Thursday, June 14, 2012

God's Faithfulness....for You and for Me...Always

Happy day, friends!

It is a beauty out there.  I hope you can get out and enjoy it.  I'm in the office today thinking about you and wanting to share a bit about what God has been teaching me.  A week ago I went with three women from our church to the Ladies LYFE Conference at Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, PA.  It was a really good few days away.

First of all, I enjoyed time on the campus where my son will be spending his next two years come August.  Now I have some visual images - every mom likes that.

The women I was with were very fun too.  I especially enjoyed rooming with one who is in her 7th month of pregnancy.  She eats fun.  And she says things like, "I think we should go to Starbucks and get a frappuccino" in the middle of the afternoon.  Very cool.

However, the best part was spending two days with focused attention on God and His Word. 
Worshiping. Sitting and listening. Receiving. The highlight for me were general sessions with Liz Curtis Higgs.  She spoke about three different women in the Bible, Hagar, Sarah and Leah.  We laughed (she is super funny) and were loved and taught much.

I'm so thankful that God loves women as much as He loves men and included them in His story.   Genesis 16 is where her story is found.  Maybe you remember it?  Hagar was the maidservant of Abram and Sarai and was used (by them) to hurry God's promise along.  It was in no way God's plan for any of them but that's how it is written.  I think if we are honest, we can all remember a time when we took matters into our own hands to make something happen that we got tired of waiting on God for.  Ugh.

Liz's personal impressions spoke such tenderness to my heart as she illustrated how this story showcases God's love for those who are alone, rejected, dealt a bad hand, and have not trusted Him when they should have known better, etc.  We might all be able to find ourselves in one of these categories from time to time as well.

Here's some of the story details:
  • God promised Abram and Sarai a son.  
  • They got tired of waiting and came up with their own plan using Hagar to conceive and carry the baby.
  • Sarai wasn't dependent on God.  She abused Hagar violently.
  • Abram let his wife, who clearly was not walking closely to God, do with Hagar whatever she felt was best.  YIKES!  
  • Hagar despised Sarai and fled.
  • God sent an angel of the Lord (1st time in Scripture) to Hagar.
  • He ministered and talked to Hagar and sent her back with a promise of her own.
  • Hagar was so moved, she gave God a Name "El Roi: The God Who Sees Me".
I learned so much in this session about God and His faithfulness.

1.  I want to be the kind of wife my husband is proud of.  I don't want to be one who advises Scott from my own desires - especially when they are of the flesh and not demonstrating any trust in God.  I wonder if Abram was a little afraid of Sarai.  Why would he give her permission to deal with Hagar as she saw fit?  God forbid, Scott give me that kind of power when I'm in such a state of sinfulness.  How much  better we would be if we shared an accountability with our spouse that speaks truth and/or correction when necessary. More than once in our marriage, Scott has said to me, "Stop, that's enough.  You have a bad attitude here.".  I've never liked it, but always later appreciated it because he has shown that he has my best interest at heart and isn't willing to pick up an offense of mine or justify my unspirit-filled behavior and attitude. Does your husband have that freedom/your permission to call you on the carpet when necessary?

2.  The angel asked Hagar two questions:
"Where have you come from?" and "Where are you going?" (Not "Where are you?".)  Think about it:  Where has God brought you from?  And where do you want to go with Him? Is "where we are" going to get us there?  If we are running from something and are confronted with those questions, I wonder if answer ing these aloud before God, might realign us.

3.  God didn't rescue Hagar from the situation she was put in.  Honestly, I don't love this part of the story.  He sent her back.  Too often I want God to remove the uncomfortable situation/relationship I'm in but He doesn't always.  I especially struggle with this when a friend is suffering at the hand of another.  I want to say "RUN!", but that may not be God's plan.  He wants us to endure, be content and give Him glory in everything we experience (see James).  And He promises to be with us every step of the way.  That's the best part!!

4.  Later in the story (Genesis 21), Hagar gets the shaft again.  Abraham sends her away with her son (at Sarah's insistence).  Again, the angel of the Lord showed up. He had heard Hagar's son crying as they were near death in the desert.  He gave her yet another promise and fortified her to keep going.  He continually met her needs.  He is so good!  Don't miss the fact that Hagar has done nothing to merit God's favor (we don't either).

5.  Throughout these chapters, there is another story being told.  God continually was gracious to Sarah.  Doesn't that just go against everything we naturally feel regarding good guys vs. bad guys?  We want justice.  It's not fair.  Why does God keep blessing Sarah in her state of selfishness and sin?  The fact is, just like Hagar, Sarah doesn't do anything to merit God's favor either.  He gives it as He wills.  He makes the promises and He is writing history.  He will bring forth His plans regardless of what "the players" do that might seem to wreck or hinder them.  The lesson for me here is simply that God is going to be faithful to me always.  He knows we are weak and that we live in the flesh sometimes.  He doesn't expect perfection.  He pours out His goodness because that is who He is.  Isn't that incredible?

I needed that.  The rest of the weekend I kept rehearsing the following over and over in my mind:

God sees me.  He hears me. He knows me.  He loves me.  He is aware of my need and is ahead of me meeting it.
God forgives me.  He always takes me back when I've strayed.  He has brought me a far distance now from who I was when He found me.  He chose me.  He won't be quitting on me.  He still chooses me.  No matter how badly I mess up or who I hurt deliberately or otherwise, He will restore.  Can you feel the love??

Of course, this is no license to sin (see Romans 6).  But it is good news for those of us who may be discouraged because we drifted or we've been listening to the enemy's lies that we are no good - never were and never will be.  God's arm is never too short to save.  Get back on track today.  How often I pray for me and my family - "God please save us from sin and save us from ourselves."  He will.

I came home from the conference with a sweet contentment that God is in charge of everything that concerns me. Still, I want to be a good steward of what I've learned, so what's my "take away"?  Because I am so loved and want to return that love to Him, I resolve to be obedient to His Word.  To not take any matters into my own hand (not lean on my own understanding).  To not quench or grieve the Holy Spirit by letting the flesh control my heart, thoughts and actions (this part will take some work!).  Instead, the love I receive is the love I will give to others.  So look out, you may be getting a huge hug from me the next time our paths cross. :)

I hope that whatever state you are in as you read this offering, you will receive all this goodness too.  I pray you find yourself loved.  Reminded.  Repentant (if necessary).  Rejoicing as I am.  And for fun, think about this:  Based on what you know at this point in your journey with God - what name would you give Him?  I'd love it if you feel like sharing it with me.

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