Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Hugger

 Do you remember those old Pier 1 Imports commercials - usually popping up during the holidays - sporting the theme "find what speaks to you"? In each fifteen or thirty second spot, the selected products would "say something" charming and cute to the female shopper (why always a woman I wonder) and she would scoop up the irresistible item. One of my favorites was a stuffed owl I think that when making eye contact with the shopper, said, "Careful, I'm a hugger." and in the next frame, she was hugging it and taking it to the register. In our home, I would immediately side-eye to my husband with a silly grin, he would predictably roll his eyes, our kids giggle. Good marketing.

Last weekend I accompanied my husband to his high school reunion. He graduated from a very small private school, so we expected an intimate gathering. I didn't expect to know too many. I don't mind sitting on the periphery taking the opportunity to be more of a spectator at events such as these; a lot can be learned by observing.

One man in particular caught my attention and held it most of the night. One of my husband's childhood friends, a stocky, burly fellow I've seen at many get-togethers over the years. This particular night this friend with a big heart greeted each classmate as they arrived, or as he noticed them, with a hug. Not a half-felt side hug, but a full on, head down, bear hug. Everyone got one - including me - who he only knows as my husband's wife. I happily received it. He then, with steady eye contact, asked, "How are you?" taking all the time in the world to hear their answer.

As I watched each exchange, I was immediately convicted in my heart from a passage in the Bible I've been studying this summer in the book of Philippians. The Apostle Paul teaching:

"So, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Phil. 2:1-4

In my Bible I have written next to this passage: I should show love, compassion, and tenderness - that I've experienced from Christ - to others without reserve or discrimination. 

My husband's friend nailed it. He demonstrated love without reservation or discrimination. Everyone felt the love he had to give, and I think it's safe to say that his love originated from the love he, a longtime Christ follower, has experienced in Jesus.

Also, in my notes: This should mark all my relationships. **needs work**

Lesson learned, be a hugger.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this great reminder. I think that this man you’re speaking of has been thru great loss recently and out of the love that God must be pouring into him, he is still the same guy we’ve always known- hugger!! This was a good recap of that night, oh how my heart wanted to be there!!

Anonymous said...

You are very observant and have your eyes wide open all the time for lessons from above, and corresponding with that is a tender heart to apply what is seen and heard , you are always growing and keeping your faith fresh. Jesus looks great in you sister, always has!✝️🙌👍😎

Donna Mittler said...

Thank you for sharing this. I did not grow up in a family of huggers so I have distinct memories of my first “hugger” friend. I was in my thirties when meeting said friend. I remember feeling uncomfortable and even a bit overwhelmed with her hugs. Over time and with God’s help I was able to embrace embracing 😉 I like to equate hugging to greeting one another with a holy kiss.