It's been a while since I've written. I've missed you and hope you have been well. Sometimes it's best to be quiet and keep things to yourself, to "be still" as the Bible puts it. My purpose for this blog always has been to express what God is showing me and doing in my life and that of our family - so that you can be encouraged in your faith journey. So, I'm jumping back in with hopes that today God will use these words to stir up a hunger in you for more of Him.
I notice some of my Facebook friends are gearing up for the month of November, when they daily name what they are thankful for. I think this is a good thing. Expressing thanks to God publicly for anything and everything glorifies Him, calms our hearts, and reminds others that there is always something to be thankful for.
I know I've mentioned in previous posts that I keep a list of gifts. I started it in May of 2011. Today I recorded #7673. Every morning I start my quiet time by jotting items in this journal. I recall the previous day remembering what brought me joy, what made me laugh, and what made me look up and pray aloud, "Thank you, God." then write it down. It's easy to do and I enjoy it knowing God is pleased when I am grateful and pointing to Him as the Giver of even the littlest things. (James 1:17) Each item is my personal gift from God to me - a way in which He says, "I love you, Angela".
The challenge in recent weeks has been to record the things that don't necessarily bring a smile to my face or cause me to want to high-five God. This spiritual discipline is a sacrifice of praise. Praising God when we don't feel like it. Thanking Him for what I don't want, for things that cause pain not joy. I tell you, it's not so easy. It doesn't come naturally. One could question, does He still love me? I'm the first one to admit I like a comfy, cozy life. Predictable even. Not a big fan when things don't go according to my plans, my pleasure or understanding. This is where the rub comes - the opportunity to grow. I don't want to be a fair-weathered follower of Jesus Christ only happy and joyful when things go as I think they should. Of what use would I be to God? I don't believe anyone in history has yet to have a pain-free life. It comes to all of us. So I choose to give thanks.
What's been dominating the list lately? I'm so glad you asked. :) Prayer. Concern. Meals shared. Encouragement. Love. Kindness. Advice. Understanding. Scripture promises. Grace. Mercy. Hope. (Don't rush through that - go back and savor them for a minute with me.)
Most of these gifts came packaged in bodies. People. Family and friends reaching out to touch us. Pride and self-sufficiency could stop the flow of receiving these kindnesses. Perhaps we've reached a new place where our weakness is greater than our pride - so we choose to receive. Scott and I have been greatly touched. For years it seems we have been the ones gladly extending these kinds of gifts to others so to be on the receiving end is a different experience, one that is truly beautiful. Heartfelt tears flow easily. Not a day goes by that we don't receive numerous phone calls, facebook messages, emails or early morning and late night text messages filled with life-giving words pointing us to Jesus and His ways which are not our ways, but trustworthy. It is humbling for sure but I am convinced God sends those who are in tune with Him to do the works of His Spirit. (2 Cor. 1:3,4)

We recently went to a familiar gathering place we haven't been to in a while. It was jam-packed with some of the above mentioned people. When I wasn't being hugged and kissed and loved on, I tried to stand back and watch the love gush onto Scott and our kids. GIFTS. We walked in empty and came out full.
God used the experience (and His people) to remind us who we are.
This brings me to why I'm writing to you today. You are on my mind because I know you have dark cloudy times in your life too when you can't see your hand in front of your face, when the pain eclipses the comfort and status quo of your life. I pray for you, my friends, that you have Christ-following God-lovers in your life who will do this for you in your time of need. These are people who are not so preoccupied with their own lives that they don't have time for you and yours. They are people who are so filled with the Holy Spirit of God that they splash over onto others. Likely, they've been through similar situations and have survived because of God's great love and care for them. Which, by the way, is abundant and available to you and me too. These are people who believe in you. Love you. They are neither disappointed in or impressed with you. They feel your hurt and seek to soothe it.
If no names come to mind, RUN don't walk to a Bible-believing church where both truth and grace are preached, lived and extended. Then make friends....even if you're needy. Jesus came for needy people. Not for the ones who can do it on their own. (Matt. 9:12,13) Because He is the perfect need-meeter (Phil. 4:19) and is waiting for you with open arms (Rev. 3:20). Can I get an AMEN?
In the meantime, please receive this blog post as my offer of love, concern and care and prayers for you. You are loved here.