After unwrapping, I always keep each one under the tree and look at them often. I think it’s because they speak love to me. Annual gifts like See's Candies and the White House ornament. A week or so ago, I got a box in the mail that was filled with “things I knew you’d love, that made me think of you”. This is my favorite thing. That and giving my own pre-Christmas gifts.
Usually these manifest themselves in festive items to enjoy while we wait for the real gifts that will be given on the 25th. Holiday flavored drinks, seasonally scented candles and shower gels, most anything sparkly. If it’s shiny, I’m probably going to buy it for someone I love and want to delight.
In the early mornings this Advent season, I look at the gifts we’ve received so far and am grateful to have been thought of.
Interestingly, once December arrives, my countdown to Christmas disappears. This month, all these days are what I’ve been waiting for and they are here. No need to rush through. As I work through my Advent study, which is dated, I see the days disappearing and dread the end. Sure Christmas Day is the best day, but afterward, the glitter fades and I hate that.
As I said in a previous post, I invite God to show up and show off during Advent. To come and show Himself, like He did in Bethlehem. Like He will again one day yet to be determined. To give gifts that will make us marvel at His love, generosity and presence.
So this week I've been spending those early minutes of the day making a list (lists are life!) of all the pre-Christmas gifts God has already given me from the whole year and especially these last few weeks.
The one thing (I thought) I wanted the most was not given and probably won’t be. This is ok because the aforementioned list supersedes any notion I may have had of what the heart really desires.
As usual, God has exceeded my expectations (His Ephesians 3:20 specialty). I’m overwhelmed. He loves His children. He gave the best gift ever - salvation which Jesus brought with Him from heaven - not just for “His people” but for all. For me. And for you. And He continues to lavish us with presents and presence.
These gifts come in many different sized packages. James 1:17 tells us “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights” (Christmas lights?).
Every gift you and I will receive comes from Him. He is the greatest gift giver of all time and I am the happy recipient this morning.
Like Joseph and Mary marveled at all the words Simeon spoke about Jesus in the temple eight days after He was born (this from today’s study - why you must take time for Advent in case I haven’t mentioned it), I marvel that God is still giving gifts. And that He chooses to give them to me. This truth alone is worthy of marveling. (Can you tell marvel and all forms of the word are one of my favorites during this season?) God’s generosity and love are worthy of some marveling on my part and yours. If we notice, that is.
I bet if you took a few moments in the morning or at night, whenever things are quieter, and looked around, you’d find some unwrapped pre-Christmas gifts from God. And if you’re really in the mood, you will marvel.
Let’s do.
I’ll give you a few of mine to get you thinking.
1. Sweet resolution of what can at times be a tense, frustrating relationship, a joy robber. I’ve learned that praying for peace, letting God do works of the heart, and humbling myself “God, if I’m the problem here, please change me”, can be the catalyst for Him to do His best work of transformation. BIG praise hands!
2. God moved my beloved firstborn, my beloved first daughter-in-law and my beloved first granddaughter back to Syracuse, close enough for regular visits!
Because it’s December and I have vacation time to burn, we’ve seen them every week (or every few days if you want to be exact) since their Thanksgiving week move. Gift! If you’re wondering, Drew is thrilled too. Just ask him. Or maybe don’t.
3. A church to become our new family, where we are led in worship and learning more of who God is and what He gives and what He expects from His children. Blessing!
5. Gifts purchased with love for others under the tree.
6. Children coming home for Christmas.
You get the idea.
What if we realized that the greatest gifts aren’t going to be under the tree (did I just say that?) but are quite possibly already given, already surrounding us?
This could change everything, namely our expectations and focus and capacity for joy and gratitude. I don’t know about you, but that’s what I want our holidays to look like. You too?
Well, you know what to do. Don’t waste a minute - start noticing (for extra credit, make a list, check it twice) then thank the Giver.
Feel free to give a few pre-Christmas gifts too (a few days left!), this is also life-giving.
PS. If you’re reading this, Scott Burtis, you did not hear me say I don’t want any presents. I don't think you ever will.
Lastly, gratuitous grandbaby pic. Marvelous.