Monday, October 27, 2008

Called on the Carpet

A special woman made the following statement to me this past weekend. I bet she didn’t know it would become a “quote”, but here it is. “Knitting socks isn’t for wimps.” I believe she was trying to encourage me not to give up despite several errors, but I got to thinking about my walk with God.

Regularly (if not daily), I give God permission to search my soul with a fine-toothed comb. To discipline and correct me as He sees fit. I do this because I’m more fearful of who I’ll become if He doesn’t point out hypocrisy, sin, self-focus than I am interested in being comfortable with who I am and how I live. This practice is not for wimps! The past two weeks have been very rough as God has called me on the carpet and graciously (it’s always for my good) revealed some areas in my life that are not pleasing to him and need immediate attention.

There are some really hard verses of Scripture that I’m afraid I’ve given the once over for too long. Clearly, I’ve not been taking God’s tone in these verses seriously.

Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God.” Eph. 4:29-30

So many verses address how we use our words. Of course this is intentional on God’s part. Our words define us. Our words are contagious – both positive and negative. Our words reveal what we believe about God. Now that’s a biggie.

Here are a few of the things I wrote in my journal recently to reinforce what God is revealing:
  1. No more talking about others. Especially negatively. It can be gossip. It can be hurtful. It is judging and assuming. It is not godly. And also, it causes me to justify and elevate myself because I am right, right? Pride – don’t you hate how many ways it manifests itself?
  2. No more worrying by leaning on my own understanding. We really do this all the time especially when we predict how a situation is going to go or judge in the middle of it. The question needs to be: ‘How big is my God?’. When I worry about situations I can’t change I’m making God a pretty small God and putting my trust in man or the situation. Is He sovereign or not? If He is then I shouldn’t worry.
  3. No more complaining about what I don’t have or can’t afford. This is an insult to my Jehovah Jireh (God who provides). Not once in my life can I remember a time when I have gone without a life surviving need. He is generous and good and on time. Even though I’m joking about what I think is lacking I hear Him whisper, “Is there something you need that I have failed to provide?” Ugh.
Sometimes I go over a recent conversation I’ve had and cringe at how negative I can sound. The part of Eph. 4 that really challenges me is the phrase “so it may benefit those who listen”. I know how negative talk and complaining make me feel when I’m hearing it from someone else – so I have to turn the tables and realize I can sound the same way. And it benefits no one! The verse says our words should “be helpful for building others up according to their need”. I need to pray these verses before I leave the house in the morning or answer the phone.

I preach others first in every other area. Why not when it comes to my speech? Do I cause other people negative feelings or stress because of my complaining, judging, etc.? This is “grieving the Holy Spirit of God”. Would He participate in my conversations? I should be focusing on building others up according to what their need is for the day. I want to be a positive influence leaving a good taste in people’s mouths.

The worst part of this – what is going on in my heart? The Bible says the two are connected. I’m so grateful that God has addressed this in His Word, too, and given someone like me a solution.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

I realize I need to make a choice. I can really relate to Prov. 10:19 “When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.”

I choose to put foolishness and childishness behind me because I want to grow in maturity in Christ so badly. Maybe I won’t be as much fun and may even talk less, but I hate staying the same. I believe God has afforded me another opportunity for growth that I don’t want to ignore or give little importance to. I want to please Him in this area.

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