HI. My name is Adeline. But some call me Addy Grace.
Last week, just as I was settling into a nice pattern of sleeping through the night and eating on a schedule, my Mommy and Daddy loaded our car with lots of bags and strapped me in my carseat. I like going for rides and usually sleep a lot but I was not prepared for how long it would be before they would get me out and let me stretch!
These are my parents.

She was waiting for us at the door of where she works. I guess she was driving her co-workers crazy all afternoon, pacing and checking out the window until we arrived.
Little did I know that I was in for a quick weekend crammed with lots of family kissing me and constantly asking me for smiles.
Not to mention the incessant photos and videos being taken.

Here she is laughing at something my Daddy said. She hasn't stopped smiling since we got here. My Daddy kind of looks like her. Just picture him with dark hair.
Pop likes to hold me. Mimi says he 'hogs' me. I don't know what that means, but I do like him and all his snuggles.
Seems like wherever they put me down, someone is looking at me. Mimi says that's what it was like when Daddy was a baby. "We just sat around watching him for hours," she said.

It sort of happens to Pop too. Once he laid down and right away Aunt Ally and Daddy sat or stood right on him. Mimi says none of her kids could resist piling on their Daddy whenever he got on the floor.
Mommy gave me a bath in Mimi's sink. This was a real a crowd pleaser. These people are funny.
A highlight of the weekend for me was meeting my other Great Grandmother. She is very snuggly and likes my headbands.
Some of Mommy's family came to see me too. Grammie, Grampie and Auntie Sierra. I smiled big when they talked to me. Seemed to make them very happy.
It was really cold in the mountains on the day we left. We went for a walk by the water. Everyone was oohing and aahing about the color of the leaves. I just took a nap in my stroller.
Mimi took advantage of having two of her kids home. Pop didn't like that she took pictures while he was at work. Later she said it sort of made her sad anyway because we were missing my Uncle Ben. I missed him too. He makes fun of the rest of the family and everyone cracks up at him.
Before I knew it, everyone was passing me back and forth, saying goodbye. There was a lot of hugging and kissing going on. They must really love me. Then Daddy put me in the car and we drove for a long time again.I heard Mommy and Daddy talking in the front seat. They said Pop, Mimi, Uncle Ben and Aunt Ally are coming to my house for Thanksgiving. Guess I'd better come up with some new tricks by then.
Mimi wants to talk to you now.
Looks like my granddaughter has writing in her future, no? I think she really captured her weekend visit to our house. Grandparenting is the best.
you've read my words for awhile, you know I love starting new things.
New goals! New initiatives! New purpose! Has my name written all over
contrast, today is a day of finishing a few goals. This is equally gratifying.
Many times since January I've written and urged you to read
through the entire Bible and why. A few weeks ago I highlighted some themes I've seen amazingly emerge this year.
Would you believe the same ones showed up again in the last chapters of both
Old and New Testaments this morning as I finished up? You heard me -
both! Malachi and Revelation. Come on, it's ok to geek out with me about it. Look and see....
Malachi 3:17 "...They shall be mine, says the Lord of Hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession..."
Revelation 21:3 "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God."
Take note my friends, these are future promises and verbs. And if God's eventual continual presence isn't
enough to excite you, He threw in a few more gifts we can look forward
Check out verse 4: "He will
wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more,
neither shall there be mourning, no crying, nor pain anymore, for the
former things have passed away."
See all
those 'wills' up there? He
will do it! I'm not sure what you are going through, but I hope these
truths refresh you. It's good to know that they WILL happen and
according to God, it's a WHEN not an if. We need to hold onto this especially in light of how dark and discouraging our world is becoming. Before we know it, God will finish His initiatives, priorities and goals. These things will pass away and we will be surrounded by new. Amen.
It will be so worth it.
It will be so worth it.
1 comment:
It looks like you were all so blessed to be together and enjoy family time. Addy is so beautiful and she is so articulate for only 3 months old!! Enjoy the memories of the great time that you spent together and I am sure you anxiously await Thanksgiving. This year your Thanksgiving will be extra special! I look forward to all of the amazing "He WILLS" also. Thanks for inspiring us all with your writings. Blessings-Dianne
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