Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Tuesday Tip...Don't Give Up

So it's freezing cold here today.  Around 11 degrees.  Usually on days like these I don't leave the house if I can help it but we had an invitation for breakfast out with a sweet couple we love, so out we went.  So glad we did, and yes, I do still love winter even when it's this cold.

I have a little something for you today that hopefully has more value than what I shared last time we were here.  Ahem.

Anyway, I wonder if there's any of you out there who find yourself vulnerable to attack from the enemy of our soul who seeks to destroy and discourage us?  I find myself there more often than not lately and imagine I'm not alone.  So if that's you (read on if you're not sure) - you are who I'm writing to today.

If it's not you in this particular season of your life - REJOICE - but maybe read a little further to encourage someone you know who is struggling and weary.

Let me back up a minute.  If you've known me for a while, you know I set New Year goals and try to work on some spiritual disciplines each year as I sense God leading me.  Last year I set out to read the Bible through twice and with God's help (and my secret to success - getting a few days ahead) it was accomplished.  How wonderful to read the whole scope of God's Word in a concentrated period of time.  I recommend you do it.  I know it's January 21st, but it's not too late.

Notice I said 'a concentrated period of time'.  There's nothing magical about doing it in one year.  Go after it at your own pace, just keep moving.  A cute young friend of mine purposed to read through the Bible one year and it took her 14 months.  Was that a failure?  I don't think so.  She did it and was beaming when she told me!  I believe you can too - and that it will benefit you greatly.

After the reading pace for 2013,  I knew I should slow down this year and savor portions of the Word at a time to make sure it is sticking and I am learning.

Come January 1, I was still not sure how I was going to go about it when I received a message from one of my favorite people in the world.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.

She sent me a link to a blog she reads and said, "This is what I'm going to do this year. Want to join me?"
I cannot resist an invitation like this so I read the blog*. 

In a quick summary, the author suggests that even reading through the Bible completely once or twice doesn't mean we know the Word. 

"Christians often talk about having a Biblical worldview yet most have only a rudimentary knowledge of the Bible. They attempt to build a framework without first gathering the lumber and cement needed to create a solid foundation. The benefits of following this process should therefore be obvious. By fully immersing yourself into the text you'll come to truly know the text. You'll deepen your understanding of each book and knowledge of the Bible as a whole."**

 He goes on to suggest reading each book of the Bible 20 times, starting with the shorter ones, and gives tips for the journey.  Obviously this is not a one year goal, but I'm convinced it will be worth it (see above quote for benefits).  I'm in and excited!

I had already been leaning toward Philippians for a specific reason.  One of the themes of the book is joy.  Can I be honest?  During the last two years, I've been fighting for joy.  Whenever someone asks how to pray for me, I always request they pray that I don't lose joy during this difficult season.

I suggested Philippians to my friend and she agreed.  We've been trying to read it once a day.  She is actually also listening to it on cd.  Overacheiver.  (I can totally respect that.)

Ok, I'm honing in on my point for today.  Were you wondering if I'd ever get there?  Last week I was really struggling with a few of the verses.  They are so familiar that I could quote them from memory before I started this reading plan but suddenly I was tripping all over them. You may likely know them by heart too.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Phil. 4:6,7
Do not be anxious about anything.  Hmmmmm......let's skip that for now.  

In everything  by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God.  No problem, I've got this one down.  I talk to God about everything. Check!  I ask Him for help in whatever is troubling me. Check! I hold nothing back. I give thanks in advance keeping a gifts/gratitude journal everyday that has thousands of entries. Check!

Back to the anxious part.  I'm trying not to be anxious and many days I succeed.  But what about the days I simply can't overcome it?  The days that I walk around with droopy shoulders, my knuckles dragging on the floor?  A thought comes and I say to myself "don't be anxious.  God, I trust you in this." I then repeat as often as necessary.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  I find myself exhausted and discouraged.

I'm at war within myself so I pray more.  I give thanks more - even for the stuff I don't want. I cry a lot.  

As I continue to read the verses, it's the 7th one that stumps me.  Something's missing.

And the peace of God...will guard your hearts and minds.... that's it!  Where's the peace?  Why am I worried and anxious when I'm doing the prayer with thanksgiving thing so diligently?  Am I doing something wrong? 

What I know (and have advised others so many times) is that I'm not to give up.  So I go back to prayer and thanksgiving....and waiting.

The very next day something happened.  Something that hurts.  Deeply.  Something that could really trip me up and cause severe anxiety and worry.  I chew on it for hours.  I reach out to a few friends for support.  I cry.  Scott and I talk it over.  I pray.  I tell God I trust Him. I cry a little more because that's what I do, ok? This had to pass through His hands to get to us.  I believe that. He is trustworthy with our lives. I believe that too and I refuse to give in to despair.  I recite my go-to verses.  I go to sleep.

I wake up in the morning and something is different.  I'm at peace.  I'm not worried.  I'm not discouraged.  If anything, I'm energized to hope. I'm even standing up straighter.  What on earth?  What changed?

Those few friends check in perhaps expecting to find me in despair (because they have on random occasions in the past).  I tell them what's going on in my heart. I can hear a different tone in my own voice.  Peace.  Didn't He say in the passage He would give peace?

The situtation didn't get fixed or go away. In fact, it's been over a week and is still hanging over us. 

But so is the peace.  Ahhhh.

How do I explain it?  All I can tell you is that God is faithful to His Word.  If He says, "Don't be anxious. Pray and give thanks (a.k.a trust Me).  I will give you peace you can't explain.", He means it.

It may not come the second you pray for it - and here's my encouragement to you today, my friends:  If you keep doing it anyway in spite of how you feel, if you fight for and through it, He will do what He says.  You do your part, He does His.
Perhaps we could apply this to the discipline of reading God's Word repeatedly?  But I digress.

Don't give up. Take what is troubling you to Him today.  Give thanks for it.  (It's another way of telling Him you trust Him.)  Whatever you do, don't stop there. 

Don't give in. Pray and give thanks. Pray and give thanks. Pray and give thanks.  He has peace for you because He loves you and He loves your demonstration of faith through this and when that peace comes it feels so good.

I hope this encourages you. Let's stick to God and stick together.

And one more thing, older woman out there, invite a young woman into your spiritual journey for some company.  Younger women need to know you care about them.

*If you're interested in the above mentioned blog, you can read it here. Please do.

**Joe Carter

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