Sunday, April 2, 2023

Live in The Story

Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. Some of you know this because you've already been engaged in this sacred season through fasting, praying and giving to the poor these past six weeks.

But this week things are ramping up. Can you feel it? Today, we remembered Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem on an appointed donkey. He sat on the lowly animal and rode into the busy city while the crowd erupted into 'messianic joy' as one author put it. Men, women and children waved palm branches and laid their cloaks down for the donkey to trample over, a king's welcome. That's something. It would seem they knew who He was and what He could do for them. The Old Testament prophets said it would happen this way.

I walked that downhill road four years ago when I had the tremendous privilege of visiting the Holy Land. It's a narrow path, not like American parade routes two car lanes wide. No, anyone on the street could probably have reached out and touched Jesus if they wanted to. I want to.

What especially struck me this morning as I listened to my favorite Preacher read the familiar Bible verses was that Jesus received all the praise and affection and joy from the multitude knowing that every single person waving their branch, shouting their cheers would turn on Him - some violently - in the next few days. All of them.

Still, He loved them. Loves them. Loves you. Loves me. 

He willingly died for all sins - past, present and future. 

Jesus factored in all of my sins before He ever offered salvation to me, and I said yes. Ah, this is why we need sacred holidays and times of remembrance. 

My husband invited our people to live in The Story this coming week leading up to The Big Day, Easter Sunday. Something significant happened each day in Jesus' life this Holy Week so long ago. He overturned tables in the Temple, He washed His disciples' feet, He spoke last words, He prayed, and so much more. 

Now, I'm inviting you too. Enter the narrative every day. It's not hard to do. Read the Gospels. Stop at the end of each day. Pick it up the next. Consider where you would have stood. Participant. Spectator. Worshiper. Scoffer. Believer. Doubter. Feel the emotions. 

We can all do it. We should. Feel the weight of Jesus' suffering - and His willingness to take it upon Himself because of love for you. Remember the cost. Believe the love. Consider your response.

Go to church services. Especially Good Friday and obviously, Resurrection Sunday. There's no more important place to be, I promise.

There's a lot to think about between now and then. If we're going to give it the weight it deserves and an appropriate response, it's going to take some time. I hope you will join me in clearing out needed space and turning down distracting noise and unnecessary activity to live in The Story this week and ask God to show you the wonder in something new or something familiar.

 I'd even love to chat with you about your findings.

P.S. The songs! Listen to the songs. For those of you my age and older, dust off those Sandy Patti cd's. Play them loud and proud. Sing with gusto. Was it a morning like this? Who will call Him King of Kings? Unshakeable Kingdom, anyone? How about I've just seen Jesus? All of them!

If you're really hip, you can just ask Alexa to play them. She'll do it. Ask me how I know.

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