Thursday, March 13, 2014

Our Son is a "Junkie" Would You Pray For Him?

Please pray for my son.  He's a junkie.  A mission trip junkie that is (which is exactly how we tried to raise him) and he's hopping on a plane very early tomorrow for his 4th trip outside the U.S. 

Some years ago we adopted a family dream - to take each of our kids on a mission trip to a foreign country.  Having been a part of a church who highly values and regularly participates in missions, we have seen that dream realized. (Yay North Syracuse Baptist Church!)

Imagine our delight when our kids catch the bug and continue to pursue every opportunity to go again.  Drew, Ben and Ally's passports are filling up and so are their hearts.  To date, collectively one has been to Kenya, New Orleans and Peru.  Two to Brazil and Costa Rica, and all three to Dominican Republic. 

Can I just stop one minute and tell you how deeply grateful we are as parents that they have these experiences inside them?  It is our hope and prayer that through these trips they see with their own eyes and hearts what cool things God is doing around the world, the people God wants reached with the Gospel and how they can be a part of it - lest they think American culture is all there is

Tomorrow morning (incredibly early) this tall drink of water (a.k.a. Ben) is flying out of JFK with a bunch of Word of Life Bible Institute students to spend their Spring Break (9 days) assisting missionaries by using sports to minister to kids of all ages in Panama.  Would you kindly pray for all of them?

We are asking not just for safety, but for God to move Ben toward the things that matter to the heart of God.  For direction and calling in his career/ministry direction.  That God would use him cross-culturally to participate in His purposes for all those they will come in to contact with on this trip. That Ben and all the students would be ruined for ministry.  And most importantly, that God will be glorified in all of it!  Yesssss!

A special heartfelt thanks to those of you who have supported Ben financially, for those of you who have already begun praying and for those of you who might just add your prayers to this trip.  We appreciate you all so much.  (I almost wrote y'all, but am not quite southern enough to pull it off.) Thank you for caring for our family this way.  We are blessed!

If you want to follow his trip on facebook, LIKE Word of Life Missions Spring Break Panama 2014.  Or go straight to the page by clicking here.  Ben assures me they will update it daily.  I certainly hope so.  Mom will be checking.

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