Thursday, May 31, 2012

Could You Use a Little Love?

"Jesus did not commit Himself to them because He knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man, for He knew what was in a man."  John 2:24-25

If that's true and I believe what He says, then why do I? I forever seem to put my trust in man and caring too much about what they think of me. Why does their opinion matter so much?  Why am I trying to please or gain approval of anyone born here on Earth?  Or on another track, why am I so easily disappointed in and frustrated with others?  Even angry at times.  Whoever said that people are supposed to act a certain way in order to get my approval?

Oswald Chambers writes, "Our Lord never put His trust in any person. Yet He was never suspicious, never bitter, and never lost hope for anyone, because He put His trust in God first.  He trusted absolutely in what God's grace could do for others.  If I put my trust in human beings first, the end result will be my despair and hopelessness toward everyone.  I will become bitter because I have insisted that people be what no person can ever be - absolutely perfect and right.  Never trust anything in yourself or in anyone else, except the grace of God."*

The truth is, like Jesus, I don't need anyone to bear witness as to who I am in Christ.  No one.  I am His and He is mine and He feels very strongly toward me, no matter what I do or don't do.  (If you're shaky about this - go spend some time in the book of Ephesians.  So good!)  Nor do I have the right to judge another. A little further into John in chapter 3:18, I read "Whoever believes in Him is not condemned."  This was an epiphany moment for me when I read this a year or so ago.  I even wrote in my Bible with arrows in a circular shape the following three truths:

1.  I am not condemned by God.
2.  I don't allow others to condemn me.
3.  I condemn no one.

There it is, freedom from the vicious cycle of getting down on myself, believing everything said or perceived about me (whether it was true or not), and even worse, judging others.

Remember I mentioned recently that I'm reading the book of James. There it is, another sacred echo. Chapter 4, verses 11-12 speak to this issue of judging others.  As in so many other areas, he pulls no punches.  There's no room for flesh in these verses.  James instructs that we are not to speak evil against one another - that's judging.  There is only one lawgiver and judge.  "Who are you to judge your neighbor?" v.12

I don't know where you land in this area.  But my hope for you and for me is that we camp with the 3 points above.  Let's cut each other some slack.  If God doesn't condemn (I just have to stop a minute and praise Him for that), and we walk in the confidence that no one gets to condemn us, then let's bring it full circle and not condemn each other.  Let's reject becoming suspicious of others, bitter against anyone or losing hope that God is doing a work in a life - theirs and yours, by the way. We can make a difference.

Jesus says that the number one way we are identified as disciples is how we love one another. (John 13:35)   We only have so much time here on Earth to make an impact for Christ and if He says this is how to do it....I guess we'd better get to it!  Let's be patient and kind toward one another.  Let's show the love!  I hope you feel loved today.  By God, whose love is perfect and forever, and by me who is also crazy about you. Thanks for spending time here with me.

*My Utmost for His Highest

1 comment:

Laura Lee said...

Hello from South Carolina. I'm a friend of Ellen Bernhardt. She sent me a link to your blog and I'm enjoying reading your posts I can really relate to a lot of them. I think I'll share the link with my FB friends. It's nice to "meet" you.