Can I ask you a question? What comes to mind when you think of Easter?
Baskets. Bonnets. Egg hunts. Girls in new dresses. Coloring eggs. Flowers springing from their bulbs. The candy (oh the candy! Best you can buy year round in my opinion.) Ham dinner with family. Church (for some the only or second time to attend year round). All good things. It is a wonderful holiday.
But it means so much more to me. Here's a highly rough kind of quote (in other words don't quote me quoting him) from Andy Stanley on why he has given his life to Jesus. "Anyone who can predict His own death and resurrection and then pull it off deserves to be listened to and followed because no one else has."
Since I believe Jesus did all of that and so much more, the actual holiday celebrating this miracle should get some HUGE attention on my calendar (similar to my love for Advent before Christmas). So we start early around here. Forty days early, to be precise. Two days from now.
Last year some friends, maybe you were one of them, and I read all four Gospels.

Four books and 85 chapters in 40 days (technically 46 - you get a few days off to catch up if need be). Totally doable.
I think I'll give this a name. How about I call it 40 Days Til Easter? Or 40 Days For Easter? Or 40 Days Of Easter? YES - The 40 Days of Easter. Pretty creative, huh?
Want to join me? Sure you do! You don't have to pray about it first. God always wants us to be reading His Word with the intent to get to know Him better.
And I can make you a promise - you won't regret it. We don't want to all of sudden find ourselves on Easter Sunday ill-prepared to worship with the gratitude God deserves. How much more awesome will that morning and all those leading up to it be when we've immersed ourselves in imagining where Jesus walked, who He talked to and what He did while He was here.
To ramp it up a little this year, I'm going to follow what one of my favorite authors is leading. Margaret Feinberg has put together a reading plan and adds a few extra fun things to try to make it even more meaningful.
The link you'll need is at the end of the post. After you go check it out and start printing, please let me know you'll be joining me. This kind of thing is always more fun with company.
We start Wednesday. Don't forget.
I can't wait to start! How about you?
Bible Reading Guide Through The Gospels
Thank you Angela, I'm joining you for the 40 days.
I can't wait to see what God reveals to you this Lenten Season, Angela! So thrilled you are joining me for this #LentChallenge.
Awesome Katie! Can't wait to see what God teaches us.
Thank you Margaret. I love your challenge. I raided my daughter's desk for colored pencils and had so much fun this morning!
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