Saturday, July 22, 2023

Summer Splurge

We seem to have passed the half-way point of summer. It's funny how everyone has an opinion about the speed in which time goes. Those who dream of the heat all year long lament "it goes too fast." While those who can't stand the humidity and high temps are dreaming of a pumpkin spice latte and sweater weather right about now.

I don't like to rush any seasons because I love the beginning of each one and usually ready to see them go too. I know they'll be back. That's the beauty of living where I live, we get them all - with gusto. So I don't mind letting each one show off its glory and also do its work even if uncomfortable.

Which brings me to why I'm writing today. Just a quick post to recommend a book. I mean, we all need a great summer read, don't we?

One of my goals for 2023 is to revisit and reread the books that have marked my faith journey of three plus decades. Some are classics and some are newer publications. All have challenged and changed my life. In January, I scanned my bookshelves and easily grabbed about twelve titles and stacked them on a chair. Every month I read one or two and reminisce.

A few weeks ago, I laid eyes on one hardcover that makes me swoon whenever I see it always remarking, "I love this book so much." I knew I had read it at least twice, but when opening the cover was surprised to see in my handwriting 2017, 2018, and 2019. Wow, three times! 

I remembered an author I dig who claims to read several favorite books every year for reference and reminder. I'm usually skeptical of this kind of thing, worried I might get sick of reading one too much, kind of like overplaying a song, you know?

Still, I couldn't resist. I hadn't read this favorite author in a few years, so I decided to indulge. Even told a few people who think I'm weird, "I'm going to treat myself to Mark Buchanan. I haven't had his voice in my head in a while."

Spiritual Rhythm is about seasons. Both physical and spiritual. The brilliant author blends them both in a way that makes this seasonally obsessed soul well, obsessed! It's funny when you read a text repeatedly how it hits you a different way each time (different season maybe?). Also, hello Bible, I'm looking at you too.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but if you're looking for a descriptive, instructive, delightful, and deeply insightful volume on what each physical season of the year looks like - winter, spring, summer and fall - and what you should do (and not) during its turn on the calendar pages, I can't recommend this enough.

And, if you dig faith-based books, MB masterfully connects the spiritual seasons of the heart with beauty and in ways that are very helpful in understanding our lives especially as we grow older and want to get the important things in the right order.

A lot of words up there to basically say, for (maybe) your final summer splurge, treat yourself to this book. Read it slowly. Savor it. Put it into practice.

And by all means, message me and tell me all about it.

You may find yourself in need of this trusted companion over the years as you move from season to season in your spiritual life. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for suggestion, I will check it out. Gail