Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Resolve 2008

  • Happy New Year! Here it is, January 1, 2008. Today is a day to think about change; a goal setter’s favorite day. This morning I’ve taken some time to look back on what kind of year 2007 was. What I enjoyed and what I endured. What I hope to experience again in 2008 and what I never see again! I don’t know what the year 2008 holds for me or for my family but I know who holds our future. God has a plan for our lives and He will execute it. That’s reassuring. Of course, that doesn’t mean it will be without pain, inconvenience or turn out to be the opposite of “my plan”. Still, it’s fun to daydream.

    Also, through the years, I’ve found it is very good to set goals. Not to reach perfection or be in control, but to have something worthy to shoot for. I got up this morning wanting to start the day and year with a clean slate. I confessed every known sin or weakness I could think of and then some questions came to mind. I wondered if you might like to ponder them along with me in relation to your life.

    v What could God do with me this year?
    v What area of Christlikeness needs to be focused on which will require change?
    v What sin do I continually stumble over?
    v How can I get my eyes off myself and be more aware of others?
    v In what area of my life is Satan discouraging me and winning?
    v How can God have more of me this year?
    v What do I need to give up in order to draw closer to Christ?
    v What discipline(s) could I implement in order to be more like Him and less like me?
    v What areas of hurt, bitterness or resentment do I need to forgive and let go of if I want to move forward in God’s plan for my life?
    v What gifts do I need to receive from God that I previously have not felt I deserve?
    v How can I live so that my life brings a smile to God’s face?

    Probably as you’re reading the list other questions more personal to you come to mind. I encourage you to write them down and pray through them. If we want to have success in any of the above-mentioned areas – we’re going to need resolve.

    The official definition of the word resolve is to determine or decide; to settle with determination. This is so intentional. It’s where we come in. In her study of Daniel, Beth Moore writes, “Do you want to live a life of integrity? We will do it on purpose, or we will not do it at all. Godliness is never accidental. Neither is victory coincidental. Both stem from up-front, daily resolve.”

    I studied the book of Daniel several times in 2007 and was so encouraged by the living examples of this Biblical concept of resolve. Daniel and his three friends (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) were four very young Israelites hauled off to a wicked city, Babylon. Right off the bat, they resolved not to sin; not to become absorbed into their new cultural surroundings. And although it was hard and certainly not popular they succeeded. That gives me hope that I can do the same if I become intentional about how I live.

    Sometimes, we can shrug off the notion of a New Year’s Resolution, because we know ourselves and our tendency to fail – so why try? I want to encourage you this year, the year 2008, to adjust your thinking as to what a New Year’s Resolution is vs. what is just plain old resolve.

    Remember, resolve is to settle with determination. Settle whatever it is today that keeps you from becoming all God dreams you to be. Determine that you will receive from His hand every good and perfect gift He wants to give you, whether you think you deserve it or not. Resolve that you won’t let anything or anyone keep you from the glorious plan He has for your life.

    I didn’t say it would be easy. If it was, it wouldn’t demand resolve (an action word!). But is there any more important quest that deserves your attention and hard work? There isn’t for me. Don’t just let life happen to you. Put some new verbs into your vocabulary – intentional – purposeful – consistent. Next January 1st as you look back it will pay off in numerous dividends like… Maturity. Victory. Freedom. Peace. Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!! I’m feeling motivated. How about you? Oh, and one more thing – if you stumble and fall – don’t give up – we don’t have to wait until January 1st for a new beginning. You can have a new one each and every day if you need it.

    Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Happy New Year to all of you.

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