Sunday, September 2, 2007

Lessons Learned in Kenya

It's hard to answer the question "How was your trip?" with a neat and tidy, concise statement. I've noticed since returning that God continues to reveal more about Himself and His purpose in it as the days go by. One thing I asked Him early on is "What has to change right now because I spent 2 weeks in Kenya this summer?" These are the immediate life lessons I believe He's requiring of me.

1. Treat everything created in God's image with respect. They each bear likeness to God. Look for good in everyone. Each one has a story - get to know it!
2. Love everyone. Even those hard to love. God's kind of love is not suspicious. Don't presume to know what others are thinking or what their motives are.
3. Die to self. Be generous w/my time and schedule. Stop being so self-driven. Give preference to others.
4. Be more hospitable. Share food and home. Lavish love of Christ on others in my home.
5. Do "good deeds" - the mark of a New Testament Christian.
6. Empower those in need, don't enable them. Be sure those I help depend on God, not me.
7. Trust God. Not self. Live out on the limb where God has to make life happen. No more operating in the comfort zone of my human abilities.
8. Live simpler. Downsize distractions of this world's pleasures.
9. Rely on prayer. Pray for others. Pray more. Don't try to manage own life.
10. Avoid sarcasm, jokes at someone else's expense and self-depracating humor. All my words should bring honor to God. Build other's up, everything else is not kingdom building.
11. Vigorously reject judgmental, condescending, negative presumptuous thoughts about others. Sinners can't rightly judge other sinners-not our job!
12. Dream! If I don't chase my own dreams, I'll live someone else's.

It's funny, I went on an overseas mission trip in hopes of changing the world for Christ (as much as you can in 2 weeks) and turns out Christ wants to change me.


Anonymous said...

Great Article! Written well and not hard to read. Keep it up Mommy!

Mary H said...

Love the photos! If you could only have 5 or 6 of them to keep, which ones would say "That was my trip to Africa". What a great experience to share with one of your children! I look forward to reading more.