Seriously though, what day is it? All I know is Camp started this week. I think it was yesterday or the day before. Anyway, have I mentioned that I haven't held down an official full-time job since I was single? Draw your own conclusions.
Ahem. Back to life here. We are BUSY! It's actually very fun, but perhaps I know why staff housing is offered to all of keeps us close by so we can come handle any situation that arises lickety split. Welcome to Scott Burtis's new life. The more responsibility you are given, the more hours you work. Did I mention we love it though? We do.
All the preparing is done and Camp is open! Our first guests have arrived and settled in. The grounds are filled and we are all super excited to start.
Here's a litte snapshot of this past week.
My Front Desk staff arrived and have been trained. Allow me to introduce you to Emily, Amanda (she's here year round), Rachel, Sarah and Karen. They are doing a fantastic job making reservations, stuffing packets, running errands, selling birthday cakes, radioing other departments, giving out keys, collecting keys, answering phones, not to mention serving our guests in hundreds of other ways. Exaggeration, you think? Ask them. It's alot and can be intense. I'm very grateful to have their help.

After our official photos were taken, we lost all decorum and professionalism.

Because we are very busy at work, I didn't feel like there was enough time to get to know my girls, so I invited them to our place for dinner.

I can't even tell you how much I loved hearing their stories. Truly a highlight of my week. Five special women whom God has a wonderful plan for. Two of them have a long history with Word of Life, just like my kids - so woohoo! It's a privilege to spend a whole summer with them.
Then there's this. In keeping with our desire to be 'all in' here at CAMP-of-the-WOODS, why provide one of the first patients in the brand new infirmary?
Poor Ben! Did I mention my little guy turned 21 this week?
Scott's favorite part of the week happened one evening after work. The music staff put together a montage of staff dancing around Camp to accompany one of their songs and invited us to participate. In agreeing, I think I referenced MTV which was a mistake. As if I didn't already stand out as considerably older than everyone here. Not cool.
I mean, technically you could call us music video stars. Not to brag, but Scott and his right hand man, Adam (you may remember me writing about him last summer), sort of knocked it out of the park with their very hip 'moves'. And you thought white men can't dance.
Of course, being the supportive wife I try to be, I may or may not have said something like, "Don't quit your day job." One day my filter will kick in before I speak.
My girls and I had a small part too, among many other staffers, but by the sound of the first guests who viewed it, it was all about the guys. I'll let you know if the marketing team decides to put it up on youtube. In the meantime, come be a guest and you can see it at the Saturday concerts.
As I sat in training and worship meetings throughout these past weeks, I was once again thankful for what our Director consistently shares with all of us, both full-time and summer staff.
"Many of you ask me how best to serve here at CAMP-of-the-WOODS. My answer is always the same: make your quiet time, Bible study and prayer alone with the Lord, your daily priority. If you do that, you will be amazed at how God will use you and bless you."
Amen. The best advice for every situation in life. This is the kind of leadership I can get behind. Can't wait to see what is ahead for the rest of the summer.
Speaking of what's ahead....less than four weeks until our first grandbaby is born. Eeek!