Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Half Way Mark

Have I mentioned that December is my favorite month?  Most everything about it is festive and fun.  In October and November I was so eager - counting down each day.  Now I find myself trying to put the brakes on.  How can it be half over already?

Who knows, but here we are.  I haven't been posting much for a few reasons.  1.  I have been kind of busy in a relaxed sort of way - enjoying each day in lots of ways.  Like drinking out of this cup.  Isn't that straw the best? 
AND 2.  I think this laptop is getting ready to bite the dust, which is going to be a real problem for future blogging or communciation of any kind.  It takes hours to upload pictures, it constantly shuts off when I'm in the middle of something and it makes me want to say bad words.  Note how Scott is trying to prolong its life.  You know what they say about duct tape.  I'll let you know how it goes.
Still, since we've reached the half way mark through the month, I thought I'd show you a little of what we've been up to.  If it posts anytime today, Sunday, December 15th you'll know there's been a Christmas (computer) miracle.

The first week I stayed close to home because we let Ben take our second car back to school with him.  He had one week of basketball games to complete before his Christmas break started.  Halfway through the week we got the call, "I got hurt tonight." followed by these pictures.  This is what happens when you chase a wild pass and slam into a cement wall.

Talk about cankles.  All I can say is 'nasty'.  These pictures don't really even detail how huge and bruised it was on three sides. Thanks to technology (sending pics via email to one of our family nurses) we were advised to get x-rays.  Much to our surprise and delight it was not broken.  Diagnosis - a bad high ankle sprain - and crutches.  We were also grateful that Ben was already planning on bringing home another player who lives in our area, so he was able to drive Ben home.
Since his arrival he has pretty much camped here - and I've gotten to take care of him.  :) No complaints.

Ally has been busy with her new job at Rite-Aid (her whole life she has aspired to running a cash register - so this is a big deal), choir concerts all around town and many Christmas parties.  Nothing like ugly sweater night at youth group.  Since we couldn't find a sweater too ugly, a talented friend of mine made her some gaudy jewelry to embellish. 
Drew and Brittany finish up classes and exams this week so we will see them Thursday. 

As for Scott, well, he's begun a part time job as a basketball referee.  After coaching many seasons, he now knows what it's like to be 'on the other side of the ball'.  He looks cute in his uniform too - bonus!
As for me, I've been making lots of gifts, trying to remember things, eating too many sweet carbs for which I'll hate myself come January 1, and watching our favorite movies - with my buddy Ben.

This is where each day starts - early in the morning before anyone is stirring.  I sit here by the tree giving much emphasis to Advent as I've written about in previous posts.
Here are a few of the favorite things (random quotes) that have brought me hope as I look for the Savior each morning.
  • Brilliant people don't deny the dark; they are the ones who never stop looking for His light in everything.  When we have an agenda for God, we can't see the gifts from God.
  • Joys are always on their way to us.  When your Father's hand isn't readily apparent, it's only because He is readying gifts.  Gifts always come out of the unseen and hidden places.
  • The Light never comes how you expect it.  It comes as unlikely and unexpected - straight into Bethlehem unlikely and the feed trough hopeless, and Christmas whispers there's always hope. 

    God favors the darkest places so you can see His light the brightest.

    And once the light of Christ shatters your dark, shadows forever flee your shadowlands.  There's no going back and living in the dark; you live in the impenetrable, safe Light of light, and Christmas never ends for youA Christian never stops living Christmas.

    It's Christmas that dawns on you, and you only really believe in Christmas when you really live it.  When you light a dark world and the unexpected places with a brave flame of joy when you warm the cold, hopeless places with the daring joy that God is with us, God is for us God is in us; when you are a wick to light hope in the dark - then you believe in Christmas.  When you really believe in Christmas, you believe there really is hope for everyone.  When you get Christmas, people get hope from you - they don't lose it.
Feel free to stop reading for a few minutes to let all that soak in.  I love it so much!!  This must be why I have a Christmas thought every single day of the year.

Now did I mention the music?  One song, new to me has captured my attention.  I can't get enough of it.  It goes along with a truth Scott preached last Sunday, also noted above.  God is in us, God is for us, God is with us.  (Sacred echo?)

Every time I hear it I think, "THAT is everything.  He is IN me, He is FOR me, He is WITH me.  What more do I need?" 

If you're looking for a song to cheer you this Christmas or a download for your ipod - this is your song.  Take 4 and 1/2 minutes and  listen to it here.

I triple dog dare you to listen to it...and not to cry.  It is so beautiful.  Talk about comfort and joy - it's both.

See why it is called the season of joy?  No matter what storm may be raging around us - joy is also surrounding us.

10 days until Christmas.  I hope yours are full of joy.

PS.  I didn't even mention the snowstorm we got yesterday.  Perhaps tomorrow.  

*All quotes from The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp

1 comment:

Kristen Pikarsky said...

~Still love love love your posts!~ Merry Merry Christmas Angela....