You start with these which are found in the frozen section. If you've never had cavatelli - run, don't walk to the store and get some. It might be my favorite pasta (when I'm cheating and NOT eating whole grain pasta).
You will also need:
1 or 2 boxes of frozen broccoli, thawed and drained
olive oil (a good amount as it needs to coat the pasta)
garlic cloves, minced
can of mushroom pieces
*feel free to use fresh veggies
Cook the pasta according to instructions on bag.
Sautee the broccoli and mushrooms in garlic.
When the pasta is done, throw it in the olive oil and broccoli mixture.
Mix well.
Smother in parmesan cheese
I warned you it was easy.
Watch your family eat it until it's all gone.
Here it is before the parmesan
I grilled chicken to make the meal complete.
PS - you may have noticed there are no mushrooms in the dish. That's because a certain child who will remain nameless came in right when I was getting ready to add them and made a big stink.
I gave in. This time.
But I'll get them in there next time.
Hope you like it!
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