Saturday, June 7, 2008

What's God been teaching...Part 2

From last week’s devotion (scroll down): “We must know His Word thoroughly – so that we know the heart of our God – it’s all in there. We were made for heaven, not earth. It’s so easy to hold tightly to earthly pleasures and comfort, isn’t it, even if it means rejecting the sovereignty of God and choosing bitterness?”

This was bringing me to point #2 of how I would answer the title question.

If seeking comfort from what this world has to offer is our goal – and we build our life around that pursuit, trying to insulate ourselves from pain and discomfort – we’ll miss our calling. Now this is serious. Miss my calling? I surely don’t want to get to the end of my life, meet Jesus and have Him show me all I missed because I was all about me being comfortable here on earth. We are each created with a God-given need for comfort. It’s important! It shows up when we’re tired, bored, hurt, angry, and many other times. It’s our choice where we will seek the comfort we desperately desire. As women, I’m sure we can all relate to certain comforts we are drawn to – relationships (healthy and unhealthy), shopping, food, etc.

A few weeks ago, something happened that really put me in a bad mood. I mean, I knew my attitude for the day (and possibly upcoming days) was on the line. How would I handle the disappointment and frustration? Our enemy, Satan, wasted no time giving me options.

I thought a cute pair of sandals, especially if found on a clearance rack, would do the trick. Or would it be eating some really fattening foods that I know aren’t good for me – all day long? Yes! I liked this idea. Indulge! I knew I would feel better. At least for a few minutes. It didn’t take long before the other voice kicked in (see John 10). The Holy Spirit whispered a truth I had heard from a favorite speaker just a day or so before. Seek to the God of all Comforts in our time of need, not earthly comforts. He has everything we need.

Yes, that was the right answer. I took a moment right then to purpose in my heart that I would seek comfort from God and God alone that day. No chocolate, no shopping, no girlfriends. Just God.

Of course you know what I’m going to say next. He showed up. He always does. He reminded me of many, many attributes of God that are for me and for the situation. He sees. He knows. Nothing happens that He is not fully aware of. My job is to not throw a fit because I didn’t get my way. My responsibility is to accept both the good and the bad, the wanted and the dreaded, from God’s sovereign hand. To handle the negative with maturity and grace, trusting He knows what is best. Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination.

I didn’t say it was easy. But I want to be a Daniel – to decide to honor God in every area of my life with resolve. To trust Him without reservation or hesitation. Even if I don’t understand it. No turning back – even if it gets tough. One thing I know for sure is that God honors those decisions.

The situation still hasn’t changed – but my attitude has. Had I fallen for Satan’s temptation, I bet the outcome would have been different. It would have been a rotten day and I would have felt guilty for indulging. Chances are, I probably would have sinned with my mouth and heart as well by sharing my bad mood with everyone who came along my path. Likely I would have been confessing sin by the end of the day. “It” (life) really is all about Him. And I want Him more than I want anything else. The cool thing about that is that He will give us more and more of Himself as we seek Him with all of our hearts not just on good days, but on the hard ones too.

2 Cor. 1:3, 4 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”

Did you notice the last part of the verse? It takes us right back to last week’s devotion. The challenge was to invest in others. God doesn’t waste a thing. When we go to Him for comfort and receive it, He expects us to turn around and give it to someone else.

This makes sense! Ask God to make you aware this week, girlfriends, of what earthly pleasures you might be depending on for your comfort. Now I’m not talking about air conditioning on a steamy day or sneaking a bite of chocolate before bed. I’m talking about subtle habits or even dangerous addictions that keep us satisfied enough to not go to God. Our world is full of people who don’t know any better than to seek comfort from “stuff”. We know better and can offer it to them. Don’t be satisfied enough. Want God more than you want anything else – and then go get Him! Be victorious!

Next week....#3

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