Had you asked me three years if I was a person given to fear I would have answered with an emphatic no. How can one trust God and simultaneously be fearful...of anything? Kind of arrogant, no?
Funny how desperate and difficult times can bring to the surface stuff you didn't even know was there. Unnecessary, unhelpful stuff that needs to come up in order to get it out.
Maybe that's why the Gospel accounts of angel appearances seem to be highlighted this December. Every time a messenger showed up, the first thing said was, "Fear not" or "Don't be afraid". Coincidence? I don't think so.

If like me, you are in a season of extraordinary dependence on God for big things, most everything actually, you might fear that God will get tired of rescuing and providing. That He is weary of the same old, same old prayers, the begging, the pleading. That He is standing back, looking down saying, "It's time you stop leaning on Me, get up on your own two feet now and take back some control, provide for yourself."
Yeah, that. Not exactly consistent with the Scriptures I read, yet loud enough to seem real.
So when I read this today from Ann Voskamp, I was redirected (again) and relieved.
"Some days it's hard not to panic.
As the cold can move you deeper toward the fire, struggling can move you deeper toward God, who warms you with joy. Struggling can deepen joy.
The secret of joy is always a matter of focus: a resolute focusing on the Father, not the fears. All fear is but the notion that God's love ends...When you can't touch the bottom is when you touch the depths of God.
The solution to fear is the gift of Christmas. Fear not. For behold! We have a Savior. 'Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won't He also give us everything else?' Romans 8:32
Hasn't He already unequivocally earned trust? You can take your hands off your life--you don't have to try and save yourself.
Behold Him everywhere, and be held."*
Would you believe me if I told you I've had that very verse on my kitchen sink for months? If you believe God speaks to us in sacred echoes you are not surprised. Not in a voice our human ears can hear, but in our spirits in a way that we absolutely know it has to be Him who knows and loves us best.
Remember that stuff (fear unaware) that was deep down inside? Yeah, God has every plan to bring it up and skim it off. If we will let Him.
Advent. We're waiting. Jesus is coming. He came for us once as a baby in a manger. He will come for us again and we will all see Him with our own eyes. When we focus on Him, on this, fear disappears. He's already given us salvation and that's the very best gift. He will also give the rest, which I like to think of as the frosting.
Have I mentioned I love frosting too? One may or may not have an addiction to frosting if two friends for two different occasions give it to you as a gift.
Christmas. The Gift, more gifts, frosting - all from God. Keep watching...
*The Greatest Gift
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