ipod a grand assortment of MercyMe (of course), Matthew West, Matt Redman, Nicole Nordeman and more. I sang to God all the thanks that was in my heart. I listen to music loud you might remember.
So I especially loved the freedom of singing as loud as I wanted to without comments from the peanut gallery. I didn't have to hear the things I usally do, "You're not on key. Nowhere near the notes. Please, don't whistle along. Don't quit your day job. Kinda pitchy, dawg." And my personal favorite, "You're weird, man". I think God liked it. Especially when 'our song' came on. God and I have a song. It's named Here With Me. It makes me happy everytime I hear it.
Now, before I go any further, I want to assure you that I packed everything I need for my week away.
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Laptop. Check. So I can blog. Ally was not happy with this decision. Sorry girl! |
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My bag of Bible, journal, notebooks, etc. Notice the plastic bag to keep them safe at the beach. |
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Shoes. Just a few pairs. You simply don't know what you're going to need for a whole week in the mountains. You must come prepared. |
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My stack of books to read. A little ambitious? We'll see. |
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A charged ipod. And my rechargeable book light. What if I can't sleep? I have roommates. Can't turn on the room light. Once a nerd, always a nerd. |
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Packed full. I don't think I forgot anything. I could stay a 2nd week if necessary. |
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OOOps, don't forget the fan! |

As promised, I left a to-do list for the ones I left behind. Reasonable, I think. I wouldn't want them to get bored and watch tv. Unacceptable!
Don't feel too badly for them. I did make cookies before I left. Well, ok, Ally made them, but I stood there teaching her how. And I bought oreos! Doesn't happen all the time, folks. Double stuff.
Now, back to the road trip. I don't think I was gone one hour before I got this text.
Fresh guilt for a new day!
He wasn't sure if he could be at the boat dock because he might be in church. Turns out he couldn't make it so because he knows gift giving is my love language, he left me this package. That's my Benny. So thoughtful.
I went to the laundromat and took care of that little project, delivered them to his cabin and sat down in an Adirondack chair with a book and waited for him. I saw him first and he didn't see me (guess he expected me to still be folding laundry), so I whistled my "Come here, Mommy's calling" whistle. It worked. How I love that face.
Spent a couple of hours with him then headed to the Campground to meet my friends. Here are 3 of us at the cute place we went for burgers and milkshakes. Appropriately named The Main Street Ice Cream Parlor. A good dinner. Kind of fattening.
And that's the end of the first day. Amen.
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