I imagine all you really want to do is look at the pictures, but I have to add some words to them. Yes, I have to! I don't have any professional shots and I'm going to try to post some pics you haven't seen on instagram or facebook yet. Here's your warning that this may be a long one. I hope you rejoice with us.
(Oh, and just in case you're tuning into this love story already in progress and you'd like to read the back story of the main characters you can read Brittany's version here. If you want even more background and you'd like to hear my side of the story, you can read that here.)
Wedding weekend....we arrived in CT Thursday at noon for bridesmaids' manicures and pedicures.
The sweet bridesmaids even included us moms |
Ally and I are very ticklish |
Even Drew got a fresh cut by Brittany's cute cousin Leah |
Brittany got the "bride treatment". She was looking pretty relaxed by the time she was done. |
Thursday night Scott and I stayed with our boys one last time before all the groomsmen descended. They were pretty wired and reluctant to let us go to bed. It was so fun and familiar and special.
Friday morning we all got up and hit the ground running. So much to do - so little time. Of course, everything got done and the rehearsal ran pretty smoothly because Scott was "the boss".
The groomsmen had their fun after rehearsal. They went mini-golfing. There may have been some similar shenanigans as the girls participated in. Nothing this mom needs to know about.
Scott and I then went to another hotel to visit with all of our out-of-town family who had traveled in. It was so good to have them all in town, safe and sound a day in advance.
Saturday morning, we had some quiet time alone before all the festivities began. There was no telling how our emotions were about to get mangled all day, so it was good to sit and pray for awhile. We have so much to be thankful for.
Then we headed over to hang with the boys. I ironed all their clothes while Scott ran errands for Drew. While he was gone, Drew put the finishing touches on his vows.
I was happy to get a few moments to catch up on the lives of these two handsome young men. Drew has known them for years at school, church, basketball and as golf buddies. I have loved them since long before they were taller than me. They transported me to the church. I loved every minute with them.
Ben Mitchell and Justin Sisson |
Then I went upstairs to get a look at our bride. I was not disappointed. She was stunning. The dress was perfect! Here's her Dad getting his first glimpse and hug. |
Here the bridesmaids reacted to Brittany's beauty. Wow, she took our breath away. You may know I'm not always a big fan of selfies, but this one is awesome. Aren't they cute?
Oddly enough, the boys did not take any selfies so I have nothing for you there.
OK, time for the ceremony. Before I show you the pictures I have to warn you. Something happened to my Drew that I couldn't have predicted. He had been a rock all week, completely focused and ready. He sat me and then after Britt's mom was seated and he stepped out onto that platform with his Dad beside him. His face got all red and eyes teary. I got a little worried that he might sob (and to think most of us were taking bets that Scott would be the one who would be the most emotional). It just got more intense as Ally walked down the aisle and then his bride. See for yourself.
The girls walked down to Gungor's "Beautiful Things". Perfect song! |
Then the doors opened and there she was. This picture doesn't do justice to her beauty. Right about at this point she stopped, faced her Dad and he prayed for her. It was so touching.
Scott (my husband and Drew's Dad if you're new to the blog) gave them a charge that was both pastorly and fatherly. Two of the groomsmen (who were Drew's buddies while he was at Word of Life Bible Institute) told me later that a couple of things made an impression on them. 1. Drew and Brittany were not simply seeking to get married, but to be married to each other. 2. The advice: don't demand perfection from each other, but demand progress. Each one constantly trying to grow and be better mates for the other. Amen.
Next Matthew West's song "Hold You Up" (look it up - it's so sweet) played while Drew and Brittany participated in two Biblical ordinances, communion and foot washing, to demonstrate their desire for a God-centered marriage.
You can't see in this picture what also happened. Drew and his groomsmen wore some pretty colorful (loud) socks. As soon as he lifted his pant leg, everyone laughed - out loud! PINK!
Next they read the vows each wrote for the other. The words and promises were so meaningful and important. And yes, Britt's were longer than Drew's. We Burtis women love our words!
Brittany's brother Forrest read from Genesis 2 and 1 Corinthians 13
Here they combined two vases of sand demonstrating their two separate lives coming together never to be separated. While this was happening Ally sang a song called "Love Never Fails". She sang beautifully and from the heart.
Here's a short video sample |
Wow, I'm tearing up as I relive it.
Well, there's nothing left but the pronouncement and the kiss....
For the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Burtis
Oh, and I guess another kiss...alright then.
The maids of honor approve.
I would like to introduce you to my lovely daughter-in-law, Mrs. Brittany Burtis. We are so very happy to welcome her into our family.
They walked out to "Happy" - that's an understatement!
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Our son Ben, Corin, Brittany's cousin (on left) and Stephanie, Brittany's sister (on right) |
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Our Ally and her partner, Justin Sisson (Incidentally, I'd completely approve of this match - in a few years) Did I just put that in writing? |
As I sit here just three days after our Big Day, I have so many thoughts. We've been to many weddings over the years and I've noticed a trend - increasingly shorter ceremonies with majority of emphasis on the reception. I'm all about a fun reception, but I do feel something is lost when the ceremony is too quick.
A wedding is the first public opportunity a brand new couple has to declare to all their guests what they are about and what they are promising before God and a room full of people who love and support them. Why rush that? Why not start the celebration here?
I had very little to do with planning the ceremony but secretly hoped the kids would sense the opportunity before them. Drew and Brittany planned the whole thing with Scott's guidance. I can honestly say I loved every meaningful minute of it.
At the end of the day, I believe this was more than just a wedding or a ceremony. A sacred covenant was made between two young but mature Christ-followers. You could not have missed their strong desire to thank God for bringing them together and to publicly promise to glorify God by living for and serving Him together until death do them part.
God answered the prayers of two sets of parents on this day. Pure joy for this mama's heart.
I will leave you with the only professional photograph I've seen yet. (I promise to share the link to the gallery when our photographer releases it.)
Stay tuned for Part 2 - The Reception - expect pics and videos.
Tears pouring all over again! <3
Have never seen a father stop and pray for his daughter (and son-in-law) as they made their way down the aisle. So touching that it made me start crying right then. Can't wait for the remainder of the beginning of this story.
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