A friend said to me yesterday..."Tomorrow's your last day in your house without Drew." It's true! Yesssssssssssssss! I can't believe seven weeks without that boy under our roof has passed. Tomorrow morning we leave (once again) on our road trip up to Schroon Lake, NY to spend a week camping at the Word of Life Family Campground. Drew will only be 9 miles down the road and across the lake. Then we get to bring him home a week later. For good. Well, at least until next summer. We'll see.
Anyway, I'm so excited to once again be the first and last person he sees each day. Can't wait to see him sleeping in his room. I'm so proud of him for spending the summer working for very little pay three hours from home knowing no one there the first day. He's come a long way. Two weeks ago he said, "It's gone by too fast!" Cool. He's looking forward to his church friends coming up tomorrow. What an awesome way to end his time there - with all his friends.
In the meantime, we made it. When it got time for him to leave I wasn't so sure I could do it. But we did it. Missing him all the way, but knowing he'd have a much more purposeful summer at WOL. Last week I heard a quote that fits here: "Anytime you expose yourself to the Word of God, He will use it to grow you." Well, he sure has been exposed to a lot of the Word of God.
I can't wait for the time we'll spend at home reminiscing all his experiences. And witnessing the changes that we are trusting God for. I've been praying so many things over that boy. I hope God has done a major work in his life. (I'll let you know).
Til then - we pack up tonight and head 'high, high, high' up in the Adirondacks first thing tomorrow. I expect to be hugging that kid by 1pm.
PS - Scott and I did just fine by ourselves for a week while Ben and Ally were at camp. So much so, we definitely plan to send them again next year!!
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