Friday, December 27, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things Christmas Edition's two days after Christmas and I'm a little bored.  Not really bored...let's just say unengaged.  So why not hang out here with you?

The activity has slowed down and we are on day #3 of pretty much hanging around the house just the five of us...and I love it.  And because I don't want to be accused of being too strict, I am allowing one of my cardinal Christmas rules to be broken as I type.  I agreed to let Scott and the kids watch a non-Christmas movie.

Hence why I am bored.  I just can't join them.  Not only do I not want to watch the movie they've chosen, but I also don't want to break the Christmas feel going on in my soul that comes from watching only Christmas movies, reading only Christmas books, and listening to only Christmas music from Nov. 29 until....well, when the time is right.  No one really knows when this day will come.

That said, here we are.  I thought I'd share with you some random pictures I've taken the last few days with limited commentary on some of my favorite moments and fun facts from Burtis Christmas 2013.

These are neither chronological or organized.  More broken rules.  I feel like a Christmas rebel and I'm not sure I am ok with it.
1.  Favorite snack.  This is what I'm presently enjoying. Three of my favorite Christmas cookies and a Golden French Toast K-cup. Have you tried this flavor?  After some investigation, I have discovered that unfortunately, they only come in holiday assortments. In other words, you can only get them this time of year.  That stinks!  The mapley smell is amazing. So good. I hope you can find some.  Let me know if you do.  I definitely want more before next November.
2.  Favorite Christmas food.  I pine for them all year long. They are cod fish balls (pictured before and after cooking). Now before you say "ewwww" and make that grossed-out face - allow me to describe. I grew up on them.  Every single Christmas Eve - yummmm. It started with my grandmother and now my mom keeps the tradition alive.  It's a deep fried delicacy.  Wegmans pizza dough rises all morning.  Then small pieces of dough are torn of and flattened.  Then you put some flaky white fish in the middle, rollup and fry to a crispy golden outside and soft yummy melt in your mouth dough on the inside.

Oh.My.Word.  To die for.  Don't knock it til you've tried it. We also make some that have raisins in the center.  These are for the in-laws, those who have married in to the DeFrancis family (not to mention some wimpy grandchildren) who won't give the fish a try.  Because we are creative, lastly we make some with fish AND raisins. Didn't see that coming, did you?  A salty sweet treat.

These are meant to be for dinner, I think, only sneaking one or two ahead of time, but my Dad broke that tradition years ago and my brother, sister and I devour a good amount straight out of the fryer - long before dinner.  I'm not exaggerating when I say that it's my appetizer AND main dish on Christmas Eve.  And breakfast the next day.  Then for a snack.  Also lunch.  Afternoon snack. Then breakfast the next day if there are any left. Repeat until they are gone. No wonder we only do this once a year. No wonder all my jeans are tight.
3.  Favorite chef.  I don't know when it happened, but Scott has become the designated fry-er.  He stands in the garage and cooks them all.  Doesn't eat them mind you, but does a great job cooking them to perfection.  He is appreciated.  I think we will keep him.
4.  Fun fact - I like to have company and set the table.
We hosted three meals in two days over the weekend.  I tried to set it a little differently each time.  I like tablecloths too.  And red dishes.
5. Favorite craft project.  As I was contemplating how to set the table this year, I got an idea.  I embellished these clear glass vases with the sleeves of two old sweaters I've been planning to repurpose in a crafty kind of way.

Then I sent Scott out into our snowy yard (before that untimely heat wave/meltdown we had to endure for too many days) to find three different kinds of winter greens.  He did it - and enjoyed every minute, I'm sure.
6.  Favorite one.  Here's a close up and look at those fun greens.  There are little pine cones on them! Can you stand its cuteness?  For you crafty friends - because these sweaters are felted wool, there is no need to sew, they don't fray.  Just cut off the sleeves and slide on.  My kind of project - quick results!
7.  Favorite change.  Have I mentioned the dining room is my favorite room?  The day after all the family gatherings were over, I dreamed this new configuration of furniture up and I L-O-V-E it.  Even Scott agreed that when all the leaves are put away the table should face this way.  Woohoo! 
8.  Favorite weather.  The day after Christmas it (finally) snowed.  A lot.
9.  Favorite outdoor festive sight.  These are my little Pinterest trees. Also known as tomato cages upside down wrapped in lights then staked to the ground.  A little known fact is that Scott Burtis is not a fan of outdoor Christmas decorating (at our house).  Over the years, he has been talked into not much more than a spotlight on the door so this is BIG! 
10.  Favorite thing to watch them do. The snow is not only pretty, but it gives these three dudes something fun to do together. Yes!  I dig this.

11.  Fun fact.  I like to go shopping the day after Christmas. Not the day after Thanksgiving, mind you - that is reserved for Christmasing.  But the day after Christmas I am up and out long before everyone else and I load up on next year's supplies - at 50% off.
Here's my stash.  1,100 new lights ought to do it for 2014.  We will all be so delighted when decorating the tree(s) next year and some of the used strands don't work. They will all congratulate my fortitude and future planning, not to mention wise budgeting.

Beside mine is Drew's collection. This is the first year anyone has come with me at 6:45am for this outing.  Drew was on the hunt for lights for his summer wedding reception.  He beat me by about 2,000.  I think 3,100 should serve he and Brittany well.  Maybe Scott's clone is a little like me after all.  Ahhhh, I need to let that sink in a minute.

Well, the forbidden movie is almost over and you are likely wondering how in the world you made it this far, so here's the last one.
 12.  Favorite Christmas gifts (some of). Scott is not a gift giver at heart, but at Christmastime he really shines.  He always gets me books - good ones. Here's this year's haul. The only problem - I just don't know where to begin.  That's my kind of problem.

I hope your Christmas has been as random and happy.

Maybe tomorrow I'll post some of the pics from today's impromptu amateur family photo shoot/walk around the neighborhood.

Stay tuned....

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