Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Day I've Been Waiting For

It's here!  It's here!  The day I've been waiting for.  Arguably, my favorite day of the year.  Yes, even more than Christmas Day or my birthday.

For many years now, I have loved Advent.  I can't really remember how it started but I know it will never end.  It is the focus that makes Christmas as special as it is meant to be.  If you've known me for any length of time, you know that I dig just about everything about the season (minus a few songs like the ones by Wham, Paul McArtney, Elton John and any version of Santa Baby). The food, the decorations, the movies, the music, the gifts (of course) and all the noise but it's the Advent that keeps me coming back for more.

Advent is the coming.  The waiting.  The anticipating.  The looking for the Savior to appear.  The expectation of how He will "show up" this year.  In the Old Testament days, the Israelites were waiting for a Savior to come and rescue.  And one starry night in a stable He did.

Today we continue waiting for our Savior to come and rescue us again.  One day He will.  In the meantime, we must be on the lookout.  We must be aware of our need for Him and our want for Him.  I am there and it's never more highlighted than in December.

Each year, I seek out a guide to help me, an Advent devotional.  This year there was no question this would be the one. 
I received two of these brand spanking new books from two thoughtful friends who get Advent and get me.  I wasn't sure I could wait for today to dive in but did because after all it is about anticipation.  I opened the book early this morning.  It did not disappoint.  Advent 2013 has begun and I'm so excited!
If you've never intentionally engaged in your own Advent celebration, do it this year.  Take time each day to be still, quiet, to listen for God.  He will show up and meet you there.  You will start each day with excitement and discovery as you find Him in different ways throughout your day.  I have journals full of the ways God has shown up and delighted me with more of Him.  I believe He wants to do the same for you too.

As the old carol goes, "Let every heart prepare Him room."  Would you make this a December to remember?  I guarantee you won't regret it.  How can I be so sure?  Well, the Scripture tells us this:

"If you seek Him, He will be found  by you."  2Chr. 15:2
"...those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." Ps. 34:10b
"Blessed are they....who seek Him with all their heart."  Ps. 119:2
"You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart." Jer. 29:11
"...He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." Heb. 11:6b

Need I go on?  It's good enough for me. Truly this is the greatest gift of Christmas.  The gift of His presence and attention.  He's waiting for each of us.

If you need a guide to help you, I think after just one day I can highly recommend Ann Voskamp's new book but there are many more out there.  Here are some I've used over the years.  Or you could read slowly through the Gospel of Luke and passages in Isaiah from the Bible.  They are all good.
Before we're done, may I share a few nuggets from today's reading?  It's so good!
  • He gave up the heavens that were not large enough to contain Him and lets Himself be held in hand.
  • The mystery so large becomes the Baby so small, and infinite God becomes infant.
  • The Giver becomes the Gift, this quiet offering.
  • He grafts you into His line and His story and His heart, and He gives you His name, His lineage, His righteousness. 
  • Christ comes right to your Christmas tree and looks at your family tree and says, "I am your God, and I am one of you and I'll be the Gift, and I'll take you.  Take me?"
  • Each day of Advent, He gives you the gift of time, so you have time to be still and wait....Sometimes the heart waiting for the the art of the Gift.
  • The theology of the Tree, of the Cross, always seeks the presence of God in the belittled gifts of the world. 
And that's just the introduction and Day 1.  We still have 24 more days to go!  Woohoo.

I wrote this in my journal today - maybe it is what's in your heart too.

Of course, we are waiting on Him for our next ministry, our next job, our next paycheck.  But it is Him I want more than anything else.  More of Him.  More of His presence.  More of His Spirit.  I want to be so acutely aware of His great love for me.  Smothered in it.  What else matters?  

Lord, I'm beyond excited to sit in silence and wait for you this month.  
Come to my heart, Lord Jesus.  There is room in my heart for Thee.

I would love it if you'd join me on this journey to Christmas, this Advent season.  Let's share what we discover together.  

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