Time is going too fast! Week 3 is in the books now.
In Scott's area, the self-named Christian Chicks are here. Their claim to fame is matching shirts. Different color every day. It's a big deal. They invite the Guest Services team to join in the fun. Scott promised last summer that he would. He delivers.
One whom I spent a particularly large quantity of time with on the phone long before she arrived (ahem), showed up with this. Gourmet chocolates from the Bronx.
Another, who has kept regular contact with me since making her reservation in November brought a few pounds of fudge (it was a fattening week to work at the Front Desk) and this book.....

Did I mention I'll be gaining that new title any day?
This book is hilarious. I tried reading it to Scott in my office the other day and I barely could for the giggling. Naturally, I've been collecting baby books for months and usually when I buy one I Facetime Drew and Brittany and read it to them. Ben just rolls his eyes. I don't think this is weird at all. I'm simply trying to teach Drew how to read with expression, something I often gently, yet repeatedly suggested when he'd read to his siblings.
I was particularly excited about our speaker this week and positively giddy when my work slowed down enough for me to sneak into chapel a few mornings.
This is Dr. Erwin Lutzer, the man who has been the longest running pastor of Moody Church in Chicago. A few years ago when I heard him speak at Word of Life he quickly became one of my favorites. He's one of the greats who has lived a long, faithful life. No drama, not tripped up by the temptations of worldly living, just steady and wise serving the Lord with devotion and purpose. The older I get the more I'm in awe of that lifestyle and want to live well. Trendy isn't always all it's cracked up to be.

Oh, and did I mention how funny he is? He has the sense of humor I most appreciate. Never cracks a smile when he drops jokes and you have a hard time recovering before the next one comes.
Since our Ben is a Moody Bible Institute student, he too appreciates Dr. Lutzer's ministry but has never met him. I was pretty sure I could take care of that.
So after Chapel in my best sermon loving preacher stalker fashion, I positioned us to be standing right where he would have to walk past. Subtle.
Scott did the introducing why I very slyly stood to the side and took a photo op. I was sure I was incognito until....
I heard Dr. Lutzer say to Ben, "I think there's a woman here who would like our picture. Do you know her?"

Ben didn't deny me which could have gone either way.

He asked Ben what his major is. When Ben told him Pastoral Studies, Dr. Lutzer asked if he could pray for him. What a sweet moment for us as parents. To have a spiritual giant/hero pray over your kid and his future. Wow.

Another highlight from this week was Ben's turn to speak at Tapawingo (the girls camp I mentioned a few weeks ago).You've got to give this kid credit. Speaking to 70 girls from age 8-18 and about 30 20-something counselors isn't for wimps.
It was fun to watch and listen. We heard from many of the counselors later that not only did the girls love him, but his message totally tied into what they had already been learning that week. Well, you know only God can do that.

One of his illustrations involved a marshmallow. Naturally throwing a large quantity out at them at the end was in order.

I was already planning to sweep the chapel lest we never be welcomed back, but those girls gobbled up every marshmallow. Even the ones on the floor. Then they were running around crazy in the field. I think everyone thought that was a good idea.
Miss Joy hooked Ben up with a souvenir he could get excited about. She's the best.

Then the sunset boat ride back to Camp. Seriously God, You overwhelm us.

To wrap up an already awesome week, some special friends we haven't seen in a while came for a short getaway.

These two now giant boys grew up with ours. I really like them. After dinner Ben, Ben and Charlie even got to play basketball together.
The only thing that could have made it better would have been Drew being here and watching them all on the court like old times.
It was an absolute pleasure to eat dinner together and resume our friendships right where we left off last time. Loved every minute. Grown up time!
Coming up this week....a baby? Stay tuned.
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