Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Beautiful Day

I went to bed last night hoping to be called in to work today. (subbing at Faith Heritage) Yesterday I got all my errands done and running around and had nothing much going on today. Well, the call never came. So I stayed home.

It has been the most wonderful day! I didn't go anywhere. I caught up on email, wrote a devotional, read a few books I'm working on while laying in the hammock, journalled, spraypainted a basket for my living room, painted fingers and toes, prepared for tonight's Bible study, prayed much, and went for a praise walk. I thank God for days like today. No feeling guilty for not being too busy. Just appreciative of a warm, breezy fall day. Praising God for knowing when I need a re-charge day.

I was reminded of how God sees me (a welcomed reminder) in Sheila Walsh's book "God has a Dream for your Life". In reference to the book of Exodus when God was ready to move the children of Israel out of Egypt she writes: "When the angel of death passed over homes marked with the blood of the lamb, he did not once ask who was in the home or how well they behaved that day. He didn't ask if they had kept every vow that they had made to God. He didn't ask if they were fearless and full of faith. All of that was irrelevant. All he needed to see was the blood of the lamb." Just like today - that's how God sees me - through the blood of Jesus'. Amen!

Sometimes He wants to give us quiet time to refocus on Him and His dream for our lives. He has been very attentive to me today. I have loved every minute of it. Soon, Ally will come bounding through the door and that part will be over. I'm so glad I didn't waste it with busy-ness. It's been a gift!

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