Tuesday, April 26, 2022

When Eavesdropping and Stealing are OK

Yesterday while spending time with God in my favorite chair (chaise), I went looking through some favorite books for new words to pray. Ever have that itch? Like wondering if God is sick of my same old same old asks? I certainly tire of my own repetitive prayers sometimes.

I want to be a mighty pray-er, speaking power prayers that will move heaven on earth. I don't believe God requires this or is even impressed by it, but still, overachiever much? 

Of course, God hears all prayers, and I think they even endear us to Him when they come from a place of weakness - as simple as "help". The point is to come to Him who is always eager to receive us.

Still, I have a side that longs to express myself to my Father in heaven with well thought out words that communicate how much I value His time, listening ear, and the intimacy of our relationship. I don't think it's a Type A drive, more like an eager child wanting Him to find the same kind of joy I dig in a gorgeous, well-crafted sentence I might read in a treasured book, you know? I want to delight Him with my words.

Naturally this means I have to take more time in prayer, imagining Him sitting in the chair beside me, attentive, smiling, waiting. I often consider the question Jesus posed to the blind men in Mark 10 and Luke 18: "What do you want me to do for you?" knowing He is posing it to me too. This is who He is.

Problem? I'm not often as creative and inventive as I'd like to be, so I resort to stealing ideas. I keep a collection of printed prayers to reference; to breathe new life into how I could answer Jesus' question. This is the one that jumped off the page to me in my recent search: 

"Lord, I have too long given the devil a foothold (Eph. 4:27). Please help me to stop offering him so many opportunities to bring defeat into my life. Your plan for me is victory."*

That's it! These words described both my current frustration and longing perfectly. Why do I keep getting tripped up by the same things? Why do I continually need to circle back to the same prayers for rescue and forgiveness? When will I stop doing this?

The short answer is I'm weak and sinful. We all are. It's the human condition. But the longer, better answer (truth revealed) is that this is not God's plan for me, and with His help, I can overcome it and leave this struggle in the rearview mirror. Jesus has the power and is willing to give it to me.

Further, the idea to "...stop offering the devil so many opportunities to bring defeat into my life" hurt a little if I'm honest. Looking in the mirror does that sometimes, doesn't it? Is some or all of this on me? Is it something I'm doing or not doing? I believe the hard reality is yes.

I declare I'm sick of feeling defeated - on a regular basis - and suddenly feel empowered to do my part of putting a stop to it. I know I won't be able to do it on my own. I don't have that kind of power in myself, but I can cooperate with the Holy Spirit who does have it in abundance. He is in me and available to help. Through prayer, I can strengthen up and say no, no more of this. Can I get an amen?

Naturally, it will take some work. Awareness of the same old same old choices (which honestly are simply selfish desires/entitlements), acknowledging where they will lead. Pleasure for a moment, regret for much longer. I can make a better decision. Do you see it? That prayer is empowering!

What a blessed reminder. What a help that someone else had a similar experience I can learn from, and I can borrow those prayers. 

Friend, I think this is pleasing to God. We need each other. To teach from our experiences. It's perfectly acceptable to eavesdrop on each other's prayers and make them our own.

I'm so thankful for those who write them down. I suppose I could too - as could you - and before we know it we will be encouraging a brother or sister. Learning from each other's defeats, confessed sin, and new patterns that stop offering the devil a foothold, opportunities to bring defeat into our lives. And our wins - the answers to our prayers! Presenting honest, real, and vulnerable requests to our God who wants to answer us with a resounding "yes, I'll help".

Don't look now, but in doing this, we are being the Church - this amazing gift God has given to His family for encouragement and strengthening. Let's not neglect this provision from God.

"Father, thank you for answering my prayer before I even prayed it - new, meaningful words I couldn't find myself that are already an answer yes from you because they come from your Word. Words that strengthen and empower me to do my part in growing closer to you and farther from the things I leave available for the enemy to attempt to use to defeat me. Defeat is not your way for me. Victory is. I choose your way today. Remind me of this when the opportunity for self-gratification presents itself next. I don't have to give in to it. You give me power to resist and choose better. Ah! You are always for me. And I love you even more today. 

In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen."

*Praying God's Word by Beth Moore

Other suggestions: Every Moment Holy Volume I and II

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