Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Time for a Change

Guess what I did today? I got the remaining Rubbermaid bins out of the basement to put away the last of the Christmas decorations. I know what you’re thinking, “Are you kidding me? It’s March already!” Ok so it took me a while this year. Truly I did put the majority back in the crawlspace right after New Year’s. Well, maybe it was more toward the end of January, but who’s keeping track? It’s so disappointing to put away all the shiny red ornaments, white lights and memory-filled items and replace them with…well, nothing. Not another holiday or season in sight! When there’s not a lot of snow it can be a dreary time of year. And truthfully, it’s just that I have some stuff that I can’t bear to only enjoy for a month out of the year. I admit it, I had a hard time putting away my two Kenyan Nativity sets, our clock that plays a Christmas carol every hour, the Christmas puzzle we put together and framed, and photos chronicling our family celebrations through the years. So I chose to leave a lot of it up for a while to keep the beauty and joy alive. It never occurs to me that I’ve left it up too long until a guest observes, and comments.

I really do love the changing of the seasons. Every one of them. Of course, winter is my favorite. Not only for Christmas and snow, but because it’s sweater weather. And casserole weather. Because we hunker down in our houses and sit closer together (maybe to keep warm). We play more board games and go to bed earlier because it’s dark sooner. We hibernate in a way. And that’s good. For a while….

But today’s a different day. They say you’ll know when it’s time. Today it was time. I suspect it had to do with the warm, sunny 50-degree day we were blessed with this week. We took off our coats, drove with the windows down and even stopped for soft ice cream after school. We were celebrating the hope and arrival of Spring. I especially love when the neighbors are out. It seems everywhere you looked they were there. Washing cars, walking dogs, riding bikes. Yup, we’re ready to break free and get outside.

I’m probably also ready because we are looking forward to going south for spring break from school. Just 35 days until we are putting our pale faces in the sun and walking on the beach and swimming in a pool. Wearing flip-flops, not boots! Making memories together and visiting distant family. Having something to look ahead toward such as this is what keeps me going when winter is dragging on.

It’s time to put off the winter doldrums and look ahead to Spring. Easter is such a vivid picture of this. And it’s so much earlier this year! When Jesus rose from the dead that dreary morning, with Him came all of our hope. There is new life! Old things have died – behold all things are new! It’s one more opportunity for us to be renewed. To have new breath breathed into our lungs. To look up, smile and go forward with a positive attitude. You know, like the kind of great attitude we have when the sun is shining, grass is getting green and flower buds start to appear.

So, what are you looking forward to in the coming months? I hope it’s something fun like a family vacation. Or some time off from work. Or reading a good book. Or a visit from a friend. Or sitting outside reading your Bible. Or taking long walks in a park. If you haven’t thought of anything yet why not start planning? Give yourself permission to dream. Pursue God with a renewed passion. Ask Him to SHINE His glory into your life. Don’t fall for the enemy’s scheme of mediocrity. Life doesn’t have to be boring. You were created for so much more. One of my favorite verses that motivates me to see things through God’s eyes is this one: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.” (2 Cor. 2:9) Or how about this one? “Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” (2 Cor. 4:16—17)

Look up! Winter’s almost over. Embrace the future with expectation. You might just get a “spring” in your step as you anticipate what great things God has for you in this next season. So, the boxes are in the basement and the Christmas/winter remains are out of sight until the day after Thanksgiving … (By the way, I heard on the radio yesterday that there’s only 297 days until Christmas – but that’s not relevant here.) ….and I’m happy.

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