Thursday, April 25, 2019

We Said Yes! ...A Family Decision

The days are long and the years are short they say.

They're right.

After two boys and five years of blue and denim, this little girl was born to a mom who couldn't wait to accessorize - in pink and experience all things girly. She has given us so much more.

In March she turned 22.
In April she said yes to a marriage proposal.

If you know me and/or have been reading this blog for awhile, you already know a lot about Ally Burtis. So let me introduce you to the star of this blog post, Ethan Morin.

Ally presented Ethan to us almost two years ago when they were toddlers. She wanted to date him. Right. Now.
We were not in such a hurry; encouraging a slow approach: "Focus on building a friendship. There's no rush to name it something or 'commit' to each other. Chill."
She was not impressed.

However, they both honored our request for at least six months before we agreed they could make it Facebook official (God, help us survive the social media culture.)

As we took our time (s-l-o-w-l-y) getting to know Ethan and observing their relationship, we could see he was not only good for Ally, but that he meets the Burtis requirements - godly, funny, cute - in that order. Personally, I think it took him some time to get used to me, and introducing him to vintage Dr. Mario video games could be what God has used to knit our hearts together. Whatever it takes, you know?

A special wink from God to my heart is his connection to my beloved Word of  Life. Ethan grew up camping at the Campground (like our family), he attended the Bible Institute (like our kids - and me), and he hopes to serve the Lord in full time ministry at Word of Life. I mean, come on. 

Now that we've spent some time with them, it's easy to see he was raised well by parents who love Jesus; a couple with whom we expect to become fast friends, bonus gifts.

Since then, this brave young man approached Scott a few times for an acceptable timeline to propose. Even though we were blessed and impressed at his willingness to ask, we delayed him consistently knowing there was more growing up to do for all of us and waiting for the Lord's timing.

It felt right a week or so ago. Ethan was adorable when he came to us, rolled out his plan for marriage, and told us why he wants to marry Ally and how he would propose. Unbeknownst to us, he had purchased a ring back in November. What a champ - respecting our wishes and waiting for us to be ready. Big points!

He asked for our blessing.

We gave it without hesitation along with a few words from our hearts. We told him he has proven himself to us - love for the Lord first and foremost, a strong work ethic with desire for full-time ministry, can handle delayed gratification, and he's nuts about our girl. He loves her well, takes care of her, makes her smile big, thinks she's hilarious and sees the work God is doing in her life; wanting to join together with that. 

One of my favorite things about Ethan I wanted him to know is how he calls her out and calls her up to Godly wisdom and behavior, not letting her get away with foolishness or sin.

Is there anything more important than all that?

No, there isn't.

As you can imagine, when he sweetly asked her to marry him through tears (hers and his), she said yes. And then he kissed her. Her first one. And the parents said, "Amen".

When they called to tell us their news (after I had been stalking her phone on Find Friends all night), Ally showed us a written note Ethan started his proposal with. In it were three detailed categories describing Ally- 
godly, funny, cute. 

What a breathtaking moment for Scott and me. 

God has answered our prayers abundantly (a 3rd time) and helped her along with her brothers to choose well. We are so grateful and will praise His Name forever. The Lord can be trusted with our children and their future. Our job is to hold them to Biblical standards, model God-centered living, surrender them to His will, and pray without ceasing, always believing.

I guess I'm going to have to let go and let my girl be a grown up. In these later years, she has made herself irresistible to me by her joyful self-deprecating sense of humor, steady maturing, and growing deeply in her faith in a way that tells us she's ready to commit to a lifelong partner.

Mission accomplished.

Welcome, Ethan. Fasten your seat belt.
You're about to join the crazy.

We are wasting no time plunging in to planning my - I mean, Ally's - dream winter wedding. Ahem.
I believe I've already found a suitable mother-of-the-bride outfit.

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