Birthdays have a way of reminding us that another year has passed. Another year closer to our kids growing up and leaving the nest. Another year we can't get back. Stink.
Sixteen years ago today I gave birth to our, as my sister-in-law Chris described, "baby girl Scott". Truly, she is a Burtis when it comes to looks - and that's not a bad thing. She is a vanilla just like her Dad. That means just what you might think it does. Last year on her birthday I wrote a post that included pics of her through the years - you can read that here if you missed it.
Sixteen feels like a milestone year. Not really a little girl anymore, more like a young woman. Still, she's my baby. She hasn't tired of cuddling up with me or sitting on her Dad's lap. She's eager to grow up, but exchanges some "baby talk" with us from time to time. I think she has this notion to get her learner's permit soon. Not sure if we're ready for that! I'm thankful for much growth in her recently physically (she's taller than me), emotionally and spiritually. I love her so much.
Girls are different than boys, it's no secret. Ours is so much fun. She laughs loud and she loves loud. She doesn't think she's funny yet brings the party wherever she goes. She's miles past her brothers when it comes to social skills. She would ask a store clerk for help when she was 10 - the boys still struggle with that. :) And she cries at the most tender things. She compliments me on my clothes (then borrows them), tells me often how much she loves me and will text me her cuteness all day if I keep it going. I dig that.
Tonight she leaves for her first missions trip. Who could've guessed back on March 28, 1997 that this is how she'd spend her 16th birthday? Not me, but we wouldn't have it any other way. What a gift from God! She will be in the Dominican Republic for 9 days serving, learning, growing. Feel free to pray for her, her brother Ben, and the other 40 team members if you feel so inclined. Their adventures and prayer requests will be posted on the team blog here.
I thank God everyday for giving us a girl to dress up pretty after five years of denim and blue. I thank God for giving us this little girl. Don't forget Ally, just like the poster on your bedroom walls says, "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil to give you a future and a hope." Jer. 29:11
And this too..."He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Phil. 1:6
Jesus loves you. He is for you. Daddy and I love you and we are for you. No matter what.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
The Silly Side of Easter
As previously posted on my Facebook page, I am a big fan of Easter candy. Have you noticed how these wonderful treats are only available this time of year....cadbury eggs, malted milk eggs, white chocolate bunnies, different kinds of jellybeans and all sorts of marshmallow eggs? So good!
Some years back, as the kids aged, I stopped making individual Easter baskets for them. Not because I'm against Easter baskets, per se, though I do believe it's become quite commercialized and over-the-top as a gift giving holiday. I stopped just to consolidate. So what I tend to do now is make one big family basket loaded with our (my) favorite candy.
Last year, I waited until the Saturday before the Big Day, and was astonished to find certain items SOLD OUT. Unacceptable. I couldn't risk it this year, so went out shopping today.
You can imagine my delight when in the first store I was greeted with this....
and then this!!!
Oh my...where to begin?
With all those choices....this is what I came home with. Jealous? Come on over. I share, mostly.
Some years back, as the kids aged, I stopped making individual Easter baskets for them. Not because I'm against Easter baskets, per se, though I do believe it's become quite commercialized and over-the-top as a gift giving holiday. I stopped just to consolidate. So what I tend to do now is make one big family basket loaded with our (my) favorite candy.
Last year, I waited until the Saturday before the Big Day, and was astonished to find certain items SOLD OUT. Unacceptable. I couldn't risk it this year, so went out shopping today.
You can imagine my delight when in the first store I was greeted with this....
and then this!!!
Oh my...where to begin?
Not tried them yet? Don't delay - they're better than you might think.
With all those choices....this is what I came home with. Jealous? Come on over. I share, mostly.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
When Everything is Everything
I've spent this entire day reading, praying and studying for an upcoming speaking event where I will tackle the subject of Surrender. I've stumbled across so many encouraging thoughts. I just have to share them with someone! I wonder if this speaks to you....
"When Jesus isn't our everything, our enough, we pursue every other thing that fills. Just like the rest of the world. But Jesus says we're not to live like everyone else. Our lives should be different, marked by fearlessness and bold belief.
Consider His words: "Don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need." (Matt 6:31-33)."*
When He's our everything, we have everything.
Promise me this - never ever doubt His love and care. I won't either.
P.S. All these promises were solidified by Jesus' finished work on the cross and we get to celebrate that in just a few days!
*Everything by Mary DeMuth
"When Jesus isn't our everything, our enough, we pursue every other thing that fills. Just like the rest of the world. But Jesus says we're not to live like everyone else. Our lives should be different, marked by fearlessness and bold belief.

When He's our everything, we have everything.
Promise me this - never ever doubt His love and care. I won't either.
P.S. All these promises were solidified by Jesus' finished work on the cross and we get to celebrate that in just a few days!
*Everything by Mary DeMuth
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Wish You Could Have Been With Me
The last time I wrote it was raining and dreary. Today I woke up to a winter wonderland, the perfect Christmas morning. Problem: It's March 19. Not the same feeling.
I'm settling back into the daily routine after a God-filled weekend. Sometimes He pours it on and on and on. And usually when He does, I just have to tell somebody, which is where you come in! I wish you had been there with me but since you weren't - here's a summary. Interested?
We started out Saturday on an early morning (6:30am) trip to Syracuse. Scott and Drew dropped Drew's girlfriend Brittany and I off at the Oncenter to share a day at Women of Faith together. Soon we were joined by about five friends who I've been doing life together with for many years. I was eager to see one in particular whom I haven't laid eyes on since last January. When she scooched in the row we embraced and when I leaned to tell Brittany that "this is one of the most important women in my life", I choked up and tears fell. Relationships are so important. Especially the God-ordained older woman/younger woman.
I was secretly hoping we would sing a song I was first introduced to at last year's WOF, "We Are Here For You" and it was the first one played. A gift from God to me....and I enjoyed it fully and hope He enjoyed my worship. You haven't heard it? That's not acceptable. You can watch the author himself sing it here. See what I mean?
In tandem throughout the day, Lysa Terkeurst and Patsy Clairmont taught us through God's Word and their life experiences. I needed to hear so much of what they said. Here's a brief bullet point synopsis of what spoke to me most loudly. I hope you find something here that speaks to you as well.
Lysa started out teaching just one verse: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matt. 5:8. Inside I was freaking out a little because I've been memorizing this passage for the last month. Coincidence, I think not. Girlfriends, God will meet us and delight us with His Word - we just have to invite Him and be open. It's so exciting!!
After that full day, we went straight to a Mandisa, Brandon Heath and Laura Story concert. Mandisa brought the house down with her upbeat songs. Yet when she spoke confidently of how God has brought her to the place she's at right now from a difficult childhood and how fulfilling her life with Jesus is, and my teenage daughter leans over and says, "I just love her", I know I've spent my time and money well. (Free parenting advice here - put godly heroes in front of your kids.) Then to witness the lovely Laura Story sing "Blessings" live was simply, lovely. I won't say too much more about the concert, but if it comes near you -go! It was time well spent in fun worship and being encouraged in all things spiritual.
Sunday morning, we attended service at our former church of 17 years and Pastor George Miller gave a sermon about suffering. None of us gets a pass to escape it. I was so comforted with the truths he shared and the loving, caring, kind way he spoke to this family that he loves so much.
The key to dealing with suffering:
1. Fight through the feelings
2. Seek God quickly and passionately
3. Do #1 and #2 regardless of your feelings. (sound familiar from the Women of Faith notes?)
Hurting brings healing. Jesus knows what we are going through. "Embrace the pain and squeeze out everything God has for you in it." I just love that. Not because it's easy, but because it gives purpose to my pain. Don't run from it and try to escape quickly. The answer is isn't in an explanation, it's in a person.
Look at this verse from 2 Chr. 20:12: "For we were powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you." I don't know about you, but this last year has found us many times with something coming against us that we were powerless to control and all we knew to do was turn our eyes to God. It's the right thing!
And if all this great teaching wasn't enough, it completely lined up with the Bible study lesson I heard earlier in the week. Check this out:
In case you haven't noticed any of your own sacred echoes lately, you can borrow mine. God is good and He loves you and everything He does has purpose.
Where do you start? Go back to Lysa Terkeurst's prayer: "God, my heart's desire is to see you, to know you and to hear you so that I can follow hard after you." Pray this and obey what He tells you to do. Then you will see God.
And next time a weekend like this comes up, join me and we'll enjoy it in person together.
I'm settling back into the daily routine after a God-filled weekend. Sometimes He pours it on and on and on. And usually when He does, I just have to tell somebody, which is where you come in! I wish you had been there with me but since you weren't - here's a summary. Interested?
We started out Saturday on an early morning (6:30am) trip to Syracuse. Scott and Drew dropped Drew's girlfriend Brittany and I off at the Oncenter to share a day at Women of Faith together. Soon we were joined by about five friends who I've been doing life together with for many years. I was eager to see one in particular whom I haven't laid eyes on since last January. When she scooched in the row we embraced and when I leaned to tell Brittany that "this is one of the most important women in my life", I choked up and tears fell. Relationships are so important. Especially the God-ordained older woman/younger woman.
I was secretly hoping we would sing a song I was first introduced to at last year's WOF, "We Are Here For You" and it was the first one played. A gift from God to me....and I enjoyed it fully and hope He enjoyed my worship. You haven't heard it? That's not acceptable. You can watch the author himself sing it here. See what I mean?
In tandem throughout the day, Lysa Terkeurst and Patsy Clairmont taught us through God's Word and their life experiences. I needed to hear so much of what they said. Here's a brief bullet point synopsis of what spoke to me most loudly. I hope you find something here that speaks to you as well.
Lysa started out teaching just one verse: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matt. 5:8. Inside I was freaking out a little because I've been memorizing this passage for the last month. Coincidence, I think not. Girlfriends, God will meet us and delight us with His Word - we just have to invite Him and be open. It's so exciting!!
- Blessed is the person whose heart's (pure) desire is to see and hear and know God...for the purpose of following hard after Him. This needs to be my daily prayer.
- Before I begin my day, start by telling God YES to whatever divine appointment He has for me.
- When God is trying to get our attention, He will chase us around with confirmations. He will change our desires/attitudes. (Isn't that fun? God chasing us around with confirmations - I love it!)
- We have to live lives that require a little bit of faith.
- When you decide to follow hard after God, expect it to be complicated and hard at times. Don't be surprised or in despair over it, the Bible tells us this is how it will be.
- God has an assignment for each of us. We just have to show up and bring our tiny willingness. (see prayer in bullet #1)
- My job = obedience God's job = results
- When we live with a pure desire to see and hear and know God, we will see Him.
- Don't limit who you are by where you're at today. (Please read that again slower. It spoke to me.)
- God's not looking for perfection. He is looking for progress. (Am I progressing/maturing in my walk with Him?)
- Vulnerability is the next step in my maturity. Be open and honest with God and others.
- Feelings are indicators of what needs to be addressed, not dictators of how we should react.
- Emotions don't have brains. Emotions feel. They don't think. Our will can choose to do the right thing even if we don't feel like it.
- Change your prayers from "Rescue Me" to "I'll do what you want me to do. What do you want me to do next, Lord?"
- When you're faithful in the little things, He'll give you more. If you're faithful with more, He'll give you much.
- To restore order start on the outside. Do the next thing. You'll feel it on the inside. (Here Patsy talked about how she came out of agorophobia. The next thing was to make the bed, then to do the dishes, and soon she's a motivational speaker to thousands of women a year when at one point she couldn't leave her bedroom. Powerful.)
- When you change your behavior, expect it to be awkward for you and others at first. It won't be for long.
After that full day, we went straight to a Mandisa, Brandon Heath and Laura Story concert. Mandisa brought the house down with her upbeat songs. Yet when she spoke confidently of how God has brought her to the place she's at right now from a difficult childhood and how fulfilling her life with Jesus is, and my teenage daughter leans over and says, "I just love her", I know I've spent my time and money well. (Free parenting advice here - put godly heroes in front of your kids.) Then to witness the lovely Laura Story sing "Blessings" live was simply, lovely. I won't say too much more about the concert, but if it comes near you -go! It was time well spent in fun worship and being encouraged in all things spiritual.
Sunday morning, we attended service at our former church of 17 years and Pastor George Miller gave a sermon about suffering. None of us gets a pass to escape it. I was so comforted with the truths he shared and the loving, caring, kind way he spoke to this family that he loves so much.
The key to dealing with suffering:
1. Fight through the feelings
2. Seek God quickly and passionately
3. Do #1 and #2 regardless of your feelings. (sound familiar from the Women of Faith notes?)
Hurting brings healing. Jesus knows what we are going through. "Embrace the pain and squeeze out everything God has for you in it." I just love that. Not because it's easy, but because it gives purpose to my pain. Don't run from it and try to escape quickly. The answer is isn't in an explanation, it's in a person.
And if all this great teaching wasn't enough, it completely lined up with the Bible study lesson I heard earlier in the week. Check this out:
- The thing that has caused me horror can become a dream come true.
- God will birth passion from our pain. Beauty from ashes.
- Anguish is meant to lead to a birth. Something precious is meant to come out of this. He's going to deliver you!
- We can live with pain easier than we can with purposelessness.
In case you haven't noticed any of your own sacred echoes lately, you can borrow mine. God is good and He loves you and everything He does has purpose.
Where do you start? Go back to Lysa Terkeurst's prayer: "God, my heart's desire is to see you, to know you and to hear you so that I can follow hard after you." Pray this and obey what He tells you to do. Then you will see God.
And next time a weekend like this comes up, join me and we'll enjoy it in person together.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Anyone else need some Spring?
Good morning!
It's a dreary day here in Johnson City. A stark contrast to the bright sunny skies I enjoyed this last weekend. The older I get the more I notice my moods/outlook can be affected by the weather. I don't like this! Except on sunny, warm or snowy days.
I greet you from a corner booth at our local Panera Bread restaurant. I like to come here periodically to sit, think, read, pray and write. Of course, I can do this at home, but there's something about getting up and out that inspires me when I'm feeling humdrum. Dark, dreary, rainy days can definitely cause humdrumness (new word, you like?) I realize recently that more than any other winter since my kids were little, I have basically hibernated these last few months. Lots of time inside. Lots of time alone. It's not all bad, mind you, but it can lead to an unhealthy isolation. I'm not willing to go there. I like people too much. So here I am with people (kind of).
Since I last wrote, our clocks have sprung forward bringing longer days and I have changed the house decor from winter to spring. It's the most noticeable change all year when it comes to seasons because I have about 5 large rubbermaid totes full of winter decor and only 1 for spring/summer. It is quite obvious what my favorite season is.
That said, while it is a fact that Christmas/Winter is my favorite time of year, I truly do enjoy all the seasons. The best part: the changing from one that usually has outstayed it's welcome to the next which seems to be dragging it's feet to appear. I think most everyone agrees that winter seems to be the longest season and spring can't come soon enough. Except when we're sweating to death in high humidity into September hoping for a cool breeze and a jacket!
But come March I'm ready to turn my pasty white face up toward the warm sunshine, peel off a few layers of clothing and see bright colors spring up from the brown earth.
I've been thinking about this change and my life lately. You see, winter is a time for the earth and even some living creatures to rest, to hibernate. The freezing cold temps have their purpose. Trees and plants lose their color and shut down so to speak for a few months. From spring to late fall they've been busy bearing fruit, bursting with color, energy and life, delighting those of us to take the time to notice.
But in the winter they take a break and lie dormant. One might even call it a form of death. We know, of course, that it's not a permanent death, for they will bloom again. Still, during this bleak time, there is still life. I believe something's going on just below the surface where we can't see. A preparation for what's to come.
After this break, at just the right time, green shows through the brown ground. Tiny buds will appear on trees and bushes. Soon they will bloom to full color. They will dazzle us again with their beauty, their time to shine, their purpose. And we will be glad again.
Not so different in life, I think. Solomon puts it wisely in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
It's been a long, cold winter. For me, it has been a time for some 'deaths', a time of uprooting, a time to heal, a time to mourn, a time to refrain, a time to search, a time to mend, and a time to be silent (as silent as I can be). I haven't felt very fruitful at times.
But I know that God is at work. Ourside and in me. I know that even though I can't see what He's doing, He is doing something. I pray it will result in more glory for Him.
I think of some favorite verses like Jeremiah 17:7,8 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
And Psalm 1:1-3 "Blessed is the man....whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."
Another thing about the coming of this new season, spring is the celebration of Easter. Jesus came here to Earth to suffer and die, take on our sins as His very own, to purchase salvation and eternal life for each one who will believe. Three days after His horrible death, He came out of the grave alive! Resurrected. I believe those three days must have been the darkest, coldest, bleakest, days in all of history. A winter of sorts. Life left the building. But even when there seemed to be no hope, God was working in our darkness. I imagine that Sunday morning when Jesus appeared, the earth must have swelled with new life and beauty. Everything was alive again! We are going to be alive again too.
Hold on to this for hope...
Yup, I'm ready for some spring! I want some resurrection, some new life. How about you? Fasten your seatbelt. It's coming. Keep your eyes open and perceive it.
It's a dreary day here in Johnson City. A stark contrast to the bright sunny skies I enjoyed this last weekend. The older I get the more I notice my moods/outlook can be affected by the weather. I don't like this! Except on sunny, warm or snowy days.

Since I last wrote, our clocks have sprung forward bringing longer days and I have changed the house decor from winter to spring. It's the most noticeable change all year when it comes to seasons because I have about 5 large rubbermaid totes full of winter decor and only 1 for spring/summer. It is quite obvious what my favorite season is.
That said, while it is a fact that Christmas/Winter is my favorite time of year, I truly do enjoy all the seasons. The best part: the changing from one that usually has outstayed it's welcome to the next which seems to be dragging it's feet to appear. I think most everyone agrees that winter seems to be the longest season and spring can't come soon enough. Except when we're sweating to death in high humidity into September hoping for a cool breeze and a jacket!
But come March I'm ready to turn my pasty white face up toward the warm sunshine, peel off a few layers of clothing and see bright colors spring up from the brown earth.
I've been thinking about this change and my life lately. You see, winter is a time for the earth and even some living creatures to rest, to hibernate. The freezing cold temps have their purpose. Trees and plants lose their color and shut down so to speak for a few months. From spring to late fall they've been busy bearing fruit, bursting with color, energy and life, delighting those of us to take the time to notice.
But in the winter they take a break and lie dormant. One might even call it a form of death. We know, of course, that it's not a permanent death, for they will bloom again. Still, during this bleak time, there is still life. I believe something's going on just below the surface where we can't see. A preparation for what's to come.
After this break, at just the right time, green shows through the brown ground. Tiny buds will appear on trees and bushes. Soon they will bloom to full color. They will dazzle us again with their beauty, their time to shine, their purpose. And we will be glad again.
Not so different in life, I think. Solomon puts it wisely in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace."
It's been a long, cold winter. For me, it has been a time for some 'deaths', a time of uprooting, a time to heal, a time to mourn, a time to refrain, a time to search, a time to mend, and a time to be silent (as silent as I can be). I haven't felt very fruitful at times.
But I know that God is at work. Ourside and in me. I know that even though I can't see what He's doing, He is doing something. I pray it will result in more glory for Him.
I think of some favorite verses like Jeremiah 17:7,8 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
And Psalm 1:1-3 "Blessed is the man....whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."
Another thing about the coming of this new season, spring is the celebration of Easter. Jesus came here to Earth to suffer and die, take on our sins as His very own, to purchase salvation and eternal life for each one who will believe. Three days after His horrible death, He came out of the grave alive! Resurrected. I believe those three days must have been the darkest, coldest, bleakest, days in all of history. A winter of sorts. Life left the building. But even when there seemed to be no hope, God was working in our darkness. I imagine that Sunday morning when Jesus appeared, the earth must have swelled with new life and beauty. Everything was alive again! We are going to be alive again too.
Hold on to this for hope...
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim (celebrate) my praise." Isa. 43:18-21
Yup, I'm ready for some spring! I want some resurrection, some new life. How about you? Fasten your seatbelt. It's coming. Keep your eyes open and perceive it.
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