Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Morning Moon

When a particularly bright moon, a dazzling radiant unanticipated interruption, draws my gaze to a supposed-to-be-dark window, I stop, take in the brilliance and think (actually pray), "Lord, I see you watching over us",  and I smile, feeling safe and noticed by the God of the whole universe.

Then there's the morning moon. It delights me for some reason. I think because it screams that God has held everything together while I was sleeping and I thank Him for that very thing every time I see it. Today was no exception.
I saw this guy shining in the window early and enjoyed my usual soul-pleasing thoughts. A few minutes later, settled in my chair with coffee and blanket, candles lit, Bible on lap, I read Psalm 139 - the homework I gave my Sunday school class for the week.

If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
  and the light about me be night,”
even the darkness is not dark to you;

    the night is bright as the day,

    for darkness is as light with you. v.11,12

This is one of my favorite verses to rehearse when darkness seems to be eclipsing light in my life. No matter how dark things get or how little I can see in front of and around me, it's not in the dark to God. Not even cloudy! John tells us, 

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, 
that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5

What an amazing comfort. He sees it all. Nothing is unclear to Him. Nothing a mystery. He sees all and knows all. He sees me. He sees everything that pertains to me. And if that isn't enough - He loves me! 

Currently darkness has invaded my vision and I can't see a foot in front of me. That sentence is amusing. Can we ever truly see a foot in front of us? No, we can't. And this is why the wisdom belongs to the one who surrenders that desire for control to the Only One who has it.
Morning moon speaks truth. Now my current darkness must bow its knee to God's ever-glowing light. Not unlike early morning fog, the peace God gives in abundance blankets me in - despite the haze - and I can start the day. Now that's illuminating.

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