It was a rough week for me imagining how I would handle Drew being gone for 8 weeks. But by the time Friday came and we took that boat over to the Island, I was pretty excited for him. He will be in a God-saturated environment, working hard and being stimulated and challenged spiritually all summer! Here at home he'd probably just play video games, sleep in and want to go golfing every day. Nah - this is better. Even though we miss him terribly. I'm thankful for the gift of email, texting, cell phones and IM. It means we stay in touch everyday.
Below is the letter I wrote Drew and gave him the night before he left. I am amazed at God's plan for this family. Twenty two years ago I went to WOL for the summer and God got hold of my heart forever - and now my son is there. Amen!!
Hey Drew,
I was thinking about you as I just finished the "Do Hard Things" book that I bought for Ben for his birthday. Thank you for agreeing to read it before you go to Word of Life for the summer.
I'm quite excited about this "rebelution" among teenagers spreading the globe. I'm praying you'll be a part of it and that you'll even lead something in your school and youth group. For years your teachers have described you as a leader. Which means there are "peeps" following behind you. They are watching and like what they see. I like what I see in you. You have made Dad and me so proud with your good decisions and ever-growing godly character. (not to mention fun personality!!) To quote some of your old friends "God made you special - and He loves you very much!" (remember who that is? - hint they are green and red.)
But, the thing about leadership is that you can never remain the same. Godly leadership requires changing - all the time. Becoming more Christ-like. Learning more about Jesus and adjusting your life to it. We must never stay the same because then we quit growing. God has His hand on your life and it is no coincidence that you are a part of the Core, attend NSBC, go to Faith Heritage and belong to this family. It's all part of your shaping.
Additionally, I've been praying about your upcoming summer at Word of Life. Excitement and anticipation of what you will experience hardly covers all my feelings. I get mixed reactions (particularly from mothers) when they find out that we are letting you be gone for 8 weeks. Some say "that's cool - he's going to love it.” Most, though, get out a sad voice and say, "The whole summer? That's a long time. What will you do without him? That's going to be hard." Indeed. It will be hard on all of us - Dad, Ben, Ally and me. Why? Because we love you so much. You are an integral and important part of this family. Your presence will be missed. Days without being the first and last one to see you each day will be hard for me. Wondering if you're sick or sad and wanting to hug you. Tough. I know it's coming.
But, like the title of the book says - Dad and I are doing "the hard thing" by letting you go. There are 2 BIG reasons why. 1. I, personally, know from experience that Word of Life is a life-changing place. Most of my defining moments happened the summer I spent up there. I was even a rebellious 18-year-old and yet God got hold of my heart and has never let go. And I've never been the same since. Thankfully, you don't have that obstacle to overcome. So just think what a great BIG vision God can give you for your life as a teenager and beyond. That is what Dad and I are praying for. That you will hear God's voice all summer long as you meet and listen to one dynamic speaker after the next, week after week. And that He would whisper dreams into your heart. Dreams of what He can do through you in your lifetime. We pray that you will meet young men older than you who will inspire you to be Godly now. And we even pray that you will influence those your age or younger. Showing them what it looks like to live for God now. Solidly doing your best for God. He may even reveal sin or complacency in your life and give you the opportunity to leave it behind. Do it.
Reason #2. And this is where I gulp over the large lump in my throat. As I consider that we only have you in our home in this capacity for 2 more years and then you're off to college, I would be crazy to lose these summer weeks without you. As your departure date nears, my heart wants to selfishly keep you here with us. However, God has been good to remind me that you are His. He bought you with a price. And, most importantly, Drew, you were created for God's pleasure. Not mine. Not Dad's. Ironically, though, because God is so gracious and kind, we have received immeasurable pleasure and blessing during these first 16 years with you. So, instead of hogging you to myself for the summer - which would be the easy thing to do, I release you to strategically be in a place where you will meet God and head more purposefully in the direction He has for you.
Remember the Jim Elliott quote, “Live to the hilt every moment you believe to be the will of God.”? Drew, it is God’s will for you to be at Word of Life this summer. Grab every moment and live it to the fullest. As usual, you’ll have to be careful who you’re friends are because you’ll meet all kinds of kids. You know what to do. Remember that we are just a phone call and/or 3 hour drive away. We will be praying diligently for you each day and loving you every moment. Recognize that Satan doesn't want any good thing to happen in and through you this summer, will oppose every good thing God is doing, and will probably try to confuse you. Don’t fall for it. We'll pray you through.
It's going to be an awesome summer, Drew. We will miss you each and every day. We love you tons and tons.