Monday, July 9, 2012

Life Lesson During Cool Down

You never know when a moment of inspiration is going to come to you.  Today mine came before 6am as I was sweating through an exercise dvd.  In an effort to encourage me not to quit, the slave driver, ahem, I mean trainer, said, "Transformation is not a future event.  It's a present lifestyle."

Reminds me of  a text exchange just yesterday with one of my favorite young women.  She and I are both keeping lists this summer of specific things we are thankful to God for.  I let her know that I've completed my first journal at #6,560 since starting my list 14 months ago. She wrote back, "I can't wait til I get there".  I thought, don't look forward to the number - every item recorded is what brings the joy as you go.

Just like transformation.  Truly it is not a future event - but rather a daily pursuit.  And by using the word pursuit, I most definitely am implying intention. Even work and effort.   I think its ok to have an idea in front of you as to what you'd like to be transformed into (hence my daily physical torture) - but the journey toward getting there is where the rubber meets the road - the real life.

I'm thinking it over today.  In a sermon I recently heard from James 2, the preacher said that Jesus is change.  If you're living for Christ, you're changing. You have to be, because He is committed to bringing about a transforming work in your life.  That's His specialty.  Why would He leave us in the state we are in  which speaking for myself, always needs spiritual improvement?

I love the line in the song My Glorious, "And all you ever do is change the old from new....".  That comes from 2 Cor. 5:17, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has gone the new has come."  Present tense - the old is going and the new is coming.  So, let's be honest and ask ourselves the question, "What's new in my life?  Is God doing a new work of change in me?  The cool part about being in community with others is that we can tell!  And the accountability for me is that you can tell if I'm allowing God to change me, too.

Fruit!  That's the evidence.  The Bible clearly teaches different kinds of fruit.  You're either producing the kind that's beautiful, ripe and ready to pick and enjoy:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, self-control and so much more.  Or the bad fruit:  bitterness, hate, anger, gossip, slander, judging, complaining....and so much more, need I go on (?) that needs to be tossed on the garbage pile.

Oh friend, don't waste any time-  examine your fruit today.  Just like I go out to my garden each morning to see what's growing and check for "blemishes", I need to take a serious look in the mirror and identify the fruit that's growing in this life DAILY.

The pastor also said if you're not changing, maybe you don't know Him. Perhaps something to consider.

One lifetime simply isn't time enough to lay down all of our weaknesses, faults, sin tendencies, etc. - every day counts and I, for one want to make as much progress as I can and enjoy the growing relationship with the One who is changing me as I go. That's the coolest benefit.  The closer we draw to Him, the closer He is to us.  Doesn't that make you want to invite some pruning?  It does for me!

Remember, like the exercise guru said, "Tranformation is not a future event.  It's a present lifestyle."  That means today.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh sister friend my heart is thumping hard! Excited and very challenged. xoxo