Oh it's starting to happen. Glorious Fall coming up next.
And now that the summer season of Camp has ended, we go back to a 5 day, 40 hour work week, which means these happy campers can get outside and enjoy some of the beauty that surrounds us here. Especially before it's dark at 4:30pm. You know that's coming too.

Another highlight of my week was meeting a new friend who was just here for a few weeks to work. I could tell she was someone I wanted to get to know better, so suggested we get together off hours. Because the weather is so gorgeous, it just had to happen outside.
I have wanted to try paddle boarding but admit am not too confident in my skill level. I mean, that's a serious balancing act. This young'n assured me I could do it.
Ahem. Sometimes there is no place for pride. You've got to just go with it and hope that as a 48 year old wife of 26 years, mother of three and grandmother of one, you don't make too much a fool of yourself.

I can't believe it either. It's not that easy to stand up from your knees with a paddle in your hands. But check it off my list - I've done it! I didn't fall off once. It was a Lake Pleasant Miracle. And it was super fun.
After paddling out a ways, we sat down and talked for a long time. It's so good to hear others' stories. We need to marvel at how God works individually and lovingly in all of His childrens' lives. We need to tell our own stories for the same reason.
No wonder the Bible tells us to encourage each other. Life is hard and we often need someone to remind us to keep going. Life is also beautiful and it's good to rejoice together.
This darling young lady is the first dancer/singer living in New York City I've met. She has an amazing self-awareness and heart that loves Jesus. Hard worker. Dreamer. Obedient. Kind. Funny. She really had an impact here because she intentionally made many friendships in a very short amount of time. A lesson to me for sure. Be generous with your time and pay attention to those around you. It makes others feel so valued. This is one of the many reasons why I love spending time with younger women. I learn so much and am inspired to live better. To shave off some of my comforts and be brave.
Just like the scene in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we were so engrossed, we didn't notice where we ended up - a little too close to the shore - on the other side of the lake. Ooops! The wind had picked up by then too making the water choppy, challenging the balance issue. Had I been alone I may have whimpered and tried to figure out how someone, you know who, could come get me but I had to suck it up and be tough. I'm glad I did. Another life lesson - you don't know what you've got in you until you're put to the test.
I made her dinner after our adventure. Our conversation just kept going and going. What a gift! Yup, I knew I would benefit from spending time with her and I certainly did.
In other news, we got this young lady all tucked into her dorm room for 2nd year. If you can zoom in, notice the blanket under her arm. She has slept with this very one for 19 1/2 years and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

Today Scott and I are in the middle of our first two days off in a row together since the beginning of June. Feels good.
I can't seem to sleep any later though. But you know what's great about dark early mornings?
Candlelight devotions. Try it sometime, you'll see.
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