Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Trust Me, It's Not Too Early

Finally, Halloween has passed, and we move closer to the good stuff. Daylight savings is over, which means we are on to cozy season: casseroles, candlelight, and pajamas at 6pm - or earlier.

I realize it's only the beginning of November and we still have Thanksgiving in front of us to celebrate. I really do. And you know I wholeheartedly practice delayed gratification - insisting on enjoying the season you find yourself in, not rushing the next. However, some require a smidge of advance planning to be ready for the first day of the new season.

What in the world am I talking about? Advent, of course, observed and honored during December - every day leading up to Christmas. In my mind, Advent brings the sacred to its rightful prominent position in our annual traditions. If we're not careful, we can let American hoopla eclipse - or replace, God forbid - the religious foundation, history and emphasis.

That's what started my journey toward Advent. One year during the frenzy of gift purchasing, decorating, baking and celebrating party after party (even multiple church events), I whispered a prayer to Jesus, "Does any of this matter to you? Are we doing this right? How could we celebrate your birthday in a way that honors and pleases you?"

My quest for something deeper led to a Christian bookstore where I purchased my first Advent devotional. Morning by morning through the month of December I soaked myself in the story of Jesus' first advent, His appearance on earth recorded from Genesis to the Gospels. It was glorious. So meaningful! So intentional! So clarifying.

The next December I bought a different devotional. Before I knew it, new family traditions started to take form and some old dropped. Any store-bought calendars with candy in daily slots went in the garbage - not Advent. 

The following year, I found Advent devotionals for the whole family, age appropriate. And on and on I could go (stop me sometime and I'll tell you all about it). 

Soon enough I learned a portion of celebrating Advent was looking back, and another component is looking forward to Jesus' second advent yet to come; the one we are longing for this very minute. It is good to position these events prominently in our minds this time of year. So good and necessary.

Advent is a slowing of pace to make room, to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Messiah: the baby who came to save us from our sins, to give us new life, eternal life with the Father. I've come to believe it's a crucial portion of Christmas celebrating, spending a whole month, not merely a Christmas Eve service or birthday party for Jesus, captivated by the sacred story. There's so much more to experience!

My obsession with sacred holidays has grown and widened as I study the formal church calendar (Advent - Christmas - Ordinary Time - Lent - Easter - Pentecost - Ordinary Time) seemingly lost to this present generation, rarely observed as it once was. It's intriguing and spiritually stimulating. I highly recommend we all educate ourselves to engaging in these practices on the regular.

So, why am I writing about this in November? Because Advent is one of those holidays that requires us to prepare....to prepare! 
In short, I'm tapping you on the shoulder and whispering that it may be too early to start Christmas shopping, but it's definitely the right time to choose an Advent guide for your journey this December now, lest it sneak up on you. Time is of the essence.

You may know by now I announced here and on social media in October that I wrote an Advent devotional this summer. It's a combined work of love; my years of Advent experiences and reflections along with my daughter-in-law Brittany's beautiful artwork on the cover and throughout the pages. We are excited to offer it to you.

Many of my friends and co-workers are buying copies for family members and friends to give as gifts to those they are spending Thanksgiving with or just for plain old "Pre-Christmas Gifts" (one of the chapter titles) to be given by December 1st when the season (and chapter one) starts. Such a fun idea! 

Regardless, for you or for others, just remember, December will be here before you know it, so don't wait too long. 

You can order a few ways. It is available on Amazon. But, if you order it from my website, I will know (and be so happy to see your name!) and will sign your copy and add a personal touch. If you are local, contact me for a personal delivery with no shipping charge. Also, I would love to give a discount for multiple copies. 

Either way, if you decide to spend Advent with Jesus and me this year, I hope you love it. I have been and will be praying for you for this truly is the most wonderful time of the year.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Angela for your encouragement and passion as you share with us about your heart and the upcoming Advent. I am very excited to start my devotional on December 1. I want to view and experience this amazing season with different eyes. I want to take a step back from buying gifts, parties, baking etc. and really feel and experience what really matters.
Thank you for sharing from your heart ❤️

angelab said...

You are so welcome! I'm excited to hear what God has for you. I know it will be good.