Friday, November 13, 2015

For What It's Worth

It's rainy and windy here in the mountains this morning and I'm up too early but I do love the first hours of the day to begin with quiet.

So many people and their troubles weighing heavy. It may be holiday time, but these are not Norman Rockwell days for everyone. On my prayer list:

a friend who had her heart broken by a church and it's leaders
a friend who is struggling to salvage her broken marriage
a family and church who lost a young wife/mother/daughter/friend/pastor's wife in a senseless, "random" shooting in her home
a friend who is approaching her entrance into heaven slowly, day by pain-filled day and her family, dreading the impending loss and daily suffering

It's the season of Thanksgiving. Finally, something politically correct for everyone - to give thanks. I see many daily posts of gratitude on my social media. It is good to share these reminders of blessings that we enjoy. An excellent exercise for not just November but all year long.

Since reading Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts several years ago, I continue to keep my own record everyday. A list of all the ways God shows His love to me. I have found this to be life-changing. It tends to prevent me from my natural inclination to complain and grumble.

I'm also a big fan of spiritual disciplines, engaging in different practices for specific purposes, especially at holiday time. So as November approached this year I was eager for something to do to make my worship go deeper still.

A good friend sent me a link to an idea and invited me to join her. You can look at it here.
It is a 30 day Scripture writing plan. Of course, we all know we retain more information when we actually write it down, taking reading or hearing a step further. I have written a lot of Scripture through various Bible studies in my life and I absolutely know the deeper value. Yes! I was in!  Seriously, is there anything more wonderful than a blank book and a new pen?
Each morning as I write the suggested passages, I'm amazed at how God's Word speaks. Wild things happen. Prayers form for myself and more importantly, for the others who are on my mind (specifically those mentioned above).

It's thrilling to see repetitive words and themes emerge, especially those filled with promises for Christ-followers and the attributes of God that benefit us. I can't stop thanking Him. My heart loves God more and I'm eager to get up the next day and read what's next.

I know we are half way to Thanksgiving, but it's not too late to join me. I can't recommend this enough. Maybe you are struggling this year and not feeling much like celebrating or giving thanks because what you've got is not what you want. All the more reason to invite God in. Or maybe, like me, you need a little more than just a list of the good things in your life.

Whatever your situation, print this chart off or choose any Scriptures and start writing them down. A little bit each day and watch what happens.

Oh, and before I let you go... if you've read this blog for more than a year, you know that one of my favorite times of the year is coming, Advent.* Now is the time to start preparing for that too. (More to come on this.) You don't want it to sneak up on you.
These came in the mail the other day. I can't wait to dive in. December 1st won't come soon enough.

And yes, that is a tree up already, but it's not a Christmas tree. Notice the brown theme. Very November. Very Thanksgiving. No harm. No foul.

*If you would like to read more about Advent and why I love it so, just scroll through my late November/early December posts for the last few years.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

xo I really love when you justify your tree. ;)