Because this is my favorite time of year, I'm up to my eyeballs in lists, and loving it. I have lists for what to pack for our upcoming road trip, the menu, groceries I need to buy upon arrival, and of course, my year round daily list of gifts. This one never ends and serves to keep me from my natural tendency to complain or feel entitled.
The practice of gratitude is everywhere and quite fashionable these
days. Of course we know to be thankful in November. All the cool kids
are doing it. So I'm not going to talk about that today.
As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we as consumers are constantly tempted to rush into Christmas. You know it's true. I find many people are quite passionate on both sides of the aisle about it too. There seem to be two camps of people. The die hard "No Christmas until after Thanksgiving" And those who dive right in, blending both with joy. I have two friends who describe each well. One insists "no co-mingling" the holidays and is a purist - no red and green until brown and orange have fulfilled their place on the calendar.
Another, who has known much pain and difficulty in life (connection, maybe?) is a true co-mingler. She insists that Thanksgiving and Christmas are the holidayS. Plural. She has no problem joining the two together. She says the Christmas season is too short and it brings so much joy. Why wait?
I get this. I'm actually kind of jealous of yet another friend, born in Canada, who is free to launch into Christmas right after Halloween because they've already celebrated Thanksgiving in mid-October. Yes!
I usually land in the middle somewhere. Not one who cares too much about Halloween, I'm all for extending the Christmas season. Four weeks is simply not
enough time! People are generally happier, mellower and eager to bless
others during the season. We need more of that, don't you think? I think we should petition lawmakers to move Thanksgiving up. Why does it have to be so late in November? I mean, if it's meant to commemorate harvest time, the 4th Thursday is much too late.
Still, the truth is I don't decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but I am willing to listen to a tiny smidge of Christmas music on the radio (when we lived in civilization where we actually had radio stations), saving my coveted and much loved CD collection until Black Friday. (You know how I feel about the practice of delayed gratification!)
I start out the family with both MercyMe albums (as loud as possible to wake them up), then move on to the Carpenters, Michael Buble and a new favorite if you can imagine, Rod Stewart. And so, so many more.
My latest justification to become a co-mingler is that I work full-time. For 23 years, I was a stay-at-home mom and had as much time as I needed to search for new holiday dishes and dessert recipes, find crafty items to make with the kids, and create my own homemade gifts. I walk 4 minutes to work everyday, therefore, spending no time driving around listening to the familiar songs. Not to mention having plenty of hours to watch all the non-negotiable Christmas movies.
I am limited now. I don't have enough time! I'm tired at the end of the day. Waaaaa. Earlier this week I read that there's only 36 days until Christmas - what???
So here's my confession. I charged up my Christmas ipod a few days ago. And I listened to it. Yes, I have an ipod dedicated to the most wonderful time of year. In our family, Mommy gets all the kids' hand-me-down, outdated, cast aside electronics. Works for me. Now I don't have to change the songs out. The kids used to do this for me but now my faithful husband puts up with, I mean, lovingly appeases my wishes, making sure I'm fully stocked and ready to shuffle.
The thing about Christmas music is the deeply meaningful phrases. Sometimes in the familiarity we miss them.
A few that have captured my attention and affection the past few years:
The soul felt its worth
The thrill of hope; the weary soul rejoices
The wonders of His love
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight
He's the savior we have been praying for
In our humble hearts he will dwell
God is in us, God is for us, God is with us, Emmanuel*
In our humble hearts he will dwell
God is in us, God is for us, God is with us, Emmanuel*
Here is our Promised One, Jesus our Hope has come
With the angels we sing Glory to God in the Highest
He has brought this great love unto us**
Typically, I can be resistant to new music. All genres. I have my faves
and I stick with them. Did I mention how many Christmas songs I already
have (615 on the ipod to date)? I don't really need any more. But I'll take that back in a New York minute if Carrie Underwood puts out a Christmas album.
Alone in the car last night an unfamiliar song started. I was aghast! What was this? I didn't authorize this addition. I recognized the voice but didn't immediately place it and definitely had not heard the song before.
It was amazing. I fell in love. I cried. I hit repeat about 17 times.
I burst into the house and told Scott of my discovery.
He gave me the side grin.
"Have you heard it?"
"Who do you think put it on there? I knew you wouldn't listen any other way."
Well, that makes me seem a little stubborn. I reject this.
Faithful to my loves is more like it.
At any rate, I had to tell someone so I sent the song to my daughter-in-law because she is trying to become a co-mingler but is married to her father-in-law's clone. Certain other family members would not have shared my joy. Ben, I'm looking at you.
I played it 8 more times for Scott before turning in for the night. I heard him singing along. I think he is quite pleased with himself. He's so sneaky though.
Oh how I love a new favorite thing. Want to hear it? Click here
Go ahead, I'll wait.
See what I mean? Amazing!
Talk about phrases that capture and delight...
pick any from this amazing song Christ With Us by Todd Fields:
God is with us
He has come to save us
Mercy lights the darkness
Christ is Here
God is with us
Healer of the broken
Word of Heaven spoken (!!!)
Christ is here
All rise, in His presence we are free
His love has shown that we are not alone
And that's the best news of all, before Thanksgiving or after. We are not alone, God is with us. Receive it today without hesitation.
PS. If you must wait six days to listen to it, that's fine, but don't forget to come back and Click here
*God is With Us by Casting Crowns
**Unto Us by Matthew West