Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Last Week of Summer Camp

Just got home an hour ago.

I'm sitting on my couch with feet on the coffee table, some news station on the tv in the background.  Number 2 of 48 loads of laundry in the washer. Aaaaahhh. You just don't realize how much you miss being barefoot on carpet and sitting upright until you are in a tiny cabin with just a bed and bathroom for eight weeks.

These last two weeks of camp have been wonderful. Scott and I have been plunged into training for our new positions before our predecessors leave. So much to learn, but we are loving it.

We've had lots of other fun too. Like a large Craft Fair - right here in town. What luck! Scott was thrilled. So I went with a girlfriend instead.

I mean, everything we saw just screamed Adirondack!

I could make that ladder. Somehow Scott's prayers were answered and I didn't spend any money.

Well, except on this popcorn, warm out of the kettle.  So so good.

I mentioned a few posts back how we work six, nine hour days a week. So this is what life in the cabin looks like most nights. Just two crazy kids, livin' wild without our kids!

My mom came up for a visit, mostly to see my kids, I think. So off to Word of Life we went. Have I mentioned how much I love that we are only 45 minutes away? I suggested to Mom that since we are at camp too, maybe she might want to being us a care package. I guess you never get too old to stop needing your mother. The contents get a little more sophisticated with age.

And we ran into a longtime friend. Extra bonus- hi Lois!

Our summer contracts at Camp of the Woods ended yesterday. Last night turned out to be a little tough as we said goodbye to most of our summer kids. These young men and women really captured our hearts in a short time. We sent them on their way back home and to college with hugs, some kisses (me to the girls), and our prayers.

How I love the family of God. Even if we never see these kids again on this Earth, we will be together forever in heaven one day because we share the same faith in Jesus Christ. That's a great hope.

We now have two weeks to deliver one son to college and get our affairs in order to begin our next season of ministry and new life in the Adirondacks.

He's home (all bushy haired and chocolatey brown)!!  For a few days anyway.
Stay tuned for more adventures....

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