Tuesday, October 3, 2023

What I Did This Summer

So, I have something to tell you.

In our (extended family) when one declares such an announcement, the first follow-up question one unnamed member (ahem), may or may not be known to ask is: "Will this be the long or short version?"

How rude.

You see, the thing about this family, we are long-winded. If you've been reading this blog for a while or know me at all, you are probably thinking, "no joke". That said, do you want the long version or the short?

I'll try to hug the middle line.

I've had a dream for years. Friends have encouraged me to chase it for even longer. But instead the dream has been safely tucked away in scores of journals - and my heart - for more than a decade and a half. 

You could say I've been stuck. In the comfort zone? Or the land of making excuses?

When questioned "why don't I pursue it?", a frequent reason I gave was, "I don't know how to begin."

I prayed and asked the Lord about it often, bargaining, "If you'll just send me someone who will take me by the hand and show me the way, I'll do it!"

Well, this summer He did.

But first, He taught me a little something about Himself. 

Believing my dream was given to me by God, I received some helpful instruction from Bruce Wilkinson's book The Dream Giver:

"Your dream is meant to be about more than itself or you. A God-given dream brings you together with what God wants to do in the world through you."


So, all of the reasons I give (excuses) why I'm not pursuing my dream are actually about me (fear, comfort zone). And if God gave me the dream, it is because it's part of His bigger dream for His mission in the world and my part in it (mind blown emoji). And only I can fulfill my dream (purpose!). Grand conclusion: if I don't attempt and complete my dream, part of God's bigger dream won't be accomplished.


The only appropriate response was mine that day, "Yes, sir."

Soon, He gave me a lunch date with a longtime friend who has affirmed and tried to motivate me toward my dream for longer than I care to admit. She listened to my laundry list for the umpteenth time but brightened up when I read from my journal what the Lord recently revealed. Then she looked me in the eyes saying something like, "Are you telling me you're ready to move forward (finally)?" I nodded.

Effortlessly, she doled out a list of about five specific action items and a deadline. Boom.

--side note: type A wackos dig deadlines!--

Fast forward about eighty days (seemed much longer), the deadline arrived last month, and my dream came true. I finally accomplished what dozens of friends and some acquaintances have been telling (daring?) me to do for so many years....

I wrote a book!

And I'd like to share it with you.

This is Wonder in the Waiting: An Advent Devotional

If you don't know what an Advent devotional is, I'll write about it more here in the coming days. For now, just know it was written for you. It's a book meant to be read in the month of December, one chapter a day, to highlight the sacredness of the Christmas season.

You should also know my daughter-in-law, Brittany Burtis, offered her artistic gift in creating the cover and illustrations inside. Don't even get me started on the gloriousness of this older/younger woman project.

So, if you would like to have your own, please order it from my website at   angelaburtis.com

If you live local, you can contact me directly to avoid postage.

If you would rather buy them in quantities of 5 or 10 or more because you think like me and desire to give them as Thanksgiving Day favors, or pre-Christmas gifts, or for your Book Clubs, Bible Studies, Sunday School classes or friend/family groups (great idea!), please send me a message at amburtis@yahoo.com and I will be happy to give you a special discounted rate!

There's one important thing important to know about this book today - you'll need to have it by December 1st when the first chapter begins.

Lastly, if you are one of those lovely friends who has written or spoken to me, "you should write a book", I heard you, and I thank you for encouraging me.

A dream come true.

And if you read it, I hope you love it.

P.S. Believe it or not, this was the middle-length version of the story. Take me out for coffee or pie if you want ALLLLLL the glorious details.

One more thing, my book is available on Amazon too, but if you order it from   my website, I will sign your copy and add a personal touch.


Anonymous said...

Oh Angela, you are so very gifted. It's been a long time coming. I'll have to stop by and pick one up. Praise God for nudging you to continue to use the gifts He has given you ❤️

Anonymous said...

So many prayers have been answered. So many of us have been praying that you would write a book and I am so thankful that you allowed God to lead you through this so that He could use you in another way to reach others for Christ. Every year, for years, I look at your Christmas Devotional/Advent book list to see which one I haven’t read yet and which one (or three) I will buy. This year I am overjoyed to purchase one that you wrote!

Anonymous said...

you should’ve written the long version, I so would’ve read it and enjoyed it!! 😘😘 CONGRATULATIONS THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and best wishes!

Anonymous said...


Linda Stoll said...

You go, girl!!! Looks like you're in that sweet spot God shaped you for. I am so happy!