Have I ever told you that I have a Christmas thought every day? That's right. Every.day.all.year.long. What? Doesn't everyone?
It's so easy to do. These thoughts range from being with family and friends, decorating (inside and out), the beautiful snow, the trees, the lights, the gifts (to purchase and to make), the food, the gatherings. And so much more. But the best part of all, the thing I look forward to most, is observing Advent.
To aid me I have purchased many a devotional. They add up over the years and each one is special. Some might call it an obsession. To them I say, what's wrong with that?
What's the big deal you may ask. This is - from one of my favorites:
"The month of December and the season of Advent are not synonymous; they are, in fact, radically different. December brings all the outward preparations, all that we have to do to prepare for Christmas. Advent is an invitation to an inward preparation, calling us to listen, to attend to the preparation of the heart. Advent calls us to stop - however briefly - all of the frenetic doing and invites us to come into an experience of the holy. Advent is an experience of anticipation, an invitation to prepare for the coming of the light of Christ into our world. Advent is a dance set to the rhythm of waiting. We wait for the holy, we wait for the birth, we wait for the light...Advent reminds us that we are a pregnant people, for God calls each of us to bring forth the Christ."*
See what I mean? Now that's something to get excited about and it lasts so much longer than the outward delights, the opened gifts and extra pounds.
Sitting quietly each day, reading, praying, waiting, hoping - that's what Christmas means to me. Eventually, it turns into worship, which is what ultimately brings us the calm and peace and true joy we are all looking for.
If you've never considered this practice, I'd like to invite you to intentionally celebrate your December this way. Just set aside time each day to be still. In quiet. By the lights of the tree is the best spot, I think. Read. Enter into the Biblical story. Imagine. Dream. Pray. Listen.

If your first thought is that you don't have the time, you may be the one who needs it most. Make the effort. I promise you won't be sorry.
Every year I invite God to show up and show off. I ask Him to come into my world in a miraculous way. He never disappoints. You see, that's how the first Advent of Jesus happened and it's also how the Second will come. It won't be ordinary and it won't be predictable. We will be in awe of Him and thrilled.
If we are His pregnant people then He is eagerly waiting to be born in us. Why not ask Him to reveal Himself in a way you've not known Him yet? It's not too late - it's only Day 2.
Go buy an Advent devotional if you can. If that's not an option, I'm sure there are many online offerings. If you're local, you can come borrow one of mine.
Of course, the best text is the Bible itself. Linger in Luke 2 for the month. Add in some prophetic passages from Isaiah. Then keep your eyes pealed for glimpses of His grace and love meant for you.
Whatever you do, don't get so swept up in the cultural celebration of Christmas that you miss Advent. It will bring the deep meaning we are all longing for.
"It really is a small commitment of time.
But with time comes focus.
With focus comes fresh truth.
With fresh truth comes wonder.
With wonder comes joy."**
I'd like to try and post something most days here too. So come on back and join me as we await His Arrival with eyes focused and hopeful.
*Christ, Light of the World by Thomas Kinkade
**And He Shall Be Called Wonderful Counselor by Larry Libby & Steve Halliday
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