The moment the man you love proposes a lifetime of marriage to you.
The birth of your first child.
Your child's first day of kindergarten.
Seeing them standing at the back of a gym with cap and gown, Pomp and Circumstance playing loudly.
When your child takes a spouse declaring adulthood and independence.
Then this....when your firstborn's firstborn is placed in your arms.
"They" were right. Instantly smitten. Tiny and perfect.
For a moment or two I was speechless.
But alas, 9 days later I have found my words.
Let me back up.
It all started with our Christmas present from Drew and Brittany.
Fast forward to the big day. Because our daughter-in-law is so thoughtful, she texted us all the way up to when Drew told us "pushing has commenced". What a gift to be on the edge of our seats as she progressed through labor. While we waited, Scott made flight arrangements for me.
In the early afternoon of July 28, 2016 Adeline Grace Burtis, 7lbs 4oz, 19 inches long joined our family.
Tiny, but huge. A new generation.

One day later, very early, I hopped on a plane with five days ahead to soak it all up.

I was so grateful that Scott managed to book me a seat by myself. Time and space to spread out and spend some time with God, asking Him to prepare me for the unpreparable. It just so happens, by no coincidence at all, that my Bible reading for that day was Ephesians 1. I have prayed the verses at the end of this chapter over my own children for years. Wiping the tears as fast as they came, I prayed this prayer for a darling little girl who was about to steal my heart.
I do not cease giving thanks for you,
remembering you in my prayers,
that the God of the Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of glory, may give
you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation
in the knowledge of Him,
having the eyes of your heart enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to
which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power for us who believe...1:16-19
Croak much? Nothing else matters and this is everything I want for her.
Ben asked me in the weeks prior why I was getting so emotional every time we talked about the baby coming. "Because I'm overwhelmed knowing where and who I was when God found me, and in spite of that He still gave Dad and you kids to me. Now He's giving another generation to influence for His kingdom. It's a lot."
"Classic Mom answer", he said. Whatever. It's true. Not a more undeserving person than the one typing these words.
Pretty much this was Day One in Indianapolis.
The next day baby Adeline came home from the hospital. My fun job was unpacking the nursery before they arrived and sorted all the dresses, shoes and accessories. I knew right then that we were meant to be together. I think she and I are going to like a lot of the same things.
Did I mention Drew and Britt moved into their first home the very day she went into labor?
The next few days looked a lot like this.
We played dress up on the floor which was ridiculously fun. So many choices!
We attempted her first few baths. Is there anything quite like the smell of a baby?
And this Mimi even put together this little jig. Some of you know what a big deal this is. Power screwdriver even. Boom!

Every time I was alone with Addy Grace I tried for hours to take the perfect picture of her, holding my camera over our heads. Did I say hours? I'm embarrassed to tell you how many shots I took and deleted. Over and over until everything was in the frame. Don't tell my kids. I can see the eye rolling from here.
For those of you who asked me on Facebook who do I think she looks like...see below. Making side by side comparisons particularly amused me. Brittany and I had a great time comparing Drew's baby pictures to our real live baby doll.

I mean, come on people. Baby girl Drew!
I brought one gift and with it a goal. It's the Jesus Storybook Bible and I determined to read all of it to her before I had to leave. I pray that Adeline will love God's Word. That she would learn who God is, how much He loves her, and who He says she is. That she will believe it and let it shape all of her days. That she will look to it for everything she needs every day. That she will be obedient to all that's written inside. That she will love God more than anyone or anything.
So during Mommy's morning naps and before bedtime, I read my granddaughter every page. Sometimes she was awake and sometimes she was asleep. But mission accomplished, the first book she heard was the Bible. Got the Word in her!
It was just the sweetest experience. I love the way this children's version makes the Truth so beautiful and irresistible. It can even bring an old(er) lady to tears because of the amazing, huge love of God. Please buy it for your children and grandchildren. Then read it to them.
I will always cherish those moments.
And can you stand the cuteness of this little family? Except his jeans. Oy.
I was especially blessed with a few occasions to be alone with Drew. We talked about important things. His initial parenting strategies. His growing up years. He told me why Adeline's middle name is Grace.
"1. Grace is something we are still learning to this day. God has taken us on a journey and we are still trying to understand His grace towards us. Adeline is a part of our journey.
2. We wanted to remind ourselves that Adeline is God's gracious gift to us. We don't deserve her, but He gave her to us anyways.
3. Elegant. It is a beautiful name and our little girl is beautiful." Amen.
Just when you think you can't love your son anymore, he gives you a whole new and amazing reason. My firstborn and his firstborn and one proud, happy Mom/Mimi. I can't wait for Pop to meet her. (Look closely, I still contend he looks like me.)
Right about when my time in Indy came to an end, Adeline's other Grandma and Aunt flew in. She had fun with dress up time too. It was so much easier to leave knowing they were in these good hands.
I'm thankful for every minute I was given to spend at the hospital and in their home and can't wait until the next visit.
Thanks for sharing our big moments by reading this blog. Much love to you!
P.S. One last favorite moment the night before I left was when Drew plugged in his Dad's old SuperNintendo and said, "Mom, let's go, we're playing Dr. Mario".
Yes, let's. Insert smirky grin.
Schooled him 6 games to 2. Got me some r-e-s-p-e-c-t. Mmmmhmmm. Not bad for not playing in years. I believe I've still got it. Once a youth pastor's wife, always a youth pastor's wife. I could've gone on much longer but he was starting to call me not-so-nice names and then claimed to be tired. Psh.
Now all I need are some true friends who might actually tell me when it's TIME TO GET A HAIRCUT. Yikes!! When did this happen?
1 comment:
All the happy mushy gushy feels! <3 Love you all.
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