Lots of theories
flying around. Seems like everyone has an opinion on what the right
thing to do is. I've been reading and listening to all of them, probably
like you. One thing is for sure, there aren't many unified thoughts.
We need to have something firm to hold on to.
I've been reading through the Bible these first months of the year and like a
true type A book nerd, have also been taking note of themes (yes I am
an underliner!) and repetitions because they are intentional and need to
be noticed (and/or highlighted). In these first five books that may
seem boring and irrelevant at first glance I'm finding what seems too
simple to be true. A clear, uncomplicated proposition from Almighty God our Heavenly Father, to us, sinful man.
God created man out of His enormous capacity to love. He wanted (and still wants) a people to call His own who will obey His Word and reflect His amazing character to everyone else.
God created man out of His enormous capacity to love. He wanted (and still wants) a people to call His own who will obey His Word and reflect His amazing character to everyone else.

That's it - over and over again.
The privilege of this offer of relationship should be reward enough but God is the greatest most generous gift giver of all times (James 1), which means there is more. Reward! Blessing! If we do things God's way, we get all sorts of promises. Check it out:
Earlier I wrote that when we are tempted to confusion, we need something firm to hold onto. The reason is that if we don't, we'll fall for anything. This is very dangerous when you live in a slick, slimy pop culture news media driven society.
I had an emotional conversation with a sweet friend the other day. Through tears she explained, "But a long time ago, many times, I asked God to tell me if what I was doing was wrong and I never got an answer. He was silent. And now I'm here and I still don't know what to do."
Because I've been around the block a few times and have come to understand what the Bible says about her issue, I know the answer she asked for. It's not complicated and it's not confusing. It's clear. In the Bible.
God isn't going to answer that kind of prayer in some new way. He already has. See, here's the thing - we'll know what to do if we read His Book. God knew we would need help and instruction, so He took the time and effort to write it all down and preserve it for us and every generation to follow. What a gift!
That's the simplicity of it all. She was aching and crying because she is so much deeper into a situation that she as a Christ-follower never should have entered. Because she didn't "hear" an answer to her prayers, she just did what felt right. Basically what her heart wanted to do in the first place.
My heart went out to her in her pain (because I've been there and done the same thing) and I gently responded, "God already given the answer in the Bible". Telling someone that there are times when prayer is unnecessary sounds kind of sacrilegious, doesn't it?
But it's true.
If we spend time reading and understanding God's Word (often referred to as His love letter to us) we will find black and white instruction to countless areas we may in our ignorance, think are grey or not even mentioned. But they are!
Which brings me back to the current state of affairs in our world. How can one group of Christians be in one camp and another group diametrically opposed? What's a Christian to do and how is a Christian to vote? Will God tell us what to do? Or is He indifferent about it?
At the risk of sounding simple and uneducated, both of which I admittedly am, I suggest the following:
Buried in these ancient pages we will find countless examples of strong, effective leadership that resulted in the positive physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of its followers. We will also find the very opposite characteristics and the horrible consequences suffered.
I fear some have been duped by culture and not realize it. Perhaps we've traded desires - Biblical values for earthly comfort and security.
Beth Moore, my favorite Bible teacher, once said, "If we aren't actively fighting the culture and making daily counter cultural choices based on our faith, then you can bet we've already been sucked in." I was raising pre-teens and teenagers at the time and took it to heart with a vengeance. She was referencing Romans 12:1, 2. I like the way the Message translates those verses:
Believe God loves you and wants you to be part of the people He will call His own.
Be the people He longs to call His own by obeying His commandments out of love for Him.
Show that love to others.
Don't worry about your physical, earthly well-being. That's God's job and He's promised to take care of you to the end.
Fix your eyes on Him and do not fear.
Be diligent in displaying God's reflection and character in everything you do and say while aligning yourself with those endeavoring the same goal.
Blessings or curses? The choice is ours. Just like all those Old Testament passages describe. (I think Deuteronomy is fast becoming my favorite one!)
Earlier I wrote that when we are tempted to confusion, we need something firm to hold onto. The reason is that if we don't, we'll fall for anything. This is very dangerous when you live in a slick, slimy pop culture news media driven society.
I had an emotional conversation with a sweet friend the other day. Through tears she explained, "But a long time ago, many times, I asked God to tell me if what I was doing was wrong and I never got an answer. He was silent. And now I'm here and I still don't know what to do."
Because I've been around the block a few times and have come to understand what the Bible says about her issue, I know the answer she asked for. It's not complicated and it's not confusing. It's clear. In the Bible.
God isn't going to answer that kind of prayer in some new way. He already has. See, here's the thing - we'll know what to do if we read His Book. God knew we would need help and instruction, so He took the time and effort to write it all down and preserve it for us and every generation to follow. What a gift!
That's the simplicity of it all. She was aching and crying because she is so much deeper into a situation that she as a Christ-follower never should have entered. Because she didn't "hear" an answer to her prayers, she just did what felt right. Basically what her heart wanted to do in the first place.
My heart went out to her in her pain (because I've been there and done the same thing) and I gently responded, "God already given the answer in the Bible". Telling someone that there are times when prayer is unnecessary sounds kind of sacrilegious, doesn't it?
But it's true.
If we spend time reading and understanding God's Word (often referred to as His love letter to us) we will find black and white instruction to countless areas we may in our ignorance, think are grey or not even mentioned. But they are!
Which brings me back to the current state of affairs in our world. How can one group of Christians be in one camp and another group diametrically opposed? What's a Christian to do and how is a Christian to vote? Will God tell us what to do? Or is He indifferent about it?
At the risk of sounding simple and uneducated, both of which I admittedly am, I suggest the following:
- What if we spend more time reading our Bibles than reading editorials and popular opinion?
- What if we vote according to which candidate's views and agenda is closest in line with the Biblical values we claim are important to us in every other area of life?
- What if we choose a leader who is most similar to the character and integrity of true Biblical heroes/champions of our faith?
Buried in these ancient pages we will find countless examples of strong, effective leadership that resulted in the positive physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of its followers. We will also find the very opposite characteristics and the horrible consequences suffered.
I fear some have been duped by culture and not realize it. Perhaps we've traded desires - Biblical values for earthly comfort and security.
Beth Moore, my favorite Bible teacher, once said, "If we aren't actively fighting the culture and making daily counter cultural choices based on our faith, then you can bet we've already been sucked in." I was raising pre-teens and teenagers at the time and took it to heart with a vengeance. She was referencing Romans 12:1, 2. I like the way the Message translates those verses:
here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday,
ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around
life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for
you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted
to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead,
fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.
Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it.
Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of
immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed
maturity in you.
Believe God loves you and wants you to be part of the people He will call His own.
Be the people He longs to call His own by obeying His commandments out of love for Him.
Show that love to others.
Don't worry about your physical, earthly well-being. That's God's job and He's promised to take care of you to the end.
Fix your eyes on Him and do not fear.
Be diligent in displaying God's reflection and character in everything you do and say while aligning yourself with those endeavoring the same goal.
Blessings or curses? The choice is ours. Just like all those Old Testament passages describe. (I think Deuteronomy is fast becoming my favorite one!)
Maybe we will find we don't even need to pray about some things very much, because the answers are right there in black and white.
We really are the keepers of Good News. We should be the most peaceful and confident people in every room. Let's act that way.
There is a world of confused people who would benefit from following our lead.
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